February 04, 2013

Sunday’s Super Special Show 2013.02.03

A head-to-head match-up between opposing forces in the alternative media. Let’s see how long it takes before they send in the clowns.

Renegade Broadcasting

48k Download

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager Aug. 25, 2012

The Queer Question – seen through the “crimes” of Charlie Rodgers and Johann Hari

 Carolyn examines the issue of character within homosexual communities via two high-profile events involving a lesbian and a “gay”.

Charlie Rodgers‘ was recently charged in Nebraska with making a false police report alleging 3 men attacked her because she is a lesbian.
Johann Hari (pictured), a youthful journalism “star” in Britain was exposed in 2011 for chronically misquoting his interviewees, and of other misbehavior on the Internet. The Orwell Prize he was awarded in 2008 was withdrawn. Carolyn discusses his column in The Independent, “The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists.”
How common are the traits of these two individuals among their ‘sexual orientation’ group and how far should we go with homosexual participation in the White Nationalist movement?

Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour


February 03, 2013

Truth Militia Radio 2013.02.03

Stuperbowl Sunday Special
While countless millions across the country and across the world are watching the Stuperbowl, we will continue our discussion on the degradation of American society and the retarded childlike culture that exists here. For those of you not watching the garbage, we will be taking phone calls throughout the course of the show!
Truth Militia Site


Scorpio's Grand Conspiracy Hour Episode 27 - 2013.02.03

1) Great & glorious leader
2) Franklin Roosevelt
3) Fabians in America
4) Cops Gone Wild.

Scorpio's Talkshoe


The Brizer Show 2013.02.02

Brizer of Awake Radio interviews  Georg Ritschl .Georg is founder of OrgoniseAfrica and manufactures orgonite healing tools which can be used for a variety of reasons to deflect EMF's, the effects of chemtrails and HAARP. He has developed cloud busters as per the work of Wilhelm Reich, fuel-saver devices  and other energy devices to help in healing.

Awake Radio

64k  Download

Spingola Speaks 2013.02.01

Guest: Jukka Davidsson, author of In search of justice – Summary of an international law case in Finland; How the Jewish Mafia Nailed YOU!

A big Thanks to Fivewords for the file which is missing at RBN.

Deanna's site
News Page 

Official chat room

Join Spingola Speaks Email List


The Esoteric Hour with The Fetch 2013.02.03

The Esoteric Hour with "The Fetch" is an entertaining hour or more of Western esoteric history, philosophy, tradition, and knowledge as viewed from one of the leading Hermetic Qaballists of our time.

Awake Radio


Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com

Americans Are Being Prepared For Full Spectrum Tyranny

Totalitarian governments, like persistent forms of cancer, have latched onto the long history of man, falling and then reemerging from the deep recesses of our cultural biology to wreak havoc upon one unlucky generation to the next.

The assumption by most is that these unfortunate empires are the product of bureaucracies gone awry; overtaken by the chaotic maddening hunger for wealth and power, and usually manipulated by the singular ambitions of a mesmerizing dictator.

For those of us in the Liberty Movement who are actually educated on the less acknowledged details of history, oligarchy and globalized centralism is much less random than this, and a far more deliberate and devious process than the general unaware public is willing to consider.   Unfortunately, the final truth is very complex, even for us…  Read more here.      Download pdf

Great article, well worth a read.

256 Sheriffs and 6 State Sheriffs Associations Saying ‘NO’ to Obama Gun Control

Sheriffs have risen up all over our great nation to stand up against the unconstitutional gun control measures being taken. Read more here.

Unbiased Coverage:The Israel-Palestine Conflict Part 1


***PART 2***          ***PART 3***

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager Feb. 2, 2013

Should questioning motives and methods be called “infighting?”

 Carolyn does what she’s good at: Criticism of high-profile members of our “truth community,” some of whom are known as “pro-White” or “White identity” and some who are not.  This is so difficult to put into words, it’s best to go straight to the bullets:

  • The question of leadership comes up, and along with that – money;
  • Disappointment with David Duke and Ingrid Zundel for their association with Jeff Rense, Gordon Duff and others;
  • ‘Gordo’ Duff’s attempts to get representatives from all sides, including revisionists like Zundel and White nationalists like Duke, on his “internationalist” VT website;
  • Questioning Duke’s radio program on Dec. 13 treating Duff as a great friend;
  • Ingrid Zundel’s admission of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, several times over, in legal fees for Ernst – saying they can raise any amount they want;
  • Internationalist vs nationalists: never the twain shall meet;
  • Nationalism is always antisemitic and about racial purity – can’t be otherwise. 

Holocaust Books           Handbooks on the Holocaust         


Nights At The Roundtable 2013.02.02

The Renegade crew gets on the air to review the past week, discuss what's coming up, and consider our options moving forward. Which bridges should be burnt? What roads should be made?

Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download

Surffing the dream waves.2013-01-31

Mike Sledge resuscitating out of a temporary coma after a long night of mental masturbation and still hates DA JEWS!!!. LOL 


February 02, 2013

Tommy’s Tavern with Tom Metzger on Truth Militia 2013.02.02

This is the debut show of Terrible Tommy, on Truth Militia Radio. Tom Metzger and the Resist Crew will discuss a number of current events and pressing issues. Call-ins are welcomed.

Truth Militia Site
Tom' site


What's Ailing America with Dr Rebecca Carley on T.M.E. 2013.02.02

Guest: JB Campbell

Dr. Carleys Site

Micro effect


Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2013.02.02

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

Hour 3: Tom Goodrich, Author, Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947.

64k CF Download

Oracle Archive
Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com




CNN Goldman Sachs & the JEW Matrix


Holocaust Handbooks

Other Holocaust Books

The Conquerors Hour with Rich of Truth Militia Radio 2013.02.01

Welcome to the 1st edition of “The Conquerors Hour.” Tonight, the following topics will be discussed in detail… The Revival; My Side of the Story; Dealing with People on an Individual “One on One” Basis; with Whom Should we Ally; and What Can We Win? All of this and more. I will be taking phone calls throughout the course of the show!

Truth Militia Site
