Julia Tourianski on Trump, the Alt Right, Sexual Politics and more
ulia Tourianski returns to the show to discuss the US presidential elections, the Trump phenomenon, her videos on male and female mating strategies, "misgendering," social engineering, the Alt-Right reaction to political correctness, and a few other topics.
Julia is a researcher and filmmaker based out of Toronto, Canada. Her website is Brave The World.
Charles talks about Trump’s deluded fans, how Scalia’s death seems to have been the result of “wetworks”, and other revelations regarding Clinton and Podesta doing some “spirit cooking” with Abramovic.
Kyle has on Robert Reyvolt, Sinead McCarthy, chris dorsey, and Nick Spero for a segment each to talk about the election fallout and what we have to deal with in terms of controlled opposition shilling for the United States federal government.
Today’s guests, Scott Bennett and Michael Jay Anderson celebrate the election victory of President-Elect Trump. But the show’s dominated by demands for a Special Independent Prosecutor to conduct a thorough investigation of ALL Hillary Clinton’s crimes of corruption against the America people– including “pay to play” policy selling in exchange for cash donations to the Clinton Foundation,and outright thievery from the Pentagon budgets! WARNING: This Show contains graphic adult language. See, Trump’s DEVOTED SUPPORTER and YOUR BELOVED HOST was one of the victims of Hillary’s thievery! No crocodile tears from Soros’ paid recruits off Craigslist, or stormy tears from Millennial anarchists burning American flags will sway us! Hillary must pay for crimes– just like any other citizen!
Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!"