Video: Whites CAN’T fool Jews; But Jews CAN fool Whites! – Deborah Lipstadt
Can you detect Jewish lies? If a Jew were to lie to you tomorrow would you be able to see through the Jews’ lies? In this video we do a “before” and “after” analysis where I try to give you a test and then I analyse the Jewish methods afterwards.
In this speech, the Jewess fools the white audience, but the Jewess is NOT fooled by her white enemies … the “revisionists”, the neo-NAZIs, etc.
Whites think they can fool Jews by pretending to not be “racist”. We study a short speech given by the Jewess Deborah Lipstadt, who defeated David Irving in a court case. (What the Jews elect NOT to mention is that they poured $30 million into her coffers when she took on Irving!)
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