August 15, 2013

18 Little-Known Gun Facts That Prove That Guns Make Us Safer

In other words, there is a very strong positive correlation between more guns and less crime.  This is the exact opposite of what the mainstream media would have us believe, but it makes sense.  You see, the reality is that criminals really, really, really don’t want to get shot.  When you pass strict gun control laws, you take the fear of getting shot away and criminals tend to flourish.
***Read article at IntelliHub***

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.14

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Trending Toward Disaster

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Tim Rifat - A World Gone To Hell

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

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Rense' site

August 14, 2013

The Histomap - Four Thousand Years of World History

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Spingola Speaks 2013.08.14

Guest: Mike King, the author of NWO Forbidden History, talks Adolf Hitler and King Edward

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Scott Horton 2013.08.13

First interview Will Grigg

Will Grigg, blogger and author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses the continued persecution of 57 year old quilt maker Rita Hutchens by the police and city government of tiny Sandpoint, Idaho; the character assassination of a Utah prosecutor who would dare indict a cop who broke the law; and how even local governments can conspire to ruin the life of anyone they choose. (Duration: 30:14 — 6.9MB)

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Second interview Antonio Buehler

Antonio Buehler, co-founder of the Peaceful Streets Project, discusses his efforts to bring accountability to out-of-control law enforcement; looking at cops through the eyes of black Americans; the latest Austin, TX police murder; and the 2013 Project Police Accountability Summit in Austin on August 17th. (Duration: 30:36 — 7.0MB)

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No Agenda Global Radio

David Duke Show 2013.08.14

Today: Dr. David Duke first talks about a new study from the University of Utah that shows even small amounts of sugar have a devastating affect on our health and even our achievement and willingness to stand up for ourselves, our family our rights and freedoms. Next Dr. Slattery comes on and the two academics discuss the latest outrage where anti-Zionist students at Florida Atlantic University have been sent to ADL re-education programs for simply daring to protest an Israeli war criminal.

David's site

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Man in coma after Black mob of 50 pummels him

Ray Widstrand thought he'd nothing to fear, living in a Black neighbourhood.
A St. Paul, Minn., man is in a coma today, fighting for his life after a black mob beat him, stripped his clothes off and left him for dead. Even if he recovers, he will have permanent brain damage.
(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.)

The Obama Regime’s Fabricated “Terror Conspiracy” in Defense of the Police State

If you can see a politicians lips moving,you know they're lying.
Representative democracies and autocratic dictatorships respond to profound internal crises in very distinctive ways:  the former attempts to reason with citizens, explaining the causes, consequences and alternatives; dictatorships attempt to terrorize, intimidate and distract the public by evoking bogus external threats, to perpetuate and justify rule by police state methods and avoid facing up to the self-inflicted crises. Such a bogus fabrication is evident in the Obama regime’s current announcements of an imminent global “terrorist threat” in the face of multiple crises, policy failures and defeats throughout the Middle East, North Africa and Southwest Asia . (

Israel's Undisputed Role in Training Middle East Terrorists

Lying,Evil Sons-Of-Bitches.
With the recent controversy surrounding decisions by the “secret Congress” and White House to openly arm, train, and assist the death squads wreaking havoc across Syria (commonly known as the Syrian “rebels” in more mainstream circles) truly informed observers have been well aware of the American, NATO, and generally Western backing of the terrorists ever since the beginning of the Syrian destabilization campaign that went live in late 2011.  (

All Israeli settlements on Palestinian land are illegal, US says

John Kerry. Stating the obvious.
All Israeli settlements on the occupied Palestinian territories are illegal, US Secretary of State John Kerry says.
Kerry made the remarks during a joint news conference with his Brazilian counterpart Antonio Patriota in the Brazilian capital Brasilia, where he arrived on Tuesday 13th August after visiting neighboring Colombia.

AFP Radio Network 8/12/2013

Mark Andersonond welcomes back John Devine and his son Mark, of Ontario, Canada. They offer broad insights on Canadian political corruption and its impact on both Canada and America--with related information and revelations on the flagrant abuse and contamination of the world's soils and fresh water supplies, the stress on fish populations and other factors that could lead to food shortages, and a host of other issues.           Show-page


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.13

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - American In Crisis

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - Veterans Today

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

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Rense' site

August 13, 2013

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.08.12

The Birth of a New Generation

Sinead returns to the show to discuss What Happened to Birth?, her recent article. Topics include: the big business of pregnancy, the atrocities of hospital birth, systematic mutilation of mothers and babies, natural instincts and folk knowledge vs. the “experts” of industry, healthy alternatives for parents, and why we need to empower our women.

Renegade Archive
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Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism


The Heretics' Hour 2013.08.12

A review of the chapter “War Crimes Trials” from Carlos Porter’s  new book of the same name – which details how the Allies’ International Military Tribunal that began in 1946 in Nuremberg used illegal standards of judgement. A reading of the Hague Conventions  of 1907 reveal that the accusations leveled against the Nationsl-Socialists were what the Allies were actually guilty of in every instance.

Similarly, today the so-called NSU Trial (National Socialist Underground) is being conducted via sensational headlines and pitifully little evidence for the purpose of reinforcing the verdicts at Nuremberg. That is what it’s all about: convincing the public that Nationalism attracts criminals and leads to the terrorizing of society.

Image: Public poster in German city with pictures of the Turkish “victims” reads: “Murdered by the NSU-Nazi-Murderers!” – even though the trial has just gotten started. Guilt is assumed; the trial is just a formality.

The White Network
Original Post
Carolyn' site

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David Duke Show 2013.08.13

Today: Dr. David Duke has another great program from the road, this time in Alabama not far from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. He discusses some of the fundamental principles of genetics and the foundations of what are referred to as ethnic or racial differences, and shows why all reason and evolutionary evidence supports the variation and diversity of all species and breeds of life, including human expressions, and that understanding the differences can lead to avoiding conflict and more harmonious societies. Then He and Dr. Slattery (a former economics professor in the Ivy League) discuss the latest Wall Street mega-scandal by Mr. Cohen which is described by a Jewish publication as an "entirely Jewish affair!" Today you will learn about how Jewish tribalists steal trillions of dollars from billions of the worlds' hard working and productive people.

David's site

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Spingola Speaks 2013.08.13

Guest: Clint Richardson, Producer of The Corporate Nation, Reality Blog; Cracking The Cult Of The Constitution

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Your mortgage documents are fake!

If you know about foreclosure fraud, the mass fabrication of mortgage documents in state courts by banks attempting to foreclose on homeowners, you may have one nagging question: Why did banks have to resort to this illegal scheme? Was it just cheaper to mock up the documents than to provide the real ones? Did banks figure they simply had enough power over regulators, politicians and the courts to get away with it? (They were probably right about that one.) 

A newly unsealed lawsuit, which banks settled in 2012 for $95 million, actually offers a different reason, providing a key answer to one of the persistent riddles of the financial crisis and its aftermath. The lawsuit states that banks resorted to fake documents because they could not legally establish true ownership of the loans when trying to foreclose.

Read the rest here

Unsealed court-settlement documents reveal banks stole $trillions’ worth of houses

One Nation (world) Under Siege

Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report with special guest Ken O’Keefe

Activist Kenneth O’Keefe joins Jonathan Azaziah for a blistering and inspiring discussion on Syria, Egypt, the Palestinian cause and why there is a lot to be optimistic about despite the darkness inflicted on the world by International Zionism.




Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.12

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Jonathan Emord - Constitutional Attorney State Of The Nation

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Pete Santilli & Chief Mark Kessler - The Price Of Honesty

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation Worsening - Yoichi Shimatsu Fukushima Report

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Rense' site