Audio Available here:
The Best Rant of The Plandumbic
Gone with the wind, erased from JokeTube, Rumble, Entropy, etc...
Nuclear Truth Bomb Too hot to handle
Blows away all the rants listed in Mami's sidebar.
!!! General Jeremy McKenzie Rocks The Canadian House of Morons !!!
🍁RageCast 268: COPE AND SEETHE
RagingDissident Published August 12, 2022
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The Arsee MPigs couldn't take it anymore!
CSIS is C-SICK of being ridiculed and laughed at!!
Their little minds are exploding with guilt and paranoia!
we got caught lying and everybody hates us! Police make it stop!!! (But
then go away cause you're all colonizers and white supremacists) The
damage they've caused to society is irreparable. I hope the torment they
receive as a reward for their service to evil is so overwhelming it
inevitably ends them!
These presstitutes should be thankful they're not getting their useless fucking skulls smashed against the nearest brick wall.
Wil Paranormal Is Back From The Grave… Is Not Dead And Is Alive And Well, And Here’s What Happened!!
Wil Paranormal Is Back From The Grave… Is Not Dead And Is Alive And Well, And Here’s What Happened!!