December 20, 2014

North Korea denies involvement in Sony cyber attack

North Korea's UN mission on Friday denied involvement in a cyber attack on Sony Pictures after the US FBI said it had evidence that Pyongyang was behind the hacking.
"Our country has no relation with the hacker," North Korean political counsellor Kim Song told AFP.
"There is no relation. This is not worth a comment."
***Read full article here*** 

Does Rothschild own all Central Banks?

The shocking realization that the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned by its member banks is one of the defining moments in any Truthseeker’s path. Eustace Mullins, coached by the indefatigable Ezra Pound, wrote ‘the Secrets of the Federal Reserve’, listing the banks owning the system. Ed Griffin then infamously plagiarized this book with his ‘the Creature of Jekyll Island’, to push the John Birch/Libertarian poison of the Gold Standard as a solution. We’re still dealing with this today, as seen in the ‘End the Fed’ movement.
The FED itself is now starting to move against its critics, claiming they ARE a Government institution, although partly independent. As Central Banks should be, which is today’s conventional wisdom in the Mainstream.          ***Read full article here***
*Usury: Weapon of the International jewish Banking Cartel Families against the world
*Money For People NOT Jewish Bankers 
*Secrets Of Jewish Money Control
*Jew Money and our World Leaders
*AFP’s Most Viewed Article: Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks 
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF

What Putin is not telling us

Even facing what under any circumstances is a perfect storm; President Putin delivered an extremely measured performance at his annual press conference and Q&A marathon.
The perfect storm evolves in two fronts; an overt economic war – as in siege by sanctions - and a concerted, covert, shadow attack to the heart of the Russian economy. Washington’s endgame is clear: impoverish and defang the adversary and force him to meekly bow to the Empire of Chaos’s’ whims. And bragging about it all the way to “victory.”
***See full article here***
*Prof. Michel Chossudovsky discusses President Putin’s annual press conference

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.12.19

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Harry Cooper - World War 2

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Harry Cooper - World War 2

Hour 3 - Encore

56k CF
Rense' site

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2014.12.19

Cynthia McKinney on truth-in-politics; John Morgan names Princess Diana's MI6 assassin

First hour: Cynthia McKinney was elected to Congress in 1992 and served six terms before running as the Green Party's 2008 presidential candidate. (Don't blame me - I voted for her!)

From Cynthia McKinney's biography: "On the first anniversary of the release of the 9/11 Commission Report, McKinney presided at a Congressional Briefing where dozens of experts and family members of 9/11 victims gave nine hours of testimony critiquing the Report's errors, omissions, and recommendations. Further testimony on 9/11 was heard at the Congressional Black Caucus' annual legislative weekend in September 2005, where McKinney also organized a brain trust panel dealing with political attacks on black musicians, including the MK-ULTRA and COINTELPRO programs conducted by the FBI from the 1950s to the 1970s." Her courageous grilling of Donald Rumsfeld on the 9/11 inside job is the stuff of legend.

Second hour: John Morgan says:

A bombshell new book published this week names the MI6 officer who headed the operation team that carried out the assassination of Princess Diana in Paris in late-August 1997. 


Kevin's blog

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December 19, 2014

Magnesium shavings anyone? LOL

"Don't believe the mainstream media": Brandon Martinez interview on Vancouver Coop Radio
*Who Controls America?

We’ve Known for 1,700 Years that Torture Produces False Confessions

As early as the third century A.D., the great Roman Jurist Ulpian noted that
information obtained through torture was not to be trusted because some people are “so susceptible to pain that they will tell any lie rather than suffer it” (Peters, 1996).  This warning about the unreliability of information extracted through the use of torture has echoed across the centuries.
***Read full article here***

*More information here

David Duke Show 2014.12.19

Today: Dr Duke talks almost as much as a drunk zapoper. An incredibly amazing show, share it! Don't forget to buy his book and send him money for Christmas.

David's site
Rense Archive 

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Central Bankers suppressing Russian economy
Economic hardship is being created by the foreign-controlled Bank of Russia's monetary policies, to spread mass discontent and facilitate a Maidan in 2015 to remove Putin. So claims Evgeny Fedorov, citing the colonialist Central Bank law, established after Washington's victory in the Cold War, and the system of fifth-column levers, methodically operated to steer the revolution.

2:59 Foreign banks own the production in Russia.
8:23 Putin has no authority over the Central Bank.
13:56 Bank of Russia is legally a foreign-controlled Central Bank.
15:21 Road map to Maidan 2015.

English subtitles.
Russian original from :

No Agenda Episode 679 - Sir Reeshmeister Presents "Self-Starterism" - 2014.18.12

TODAY; Cuba; SONY; F-Russia; Agenda 21; Caliphate!; Paki$tan; The Fix is In!; Furgeson; EuroLand; War on Crazy; Native Advertising; Ebola; KONY; Rectal Feeding; Obama Nation; Shut Up Slave!; NA-Tech News, and all your usual listening whilst waiting for Charles Guiliani to start broadcasting again favourites.

The Thursday Show.


Doomcast 71 - 2014.18.12

The week before Christmas Doomcast!
Charlie and Doug discuss Big Lips & topical News-Bits In This 71th Episode.


US soldiers raped Iraqi boys in front of their mothers

According to a number of global mainstream media sources, the Pentagon is covering up a disturbing video that was never made public with the rest of the recent torture report.
According to various well respected journalists, including Seymour Hersh, the appalling video was recorded at Abu Ghraib, the notorious US torture dungeon in Iraq that made headlines roughly a decade ago, when the inhumane tactics being used at the prison were exposed.
Sadly, it seems that the evidence released years ago was only scratching the surface.
***Read full article here***
*More information here

ISIS’ Bloody Footprints Lead From NATO Territory

It is clear that the ISIS threat was NATO all along, the culmination of a conspiracy spanning at least two US Presidential administrations, and resulting in a regional conflict marked by some of the most horrific barbarism documented in modern history.

With NATO feeding the ISIS threat directly, no serious attempt to destroy ISIS in either Syria or Iraq can be attempted without first cutting its supply lines leading from NATO territory. Clearly the United States, NATO, or regional partners like Israel, Qatar, or Saudi Arabia have any intention of doing so. As indicated by DW’s report, Kurds operating on both sides of the Turkish-Syrian border are attempting to seal off the flow of supplies leading from NATO territory.

The Syrian Arab Army, the Iranian forces supporting anti-ISIS fighters in Syrian territory, and the allies of both countries must insist that strict resolutions are passed to secure the border and stem the flow of ISIS’ lifeline. A clearly worded resolution, if voted down by the likes of the US and its NATO accomplices, will expose further the true nature ISIS and the misanthropic agenda of the West it is a manifestation of.         ***Read full article here***
*Twenty-six Things About the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL)
*Obama admits that his public ISIS strategy is wrong, Bashar al-Assad must be deposed
*ISIS is America’s Dream Rebel Army
*ISIS: the Useful Enemy
*U.S. Destroying Syria’s Oil Infrastructure Under Guise of Fighting ISIS 
*‘US waging war against Syria with ISIL’(ISIS)
*Meanwhile, Whatever Happened to Al Qaeda??
*'Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism'
*There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime of 9/11

Return Of The Jewish Neocons
*More information here

Leaked CIA reports say "targeted killings" unsuccessful
*More information here

Was the Sydney Siege a Propaganda Fail?

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.12.18

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - Canada's Massive H5N1 Poultry Disaster

Hour 2 - Encore

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Ebola Update

56k CF
Rense' site

December 18, 2014

The Deceptions of the Six Day War - DutchTV - Eng. Subs.
*Israel Keeping Palestine in State of Poverty, Fear 
*Sexual Consent & Israel's Biggest Lie — The Orange Strikes Back
*Binyamin Netanyahu: Obnoxious, pathological liar
*The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers
*Israel's Plan To Obliterate Gaza
*Gaza 2014
*Gazans were slaughtered. The European Union has no comments.
*Some important information about the Holocaust

David Duke Show 2014.12.18

Dr. David Duke will startle and shock you today with documented proof of a massive Jewish hate campaign and war on Christmas and Christmas traditions in the Western World. He quotes directly from Jewish sources and has such a powerful and logical presentation that anyone with simply a smidgen of open-mindedness will have an awakening to the reality of the Jewish-dominated society in which we live. He points out the banning of Christian symbols at Christmas, while Jewish symbols representing Jewish massacres of their enemies are erected on public land are erected in the USA and around the world. He shows how the media is completely controlled, because it does not expose the denial of rights to the 98 percent non-Jewish population to honor its traditions while the 2 percent of the population are given supremacy in their right to celebrate their own ethnic purity and power! He also has a deep discussion with Dr. Patrick Slattery on the nature of the conspiracy that Alex Jones always talks about, how Alex Jones talks about some conspiracy of money when it is at heart a powerful globalism with a racial-supremacist core. Dr. Duke shows how the Gentiles involved are actually servants who have their power dependent on their subservience to Zionist power, as although the world banking and media establishment supports open borders for America and Europe, it steadfastly supports the racist, terrorist, ethnic cleansing genocidal state of Israel. Why? Because any members of the establishment know that if they dare oppose Jewish supremacy they will be economically destroyed and media demonized. This is a powerful show that you MUST SHARE with every loved-one…mail the link to this article to every friend in your email address book and post it on your Facebook and twitter pages!

David's site
Rense Archive 

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