March 11, 2020

Myth of the 20th Century #161 - 2020.03.11

Entitlements – The High Cost of Good Intentions

Myth of the 20th Century



Corona Virus The Good The Bad and the Ugly

The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1208 - 2020.03.11

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.

Dr. Eric Karlstrom – Mind Control: The Technology

Info Page

Andrew Carrington
The Synagogue Of


The David Duke Show 2020.03.11

Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.

Today: Dr Duke and Patrick Slattery
Rense Archive


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English Woman Wants Ireland To Deport The Afghan Asylum Spoofer She Brought Here

A technology worth understanding.

Now why would they not have this old technology in the movie "Mad Max" ?

How Inter- Parlamentry Union In Canada gives the UN Control over MPs and Senators

Watchmen: Exploring The Big Lie

The cosmic perspective at Globalism's core...

Climate Change Makes Book Change Colors & Coronavirus Hoax Head Games

Can anyone find the original sky news clip? I find this very odd, almost as if someone is fucking with us and maybe this is not the real clip in this video.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2020.03.10

Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.

Download Hour 1 - Mike McGill  - Oil Wars, Stocks Go Wild, Virus Causing World Chaos

Download Hour 2 - Frosty Wooldridge  - The Virus At The Border

Download Hour 3 - Dr. Henry Niman PhD  - Nightly Coronavirus Report

64k CF
Rense's site

March 10, 2020

The Matrix Has Gone Blue Screen

Vaccine damage is a win win for the establishment

Canadian Flag - Embedded Remphan - 6 Pointed Star

What more proof do you need? :)

Radio Free South Africa with host Schalk van der Merwe 2020.03.10

Updates On The South Africa Situation

Guests: Jason Bartlett, Andreas Johansson and Mike Hovila from

I don't know how to describe Schalk's audio and I wouldn't even be able to reproduce such a noise. LOL

Revolution.Radio Studio A
Resolution Rdo
Radio Free South Africa

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TYRANT COPS MAKE A BIG MISTAKE - Silverthorne Colorado - First Amendment...

Release the Home Office's Grooming Gang Review in full

The Government is refusing to release official research on the characteristics of grooming gangs, claiming it is not in the “public interest”.

We, the British public, demand the release of the official research on grooming gangs undertaken by the Government in full.

It has been revealed earlier this year that an almost 19,000 suspected child sexual exploitation victims were identified by local authorities in just one year.

Sajid Javid promised the review as Home Secretary in July 2018, pledging that there would be “no no-go areas of inquiry”.

“I will not let cultural or political sensitivities get in the way of understanding the problem and doing something about it,” he said at the time.

Sign the Petition   currently 107'000+ 

Alex Jones Arrested For DWI In Texas

InfoWars founder and America's leading conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was reportedly arrested for a DWI in Travis County, Texas, where he's lived for decades in the state's capital city of Austin.
Jones was booked by State Police in the early morning hours of Tuesday. The Austin Statesman reported that he was booked at 12:37 am. The driving while intoxicated charge is a Class B Misdemeanor, and the 46-year-old Jones was released shortly after 4 am when he made the $3,000 bail.

So long as he doesn't have a long history of DWIs, he likely will receive community service, probation, alcohol abuse classes or a fine in exchange for the charges being dropped. Jones became a household name four-plus years ago when President Trump praised him for his loyal coverage and excellent reputation, a comment that seemed to enrage Trump's political opponents. For Jones, a spate of personal and professional problems soon emerged, culminating with last year's ruling against Jones in a lawsuit filed by the parents of children killed during the Sandy Hook shooting, which Jones once decried as a hoax. Over the years, he and his company Infowars have been de-platformed by every major social media company (FB, Twitter etc) as well a YouTube and even the Apple App Store. Receive a daily recap featuring a curated list of must-read stories. Your email...

During what appeared to be something of a comeback for Jones, the notorious second-amendment advocate showed up to a Virginia pro-Second Amendment rally last month in a tank. Nearly 40,000 Americans are killed in car accidents every year, many of them involving at least one driver who was over the state legal limit. Hopefully, if this is a bigger problem than just a momentary, idiotic lapse, Jones can get the help he needs.

The David Duke Show 2020.03.10

Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.

Today: Dr Duke and Andrew Carrington Hitchcock – Special Show on Novel Strategies to Protect Yourself from Coronavirus that the Media Ignores!
Rense Archive


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The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 1207 - 2020.03.10

Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.

Paul English – Slimey And Mr. Grey: The Waldorf And Statler Of Before Its News

Info Page

Andrew Carrington
The Synagogue Of


Episode #24 - Whitney Webb and Web of Lies in Afghanistan