The Almighty Weakening Dollar: Will It Loose It’s Reserve Status Anytime Soon?
-Russia – China and their influence in weakening the dollar
-Andy believes the BRICS Banking system is a long way off
-The “American Plan” is here to stay – for the moment
-Fed Board members concerned about the 2.5 Trillion slush fund at the Fed, as is Andy – Inflation
-Near zero interest rates for banks continue to be the play
-Capital Controls are coming regardless of FACTA being postponed
-What would happen if The Boys buy up most of the gold and silver coins
-China and Russia sign energy deal that is not a big deal when you read the fine print
-Andy believes silver will ascend in price when the fix is off in August of this year
-Teddy Roosevelt invests in massive amount of silver in 1905 – Hear the story
Tesla Motors and Solar City have it going on
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
May 21, 2014
Mike Sledge Radio 2014.05.20
Mike Sledge Is Back To Destroy All Bolshevik Eskimos
Tonight on the broadcast Sledge is back from a well deserved rest and is ready to rip up the microphone. He will discuss everything that is worth discussing and promises it will be politically incorrect. From dot heads to brain damage, from big gulps to vodka, from Bolsheviks to BS and everything in between!! Also your phone calls and lots of Sledge apathy and loathing.
Sledge Radio
Mike Sledge on Clear Channel
NOTICE: Mami's admins do not necessarily endorse Mike Sledge's views and opinions.
Tonight on the broadcast Sledge is back from a well deserved rest and is ready to rip up the microphone. He will discuss everything that is worth discussing and promises it will be politically incorrect. From dot heads to brain damage, from big gulps to vodka, from Bolsheviks to BS and everything in between!! Also your phone calls and lots of Sledge apathy and loathing.
Sledge Radio
Mike Sledge on Clear Channel
NOTICE: Mami's admins do not necessarily endorse Mike Sledge's views and opinions.
David Duke Show 2014.05.21
Dr. David Duke discusses the tremendous impact on his new documentary on his upcoming book, The Illustratedd Protocols of Zion. He explains the realist of Jewish extremism and Jewish racism and illustrates that in the program by pointing out the Jewish attacks on his video by Jewish racists and supremacists, attacks that came out within hours of his new video being uploaded. He then goes into the latest Jewish mainstream media attack on European Christians for "antisemitism" saying that antisemitism originated in European Christians, when Jewish literature is full of hatred against Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Syrians and others long before organized Christianity. Then he brings on Dr. Slattery who discusses the truth and impact of the new video and book The Illustrated Protocols of Zion, and why it needs your support right now! Be sure to share todays show and make a generous gift to this vital work because your help is absolutely vital for its ultimate success!
David's site
Rense Archive
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David's site
Rense Archive
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The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.05.21
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Joel Skousen, editor of World Affairs Brief. Joel and I will be discussing Putin, Russia, and Ukraine, and the alleged "fall of Communism" with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Communist regimes of Eastern Europe in the early 1990s. Callers are welcome!
Below are relevant links for this program:
- Analysis of Strategic Threats In the Current Decade (2010-2020) - Joel Skousen
- Historical Deceptions - Fall of Communism
- Ukraine, or Jewkraine? - William Finck
- Christopher Story - The Perestroika Deception (vid)
- "The UniPolar world refers to a world in which there is one master, one sovereign, one center of authority, one center of force, one center of decisionmaking. This is pernicious - at its basis there can be no moral foundations for modern civilization.” - Vladimir Putin (a Globalist puppet?)
AFP Radio Network (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.05.21

Delcroix Outside Radio
Charles finishes his discussion on Tesla and then: The writings of Christopher Hitchens, Judith Levine, Alon Ziv, Erica Jong and Ayn Rand/Rosenbaum.
Listen on Shoutcast Or
A View From The Bog
Delcroix Outside Radio
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
Outside Radio Archive
64k CF Download
9/11 Truthers to protest 9/11 Museum
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.05.20
Listen Download Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Trends Come Home
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dr. David Duke - Stunning New Classic Book - The Illustrated Protocols Of Zion
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Kirwan - A Conversation
56k CF
Rense' site
May 20, 2014
Monsanto Double Standards and the Crumbling “Scientific Myths” of the GMO Biotech Sector
In late 2013, nearly 300 scientists and legal experts signed a statement affirming that there was “No scientific consensus on GMO safety.”
It all raises the question: if there is no consensus, and there clearly is not, if double standards exist, and they certainly do, then why are we, the public, and for that matter the environment, being used as guinea pigs in a massive experiment? We know why. It is an agenda that is based on arm-twisting, deception, false promises, duplicity and flawed science to benefit the bottom line of a handful of commercial enterprises and the wider geo-political aim of controlling the planet’s food supply.
***Read full article here***
It all raises the question: if there is no consensus, and there clearly is not, if double standards exist, and they certainly do, then why are we, the public, and for that matter the environment, being used as guinea pigs in a massive experiment? We know why. It is an agenda that is based on arm-twisting, deception, false promises, duplicity and flawed science to benefit the bottom line of a handful of commercial enterprises and the wider geo-political aim of controlling the planet’s food supply.
***Read full article here***
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.05.20

Delcroix Outside Radio
The Tunguska event and the Tesla technology that may have been involved.
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A View From The Bog
Delcroix Outside Radio
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
Outside Radio Archive
64k CF Download
The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.05.20
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Dr. Jim Fetzer. Dr. Fetzer and I will be discussing issues pertaining to academic freedom, political correctness, and freedom of speech. We will focus primarily on three topics and how they are treated by the mainstream educational and academic establishment and the mass media: the alleged "Holocaust" of European Jewry during WWII, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the events of 9/11. Calls are welcomed!
Note: Gary King joined us during the first hour to discuss the latest controversies within the JFK research community, and the series of radio programs he has done with Dr. Fetzer.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- Academic Freedom Conference: JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust
- Noam Chomsky, temporary faculty and the future of academic freedom - Dr. Jim Fetzer
- Fetzer on Chomsky: Linguistics & 9/11
AFP Radio Network (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)
David Duke Show 2014.05.20
Dr. David Duke Today Launches his new groundbreaking documentary film on The Illustrated Protocols of Zion! In this show he discusses both the new book and his incredible video documentary that has been uploaded today! He gives the background of the protocols, truths and myths about the Protocols, and how the book will make The Protocols exponentially more powerful by proving the Protocol's assertions by Jewish sources in the modern world! Dr. Slattery also adds excellent commentary. It is important that supporters of this work make a generous gift that will help publish and propel both the book and the vital work of Dr. Duke!
David's site
Rense Archive
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David's site
Rense Archive
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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.05.19
Listen Download Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - The Many Gods And Goddesses Of Judaism
Listen Download Hour 2 - Cheryl Chumley - Police State USA - Orwell's Nightmare Now Reality
Listen Download Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Report
56k CF
Rense' site
May 19, 2014
The Spingola Zone at AFP 5/19/2014
Deanna's guests are Eric Hunt, the creator of the very popular The Last Days of the Big Lie (2011) The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax (2014), & The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax and Friedrich Paul Berg.
American Free Press
The Barnes Review
Holocaust Handbooks
Holocaust Books
*More holocaust hoax information
American Free Press
The Barnes Review
Holocaust Handbooks
Holocaust Books
*More holocaust hoax information
Zionist Canada bows to the jew scam holocaust religion
Officials of the Harper regime recently announced the
construction of a new “holocaust” monument in Ottawa set to be completed
in the fall of 2015.
It should come as no surprise that the Harper regime is backing this new holocaust monument project, considering that the ruling neo-conservatives in Ottawa have openly expressed their adherence to Jewish supremacist ideology on numerous occasions. Harper and his lackeys in Parliament have incessantly praised the apartheid state of Israel (a nation birthed through ethnic cleansing and mass terror) and have vehemently denounced those who challenge or criticize Israeli imperialism and state-terrorism.
***Read full article here***
*More information here
It should come as no surprise that the Harper regime is backing this new holocaust monument project, considering that the ruling neo-conservatives in Ottawa have openly expressed their adherence to Jewish supremacist ideology on numerous occasions. Harper and his lackeys in Parliament have incessantly praised the apartheid state of Israel (a nation birthed through ethnic cleansing and mass terror) and have vehemently denounced those who challenge or criticize Israeli imperialism and state-terrorism.
***Read full article here***
*More information here
David Duke Show 2014.05.19
Dr. David Duke begins by a great segment on the recent article by Jewish researcher Paul Eisen who exposes the fact that Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust Museum literally overlooks the site of Dier Yassin mass murder site and mass grave, a perfect metaphor of the whole Holocaust saturation of the worldwide zio media. No museums or remembrances for the untold greater number of Gentile victims of Jewish murderers such as occurred in the Red Terror! Then he is joined by Dr. Patrick Slattery and he discusses his new article on the "whitewashing" of Donald Sterling which shows how the Jewish treatment of Sterling in relation to his Jewishness is quite revealing. A great show, share it, and be sure to support the Illustrated Protocols publishing project.
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
David's site
Rense Archive
56k CF Download
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.05.19

Delcroix Outside Radio
Charles finishes his Friday topic on " the rat race " and then rambles on à la Charles. lol BTW. One of his good ones.
Listen on Shoutcast Or
A View From The Bog
Delcroix Outside Radio
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
Outside Radio Archive
64k CF Download
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