May 09, 2014

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.05.09

Charles finishes his topic on the demise of the Bronze Age and then for good form bashes the bible.

Oracle archive

32k CF Download

David Duke Show 2014.05.09

Dr. David Duke has two powerful subjects today. First he discusses the anti-Christian Jewish terrorism and hate attacks in Israel. He shows how the Jewish press published for Jews reports this news but the Jewish owned press for Gentiles does not. The Zio press covers up Jewish anti-Christian terror in order to continue to con Christians into supporting Israel and the Jewish anti-Christian power structure in America. Also in the program Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery go into some additional issues showing how the Khazar theory is promoted by Jews to lessen opposition to Jewish supremacism ! Great show. Share it!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Shock Footage: Marine Captures UFO Destroying Taliban Base: “Unlike Any Known U.S. Military Drone”

The following video footage reportedly taken in March by a U.S. Marine on the outskirts of a Taliban base in Afghanistan shows that the United States may have weapon systems that have heretofore never been seen by anyone outside of the compartmentalized development teams that built it. Either that or an extraterrestrial species has decided to get involved in the war on terror.
The video starts with a Marine recording what appears to be an unidentified aircraft hovering over the base, perhaps half a kilometer or so away. Within milliseconds of lights flashing from its underbelly a massive set of explosions rocks the base. After the smoke clears the video zooms in on the object, revealing a triangle shaped saucer-like aircraft often seen in science fiction movies.

Update: The video posted above and sourced via the UK’s Mail Online, Huffington Post, The New York Daily News, and Drudge Report is apparently a hoax. We have chosen to keep it available for users who may still be interested in viewing it, reading the commentary and joining the community discussion. Our sincerest apologies for any confusion this may have caused. When numerous credible alternative media and mainstream sources carry a particular report or video we generally assume, wrongly in this case, that it is legitimate. Thank you to the readers who have commented and emailed about this report to advise us that it may not be representative of the events as they actually happened.

Here's the original video 

My hats off to the hoaxer, great job  LOL

Anarchy in the USA! (and everywhere else) - BFP Roundtable
In this edition of the Roundtable, James Corbett, Sibel Edmonds and Peter B. Collins welcome Andrew Gavin Marshall for a discussion of his recent podcast on "Anarchy, Socialism and Free Markets." We talk about anarchism as a philosophy and what it really entails, as well as how it links to socialism, libertarianism and other political philosophies. We also delve into some of the questions and critiques that many raise to the idea of anarchism.

Evidence: Rebel Chemical Attack on Syrian Soldiers
WARNING GRAPHIC FOOTAGE 18+ : Not meant for shock but documentation of war crimes.

Czech brutality against German civilians June 1945 by Benes and his henchmen

Attack of the Superbugs!

Students Design Car That Gets 2,824 MPG!

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.05.08

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Clark McClelland - UFOs & stuff

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Jay Weidner - A Conversation

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

56k CF
Rense' site

May 08, 2014

NoAgenda Epsiode 615 - "Gravity Bomb" - 2014.05.08

Media Deconstruction Specialists Curry & Dvorak expound on various news-du-Jour out there in the MSM. And they ask you for your cash...not as often as Halbig does, but often enough!

The Thursday Show


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.05.08

The demise of the Bronze Age.

Oracle archive

32k CF Download

David Duke Show 2014.05.08

Dr. David Duke has another powerful show today with the follow up showing that the Jewish media now alleges that the revelation of massive Israeli spying is simply, "anti-Semitic." He shows the massive hypocrisy to think that a nation that wouldn't even exist if not for billions of dollars of America's dollars, would spy on and damage America is mind boggling. If any other nation did this it would be front page, lead story news in print and broadcast media the world over, but the overwhelmingly influenced Jewish press has deep-sixed this important story! Dr. Slattery also talks about this issue offering information on how even supposedly anti-Zionist Jews cover up the Jewish racism and tribalism that leads to the Jewish financial, government and media power that gives Zionism its punch. Another interesting show that needs to be shared to the world. And don't forget to link on blogs and websites, the Protocols of Zion website written about on That helps search engine ratings!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Bullshitter for the jews, John McCain: Young people upset about NSA spying because we’ve forgotten 9/11
*More information here

Do We Need MORE Gun Control? McGrath on PressTV
Did you know gun violence is down 49%? Most don't as the jew Media does not want to tell you the truth.
*Jew, Dianne Feinstein(born Dianne Emiel Goldman) Cries ‘Gun Control’ in Wake of LAX Shooting…What Else Is New?
*Gun Grabbers Make Home Visits 

Doomcast 40 - 2014.05.07

Deleted Doom!

Charlie McGrath and Doug Owen look at the predatory economic IMF warfare in Ukraine and the West's Statecraft. Lots of analysis and updates from the Doom Nation!

The Economics Of Marriage

Unfortunately for American men, there simply are not enough good jobs to go around.  In fact, the number of working age Americans without a job has increased by 27 million since the year 2000, and businesses in the U.S. are being destroyed faster than they are being created.
Due to a lack of economic opportunities, a rising percentage of our young people have been giving up on the “real world” and have been moving back in with Mom and Dad.  For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled “29 Percent Of All U.S. Adults Under The Age Of 35 Are Living With Their Parents“.  And when you break down the numbers, you find that young men are almost twice as likely to move back in with their parents as young women are. But economic factors alone certainly do not account for the tremendous decline in the marriage rate that we have witnessed in this country.  Shifting cultural attitudes also play a huge role.
***Read full article here***
*Also see comments at the article

The Outrageous Racist Hypocrisy of Israel and World Zionism!

'Jews For Jesus' Hypes The Holocaust
*More information here
*What Is the Gospel?

The 4 Deeper Truths about Benghazi and Libya

From the safety of Europe, Mr. Zeidan conceded what was obvious all along: Libya’s post-Gaddafi government has no army and no way of establishing its authority over the hundreds of militias that sprang up in the vacuum that followed the revolution. Libya has fragmented into fiefdoms, its oil industry is virtually paralyzed, massive traffic in illegal weapons is supplying militants around the region and extremist groups such as Ansar al-Sharia, which participated in the Sept. 11, 2012, assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, are unchecked.
The Obama administration and its NATO allies bear responsibility for this mess because, having intervened to help rebels overthrow Gaddafi, they then swiftly exited without making a serious effort to help Libyans establish security and build a new political order. Congress might usefully probe why the administration allowed a country in which it initiated military operations to slide into chaos.          ***Read full article here***
*'Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism'
*Confirmed: U.S. Armed Al Qaeda to Topple Libya’s Gaddaffi

F$%k the EU! (The EU is F*#ked) - The Geneva Business Insider
David L. Smith of the Geneva Business Insider joins us once again to discuss the latest in economics, finance, geopolitics and society. This month we tackle the ongoing Ukrainian crisis and how it will inevitably backfire on the EU and the US, the so-called European recovery, and the European immigration issue.