Charles discusses one of his favorite subjects, Bible dupes and their inconsistent beliefs and behaviors. He gets some callers, including a few from a devoted listener who changes his number.
Historian James Hufferd on "Return to a Benevolent Military"
Historian James Hufferd writes: "In my forthcoming novel, Colonel
Crystal’s Parallel Universe, the main character, a retired Iraq and
Afghanistan top flight commander, Air Force Colonel Alva A. Crystal,
living in seclusion on a deserted stretch of the Florida Gulf Coast,
dreams of and tries to promote through a series of talk radio
appearances a return to an overall, downsized, strictly defensive
mission for the U.S. military, leading to the re-creation of a
'Benevolent Military.' For committing this grave heresy against the
M.I.C., he ultimately pays with his life."
In this interview we discuss the book and article, as well as the
current presidential campaign and other issues...including the
possibilities for a mass awakening that could make Col. Crystal's dream a
Kyle speaks with Patrick Chouinard, author of Forgotten Worlds, Lost Race of the Giants, The Lost Worlds of Ancient America,
and more. Topics include: the origins of the Aryan people, the
archaeological evidence of our incredible pre-historic ancestors,
worldwide presence, redheads and blondes, the onset of Christianity, the
deliberate erasure of our past and our bloodline, future prospects, and
so much more.
The battle for America’s soul amped up this week, as voters showered Wikileaks with love for exposing Hillary’s corruption , and THREE national polls gave Trump the lead. Today’s guests, Scott Bennett and Michael Jay Anderson analyze the character flaws Hillary revealed at the Third Presidential debate. The questions Americans have got to ask are: Do We the People want a cunning President who deflects and pivots from exposure of her crimes, by inventing all new lies that have to be picked apart. From blaming Russia for WIKILEAKS to denying Haiti’s despair over stolen Earthquake funds with stories of the great generosity of the Clinton Foundation— Hillary was at her best. No doubt Hillary’s corrupt to the core. Scott and Michael Jay concur with your Faithful Host that Americans must take this lady down at the Ballot, or resort to Special Prosecutor and Impeachment. We’re quite happy to hold up Supreme Court nominations and key Cabinet appointments until Congress consents to an Independent Prosecutor. If YOU vote for Hillary, WE will remove her! Until that day, Democrats will suffer shame and scorn for your hypocrisy & corruption! There’s just no excuse EVER for foisting corruption on the rest of us! We Will Not Accept Hillary Clinton as Our President. Never! Never! Never! Democrats might be blind, but the rest of us are VOTING Trump for very good reasons! BATTLE ON, FRIENDS!!! HEE HAW!!!!!
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware. Hour 1 - The presidential campaign and the Trump card Hour 2 - Trump at the Al Smith dinner (Clips and commentary) Hour 3 - Callers mostly discussing Trump
Nick Spero does a solo show to discuss the recent attack on US internet sites, the actors on the recent Red Ice debate livestream, The Council for National Policy, Alex Jones, skull and bones, and others “on the right” who conspire with the jewish elite to control the United States, and the whole world, through subversion and other secretive tactics.
Jody Williams, Barry Kissin, Ellen Brown and Ibrahim Soudy expose terrible truths
Jody Williams, formerly
notorious as the "high tech madam," now helps sex industry workers – of
whom some are living in virtual or actual slavery – to escape from "the
Ellen Brown, author of the alt-info bestseller Web of Debt, explains why California needs a state bank.
Ibrahim Soudy, a Ph.D. structural engineer and member of Architects and
Engineers for 9/11 Truth, is one of America's leading Muslim voices of
social criticism.
Charles continues his discussion of the Christians/Chrestians and their
tortuous hypocrisy. A number of callers are taken, some of whom
apologize for the dupes.