June 01, 2015
The Holocaust Hoax Exposed - Steven Anderson
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*'Marching to Zion' Official Full Film
May 31, 2015
The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2015.05.31
Robert Ransdell
Kyle speaks to Robert Ransdell yet again, covering a wide variety of topics: reflections on Robert’s Senate race, his legal victory after the MLK protest, his recent activism with TradYouth, his possible future with the National Alliance, criticisms of his no-nonsense approach, and much more.
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
Marching to Zion (Part 2)—Christian Evangelicals Fall Into Black Hole of Sodom and Egypt the Synagogue of Satan
Part 2 of the Texe Marrs interview of Pastor Stephen Anderson in regard to the Jews, Israel, and heretical Christian Zionism. The new video, Marching to Zion, has interviews of four Jewish rabbis. It also includes interviews of Texe Marrs and biblical leaders. TexeMarrs.com
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
*The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made
Radio Wehrwolf - White Privilege 5/08/15
Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization. Dion@radiowehrwolf.com
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
U.S. DOD Admits Supporting ISIS, Buffer Zones In Syria
While the Western mainstream press and other “independent” gatekeepers
were attempting to paint the suggestion that the United States was
supporting ISIS in Iraq and Syria as a “conspiracy theory,” the US
government was indeed supporting ISIS in Iraq and Syria but hiding
behind a narrative of democracy-loving freedom fighters and “moderate
rebels” as it did so. This narrative was disseminated by the same
Western press that labeled the alternative media as a collection of
paranoid schizophrenics for reporting what has now been confirmed by the
DIA document release a full four to ten years ago.
Note also the justification provided for such support: not only is the goal to “isolate the Syrian regime,” it is to prevent the “Shia expansion,” meaning the arc of influence held by Iran, growing daily largely due to Western imperialism, hypocrisy, tyranny, and double standards. Instead of attempting to combat Iran’s influence in a race for development and the raising of living standards, the West funds jihadist savages to behead and rape their away across civilized nations. This is because the goal is not merely to disrupt Iranian influence, it is to destroy Iran completely. Even Iran itself is a stepping stone to a greater confrontation with Russia and China.
***Read full article here***
*Destabilization Doctrine: ISIS, Proxies and Patsies
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures
Note also the justification provided for such support: not only is the goal to “isolate the Syrian regime,” it is to prevent the “Shia expansion,” meaning the arc of influence held by Iran, growing daily largely due to Western imperialism, hypocrisy, tyranny, and double standards. Instead of attempting to combat Iran’s influence in a race for development and the raising of living standards, the West funds jihadist savages to behead and rape their away across civilized nations. This is because the goal is not merely to disrupt Iranian influence, it is to destroy Iran completely. Even Iran itself is a stepping stone to a greater confrontation with Russia and China.
***Read full article here***
*Destabilization Doctrine: ISIS, Proxies and Patsies
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures
10 Tools Needed By Globalists To Finally Get Their One World Government
We all know that to build a house you need to have the right tools. Not
having the right tools makes the difference between success and
failure. So, then, what tools might the globalists be using right now to
advance their plans for a one world government, the so-called new
world order of global enslavement?
***Read full article here***
***Read full article here***
May 30, 2015
The Covert Report with Susan Lindauer 2015.05.30
Guest: Richard Presser.
“Half of all science is probably false.” So confessed the Editor in Chief of Lancet, Dr. Richard Horton, “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” …Topics include: Henry Ford, The Rothschilds, the “science” of Monsanto & the fad of GMO seeds, wiping out bio-diversity. To climate science. To the nature of God and existence itself.
32k CF Download
Truth Frequency Radio Archive
Marching to Zion (Part 1)—Christian Evangelicals Fall Into Black Hole of Sodom and Egypt the Synagogue of Satan
Texe Marrs interviews Pastor Stephen Anderson in regard to the Jews, Israel, and heretical Christian Zionism. The new video, Marching to Zion, has interviews of four Jewish rabbis. It also includes interviews of Texe Marrs and biblical leaders. TexeMarrs.com
*The New Babylon: Those Who Reign Supreme - PDF
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Adolf Hitler Mega-post
*9/11 Mega-post
*The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War
*The biggest mistake the American people made
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.05.29
Listen Download Hour 1 - Jim Kirwan - A New Approach?
Listen Download Hour 2 - James Fetzer - Updates
Hour 3 - Encore
56k CF
Renses' site
Radio Wehrwolf - Rudolf Hess 4/27/15
Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization. Dion@radiowehrwolf.com
Radio Wehrwolf Archive
Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
May 29, 2015
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2015.05.29
Gilad Atzmon vs. political correctness: "I am a reactionary essentialist"
Gilad Atzmon, author of the new A to Zion, one of the great minds and great musicians of our time, has been called a lot of things: "Self-hating Jew," "self-hating Israeli," "anti-Semite," "skinhead nazi sympathizer" (and plenty of other "unlovely terms"). What he really is, is a philosopher – not the phony academic variety, but the real thing – a gadfly like Socrates who commits the ultimate sin (according to the neocons) of seeking and uttering the truth in the public square. He's also calling himself a "reactionary essentialist," the two worst insults that a mindless liberal academic can throw at another mindless liberal academic.
In this interview Gilad explains how various issues or institutions
(Palestine, the 2008 financial implosion, big banking in general,
Hollywood, false flags, Pam Geller) are becoming "Jewish problems" – a
situation that has, in the past, occasionally led the goyim to throw the
Jews under the bus. As anti-Jewish animosity grows, Gilad suggests,
Jews (as a tribe or collective) attempt to monopolize both sides of each
dispute in order to keep a lid on the situation. Examples: The liberal
Southern Poverty Law Center, a spin-off of the Zionist propaganda organ
ADL, attacks ultra-Zionist genocide advocate Pam Geller as a racist;
anti-Zionist Jews "speaking as Jews" take over the pro-Palestine
movement; many liberal Jews including Soros support the Occupy movement
against the (disproportionately Jewish) banksters (such as Soros); and
so on. Even the Cold War, according to Gilad, was a "Jewish problem" in
that the disproportionately Jewish communists battled the
disproportionately Jewish banksters who dominated capitalism. When the
Cold War ended, neocon Jews staged 9/11 and created the "War on Terror"
(i.e. the war on Israel's Islamic enemies) to replace it…while liberal
Jews set limits on permissible discourse opposing/exposing it. Those who
transgress those limits, as I have, are drummed out of
(Jewish-dominated) established institutions, endlessly smeared and
defamed, and denied the opportunity to earn a living.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
Gilad Atzmon, author of the new A to Zion, one of the great minds and great musicians of our time, has been called a lot of things: "Self-hating Jew," "self-hating Israeli," "anti-Semite," "skinhead nazi sympathizer" (and plenty of other "unlovely terms"). What he really is, is a philosopher – not the phony academic variety, but the real thing – a gadfly like Socrates who commits the ultimate sin (according to the neocons) of seeking and uttering the truth in the public square. He's also calling himself a "reactionary essentialist," the two worst insults that a mindless liberal academic can throw at another mindless liberal academic.
Kevin's blog
24k CF Download
David Duke Show 2015.05.29
Dr. Duke covered a lot of territory in the show today. In particular,
he revealed a lot of information about the various machinations in the
ISIS conflict that have put the US, Saudi Arabia, and other Zionist
flunkies in the Middle East on the side of ISIS, leaving President
Assad's Syrian Army and Lebanon's Hezbollah movement alone to fight for
human decency and sanity.
He and Dr. Slattery also discussed developments in the presidential election. Senator Rand Paul on an appearance on the Morning Joe show stated that the ISIS crisis was created by hawks in his party who loved Hillary's war in Libya so much that they wanted more. His sensible statement, however, is being lost in a flood of wannabe Israeli puppet presidents like Chris Christie and Ted Cruz, who spent yesterday yet again kissing up to Jewish megadonors in New York, including kingmaker Sheldon Adelson. This was a fast-paced, free-wheeling show that will be a lot of fun to listen to. Please share it widely.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
He and Dr. Slattery also discussed developments in the presidential election. Senator Rand Paul on an appearance on the Morning Joe show stated that the ISIS crisis was created by hawks in his party who loved Hillary's war in Libya so much that they wanted more. His sensible statement, however, is being lost in a flood of wannabe Israeli puppet presidents like Chris Christie and Ted Cruz, who spent yesterday yet again kissing up to Jewish megadonors in New York, including kingmaker Sheldon Adelson. This was a fast-paced, free-wheeling show that will be a lot of fun to listen to. Please share it widely.
Davids' site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
No Agenda Episode 725 - "Cricket Flour" - 2015.05.28
The Thursday Show. |
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2015.05.28
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - American On The Brink
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates
Listen Download Hour 3 - James Fetzer - Updates
56k CF
Renses' site
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