Published by John Kaminski: Monday, 20 December 2021 18:59
in the wreckage of a world
dying from fear of death
Senseless enforcement violence attempts
to protect people from a plague
that doesn’t exist with a poison that does
Two long freight trains on parallel tracks, going in opposite directions at warp speed.
Tearing the world apart.
Lives, jobs and businesses splintered by the collision.
The wreckage is everywhere.
Stunned survivors wander the ravaged landscape in desperate confusion.
Our future looms as a dark uncertainty as our survival has suddenly been thrown into terrifying doubt.
Speeding toward each other and then well past each other, the crash
of the two conflicting narratives has already occurred, leaving the
debris of its psychic tornado spread around the world in families and
nations split by tectonic emotional shocks, small businesses closed
forever, people banned from their own jobs for merely trying to be safe,
and innocent victims following their doctors’ orders dying violent
convulsive deaths at far too young an age.
The more that is revealed about the fake COVID epidemic, the harder
governments crack down on those who see through the lies. Lockdowns,
arrests, passports and jabs continue despite the rigorous detective work
that has revealed the entire caper as a fraud to deprive humanity of
its individual freedom using the universal fear of a contrived disease
for its totalitarian takeover.
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