July 13, 2019

Tucker Investigates: How did Chris Cuomo get into Yale?

E Michael Jones: Logos is Rising? <----- Limited Hangout

��Clown World: Episode 17

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2019.07.13

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

GoFundMe – ITEL’s Relocation Fundraising Campaign

Hour 1 - The (((MSM’s))) Insane Headlines Re: the Social Media Summit
Hour 2 - Callers debate influence of Freemasonry-Judaism on NWO
Hour 3 - Jews Block ICE Facilities to Ensure Mass Flooding of the US with 3rd World Immigrants

64k CF Download

Email: thefetch@insidetheeyelive.com
Revolution Radio @
Revolution.Radio Studio A
ITEL @ Archive.org

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2019.07.13

Powers & Principalities Episode 109

Gary Webb

Timothy's Podcasts


The Alan Buttle Radio Show 2019.07.13

Episode 25 - Checking in, personal developments, disputes, miscegenation, pride month, my latest research.


Lawsuit Claim: Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein Argued Over Taking Teen’...

The Jews getting arrested at ICE centers are just getting started

If you’re going to physically block an entrance to an ICE detention center, the handbook says, don’t act nice about it.

Do chant in Yiddish. Do sing Hebrew prayers.

“Defiant, angry, urgent, Jewish,” reads the #NeverAgainIsNow Action Toolkit, a six-page Google Doc meant for Jews planning to protest at Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention centers. “The goal is to actually make it impossible for ICE and/or the Democratic Establishment to do business as usual. Find the chokepoint and shut it down — we are not f**king around here.”

Your Saturday Cartoons 2019.07.13

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2019.07.12

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Harry Cooper - Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3

Download Hour 2 - Harry Cooper - Gallery 4 Gallery 5 The Corvette

Download Hour 3 - Rick Miracle - Internet Censorship Victim How It Can Happen To You

64k CF
Rense's site

July 12, 2019

Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2019.07.12

Nadeem Haque on animals’ consciousness, souls & afterlife; Ralph Cinque on his new film “My Stretch of Texas Ground”

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of multiple books which deconstructs the "war on terror". Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. Blacklisted from teaching in the University of Wisconsin system since 2006 for questioning the events of 9/11, Dr. Barrett now hosts radio shows and is a public speaker.


64k CF Download

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2019.07.12

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Guest, Bruce in Texas (9/11)

The Real Deal Archives

64k CF Download

The Realist Report with John Friend 2019.07.12

Jeanice Barcelo

The Realist Report.com


The David Duke Show 2019.07.12

Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.

Today: Dr Duke & Mark Collett Expose the Zionist Rooted Mossad Epstein Sex Trafficking Scandal & CoverUP !

Rense Archive


64k CF Download

False Flag Weekly News with Kevin Barrett 2019.07.12

Ian Greenhalgh exposes Jeffrey Epstein

  Expose False Flags, Stop War on Iran!


False Flag Weekly News is a weekly investigative news program that covers extremely controversial subjects. We want to remind our viewers that “Questioning” of Official Government or Mainstream Media Stories Is Not Hate Speech, nor is it Fake News, it is Free Speech that is protected by the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.

NoLiesRadio Archive

64k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2019.07.11

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at Rense.com and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - More Betrayal, More Invaders

Download Hour 2 - Gerald Celente - Trump's 'Booming Economy?

Download Hour 3 - Gary Holland - 10,000 Quakes Hit CA, NV In Last Week Coverup Of China Lake Disaster

64k CF
Rense's site

July 11, 2019

Off the Wall

Are White People Too Stupid To Survive?

Are White People Too Stupid To Survive?

Paul Craig Roberts

There is a strong case that they are.  Having been demonized for many years and intimidated from defending themselves, white people are now intentionally discriminated against by the racial “minorities” (actually vast world majorities) of the people they have been pressured to elevate above them.  Once the “oppressed” are put in charge by dumbshit whites, the whites are really oppressed.

Heterosexuals or straights are also demonized and bullied.  White males are portrayed as rapists, but no one is permitted to say that about the flood of illegal Third World migrants that have overrun Europe and the US.  When young white girls 10 years old are gang-raped by the migrants, it is “racist” to complain.  Everywhere in the Western world, what little is left of it, the political leaders have abandoned the white populations. We only have traitors.

No Agenda Episode 1154 - "Goldfish Invasion" - 2019.07.11
