Robert David Steele on Pedogate, Fake News and Donald Trump
Robert David Steele joins Our Interesting Times to provide his take on the developing Pedogate (aka Pizzagate) scandal, the "fake news" smear of the alternative media, the Wikileaks exposure of the Clinton Foundation and the threats Donald Trump faces as he enters the White House.
Robert is a former CIA agent with several years of experience in counter terrorism and the co-founder of the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity. With 40 years experience across all aspects of intelligence, he is also the most published advocate of intelligence reform. He has spent the last quarter century trying to return the craft of intelligence to its roots: advocating open source intelligence in support promoting peace and prosperity. Robert is a former the Reform Party presidential candidate and a sharp critic of the current two-party tyranny. His website is Robert's blog covers many topics of significance including the Deep State, false flag operations, elite pedophilia and the rigged electoral system.
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