Doug Owen and Charlie McGrath discuss the terrorist attack in Paris against the Charlie Hebdo staff, and the pedophile, sex slave, captor, orgy organizer, banker, Jeffery Epstein's ties to the CFR and Rockefeller's as well as the political, financial, and Holly Wood elite.
It's the wrong time to be Muslim in America. It's post-9/11 target of
choice. Allied with Britain, France and other rogue NATO partners.
Israel against Palestine. Media scoundrels in lockstep. Regurgitating official pronouncements.
Accepting them like gospel. With no due diligence checking. No disputing official accounts. No questioning their veracity.
Muslims accused of terrorism are automatically guilty. Case closed. Evidence when absent is invented. Accusations alone suffice.
America's phony war on terror persists. Not a single independently
verified Muslim terror plot in America was foiled. No real terrorists
were arrested. None!
Fabricated ones were hyped. Previous articles discussed a fake shoe bomber. Fake underwear bomber. Fake Times Square bombers.
Fake shampoo bombers. Fake Al Qaeda woman planning fake mass casualty attacks on New York landmarks.
Fake Oregon bomber. Fake armed forces recruiting station bomber. Fake synagogue bombers. Fake Chicago Sears Tower bombers.
Fake FBI and other government buildings bombers. Fake National Guard, Fort Dix, and Quantico marine base attackers. Fake Boston bombers. Fake 9/11 ones. Numerous others. Incidents usually
strategically timed. ***Read full article here***
With information just breaking that the United States has been air dropping arms,
food and medical supplies to Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL)
forces in Iraq, supposedly the world’s latest terrorist enemy on
steroids, what has been suspected all along is now being confirmed. To add fuel to the fire, this news comes just as warmonger Senator McCain got busted for secretly and illegally entering Syria to meet with ISIL to coordinate strategy on that warfront. Clearly the ISIL is an ally to the US government in both Iraq and
Syria. The command headquarters operating out of the US Embassy in
Baghdad has been overseeing the US military airdrops of war supplies to
our purported latest enemy in various provinces throughout Iraq. Back in
October the US lied about an accidental dropping of supplies that went
to the Islamic State jihadists instead of to the Kurds. The strategy in
Iraq is to prolong the “war” against ISIL in order to ensure that permanent US military bases there
get established, something recently deposed Iraqi President Maliki
refused. It wasn’t so much Maliki’s poor leadership that spearheaded
persecution and killing of so many Sunnis during his reign of terror
that caused Washington to finally pull the plug on him. It was his kicking Americans out of his country entirely at the end of 2011 that brought his US orchestrated removal from power several months ago. ***Read full article here*** *U.S. creates ISIL(ISIS)
TODAY; Paris; F-Russia; Agenda 21; Pipeline$!; LGBBTQQIAAP; SONY; Shut Up Slave!; MIC; SnowJob; KONY; Caliphate!; NA-Tech News; Poppie$tan; EuroLand; Drone Nation; 28 Pages; Real News, and all your usual listening whilst taking a dump and commenting smugly on how Jewie the whole process is!
David Duke discusses a recent interview he did on Al Jazeera, that he
recorded and has the perfect right to release, if Al Jazeera does not
show it.
talks about how the Zionist control of the media works and shows how
even networks that purport to fair on the Israeli, Palestinian issue
regularly appoint biased Zionist extremist Jews to head their news
programs. In this case it was the anchor for the evening news David
Shuster who has been a pro-Israeli, Jewish activist for years.
Duke speaks about how in the interview he spoke the facts about the
Zionist control of the major media conglomerates -- which Shuster said
was an untruth, and when Dr. Duke began to rattle off the Jewish Zionist
ownership of the largest networks, Shuster just bubbled over with hate
and tried to talk over the same way O'Reilly did!
truth is that Palestinians and all of us will continue to be devastated
by these Zionist wars until their control over the Western media,
finance and government is broken.
know that very well, that's why they try to demonize Dr. Duke and bias
the listening audience against him with incessant, childish name
in the broadcast Dr. Slattery give the latest in the ongoing Nicki
Minaj headlines over Dr. Duke's true criticism of the damage that the
Jewish-promoted rap music and videos do both African American and
European American youth as well as every people on earth, and how the
Jewish supremacists distort and spin his comments in their attempt to
divert both blacks and whites away from the real rulers of rap, and
general music as well as the entertainment and news media.
It happens more often than you can imagine, but more Doctors are
finally getting caught in the act of misrepresenting their oath and
fraudulently diagnosing healthy patients with cancer to turn a quick
buck from kickbacks on chemotherapy poisons.
Why shouldn’t Doctors lie when the entire cancer industry is one
gigantic fabrication from start to finish? Is it any wonder that cancer
societies worldwide put a far greater financial initiative on
chemotherapy and radiation research than disease prevention techniques?
Preventing disease doesn’t make money, but treating disease certainly
As we continue playing this charade of making the public believe that
poisons treat cancer, people will continue to die, and Doctors will
continue to make money up to the day of their patient’s death. ***Read full article here***
Today Dr. David Duke has a foundational show that begins by a
discussion of the recent Zio media lies about Dr. Duke's comments on the
Nicki Minage, and the filthy, violent and destructive gangsta rap music
that so damages millions of young African Americans and a sector of
young white Americans.
corrects the lies that are now being headlined in the Black media to
divert them from understanding the Jewish role in this destructive
direction the Jewish music moguls are pushing rap music -- toward
degenerates such as Nicki Minage which surely harm the values that most
thoughtful blacks want for their people.
order to divert black and white people from his truthful comments about
the Jewish power behind this filth, Zio media has lied and said that
Duke attacked Minage because she spoke in support of anti-police
demonstrators. Totally untrue.
The have lied that Duke said blacks didn't create
rap. Untrue, Duke said that the Jewish moguls of music simply
popularized it and its most destructive forms in their controlled media.
finally they lie that David Duke blames Nicki Manaj for this damage. In
his originally reported radio show he says specifically she in not to
blame, she is nothing, one who deserves no recognition and would receive
none in a healthy media and society, the blame must fall on the music
moguls who peddle this toxic filth to our youth!
also early in the show talks about the secret relationship between
blacks and Jews and the role of the Jews in the most horrendous part of
slavery the slave trade itself under which millions of blacks endured
horrendous suffering, all while they demonize whites for the slave trade
which actually was Jewish not European based. -- But not a word of this
Jewish control in the mainstream Zio media.
Dr. Slattery joins Dr. Duke in the final segment
and he documents the whole controversy.
ListenDownload Hour 3 - James Fetzer - Sandy Hook And Boston Bombing Frauds. PS: This ain't getting old at all. I hope that we will still be discussing this in ten years. LOL
The UK government is acting as a proxy for the GMO biotech industry.
It is attempting to force GMOs into Britain on the back of what it hopes
will be an apathetic, ignorant, confused or misinformed public.
GMOs are not needed to feed the world’s population (see here).
They represent another phase of intensive, petrochemical agriculture
that is causing environmental, health, social and economic devastation
across the planet (see here, here and here).
They are not part of a solution for hunger or poverty. As has been well
documented, they and the globalised industrial model of trade and
agriculture they belong to are part of the problem (see here). ***Read full article here***
Daz Lumb has been a Nationalist Activist for 15 years in Yorkshire.
He was a local Organiser for the British National Party (BNP), and
stood for local election. He was also Regional Organiser for the BNP for
a short time.
Daz has been an active member of the National Front (NF) since 2012, and has delivered speeches at events and meetings around the UK.
Daz also supports the North West Infidels (NWI) and the Combined Ex Forces (CXF) campaign group.