"Since Nicolas Sarkozy, the Israeli secret service has made a rapprochement with the French authorities, helping to thwart several attacks. But mistrust remains. "
In full reactivation of attacks directed against the people of France, whose enemy is not the people but the oligarchy, Le Figaro publishes a strange article to the glory of the Mossad, one of the first producers of terrorism in the world. We learn that the Israeli intelligence service has helped our services thwart a lot of attacks. The newspaper does not say if it helped our services to foment others or if this foreign service has duped ours in a few bloody occasions.
The paper that recently turned against the Yellow Vests (with an avalanche of negative articles) goes into the history of France's relations with Israel through the infiltration of the Mossad in our intelligence, and in our military intelligence but that, Le Figaro does not say: it is limited to evoking the stormy relations of De Gaulle with these infiltrated intelligence services after the war of Algeria.
No one is unaware that it was Sarkozy who put the Mossad back in the saddle with Squarcini, who went to "see" the Israeli boss Meir Dagan. This collaboration has interlaced the two services and has damaged the image of the independence of France, which has lost all credibility in the Middle East. Sarkozy has also reintegrated France into NATO without asking our opinion: it is the privilege of the presidents who do what they want, behind the backs of their people.
The last paragraph of the article makes you tremble:
"Officially, cooperation between the services of both countries has never been so close, especially to fight against terrorism. Since 2015, several attacks have been foiled, partly thanks to information sent by the Mossad: for example the dismantling by DGSI, in November 2016, in Marseille and Strasbourg, of a jihadist cell of the Islamic State suspected of wanting to take action. As well as the arrest, at the end of June 2018, in Belgium, of two Iranians suspected of preparing an attack during a rally of Iranian opponents in Villepinte. In fact, everyone continues to watch the other out of the corner of their eyes ... "
This is kind of an incongruous article - but it has the merit of shining a dim light on the deep state - that will startle Panamza, the site accused of all the conspiracy by the French Zionist lobby. In fact, about the Strasbourg massacre, the investigator unearthed a troubling detail.
"The Strasbourg resident who described the terrorist as a" madman "is a Jewish activist and Zionist affiliated with the Israeli regime. The proof in sources.
A fact that concerns: in his press conference in Strasbourg, the prosecutor Remy Heitz, former first magistrate of Alsace and successor of the prosecutor (under Zionist control) François Molins, claims that there are witnesses of the attack of December 11th having asserted that the gunman shouted "Allah Akbar". "
"Curiously, among all the witnesses solicited by the written and audiovisual press, NONE corroborates this allegation.
And among this tiny handful of "direct" witnesses interviewed, one does not exactly have an innocent profile on the political plane.
More precisely: this woman is radically rooted in the most right wing and religious fringe of Zionism - to the point of working (since Strasbourg) for an Israeli organization. "
This astonishing presence is perhaps the consequence of the "close relationship" that our services maintain, on a higher order (Intérieur, Élysée) with the Israeli services.
But how to trust a service that has made its glory and its fortune on misinformation and manipulation? Can we believe in selfless help from the armed arm of the politico-military caste of Tel Aviv?