Kyle speaks to Thule and Wolf about the new government initiative in “countering violent extremism”, which they recently covered on Thule Productions (see for links & videos). This is a well-funded program that will soon be targeting our activists with underhanded and “extreme” measures, with NGOs working in tandem with government intelligence and law enforcement agencies. We discuss how this indicates just how desperate our enemy is getting and how we must now struggle harder than ever. Calls are taken at the end.
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!"
Nick Spero Hosts
Hour 1 - Guest Kyle Hunt Election;Trump Card; White genocide etc Hour 2 - The history of Breitbart; Trump's Jewish influence Hour 3 - Invasion of Libya with guests: James and JoAnne Moriarty
Robert David Steele, Ibrahim Soudy discuss "America under Donald Trump"
First hour: Is Donald Trump a false flag candidate? Or could he become a genuine reformer? Let's ask a relatively optimistic observer, Robert David Steele. Steele is a former CIA officer with false flag experience, and a pioneer of the Open Source Intelligence movement. He is also a key
force behind the book Orlando False Flag: The Clash of Histories.
In this interview we will discuss two of his recent articles:
would like to talk about "The Reaction of Americans including Muslims
to the Election of Trump" when there is a chance on the program. It is
beyond STUPIDITY." OK, Ibrahim, here's your chance!
Nick speaks with Jan from History Reviewed Channel about The Great Jewish Mask
in Hour One. Hour Two: They discuss South African history, subversion,
White genocide, how White’s must be vigilant and fight for what they’ve
David Duck talks with Bob Iger's Disney and both agree that Hollywood's model is the way to go! "We Need Aliens" was heard out loud according to Marc Collette who was there to "Document The Event".
Charles discusses the 50s movement of writers, which essentially was modern art in written form, intended to confuse and reshape the public mind for the nefarious purposes.