November 09, 2018
I Was Wrong All Along. Aliens Are Here: Oumuamua - Thomas Sheridan
I don't know about you but i'm not so quick to dismiss ideas like this out of hand any more. So many different things streamed through my mind while listening to this it would take pages and pages to express them... i wouldn't even know where to start. It's such a shame we can't trust any of the institutions we were programmed to think of as authorities...
Occult Magick - Origins and History
In 1951 a law was passed in the UK outlawing the church from further prosecuting witches and magick. I think that would coincide with when the media began using illusion and word magic on all of us. <-- that was not a part of the video, that's my two cents... it's good video, imo... short, yet succinct.
What is Diatomaceous Earth? Benefits of and where to get it...
There are many more benefits than he touches on in this very short video... you can learn much more by going to the site where i get mine which is <-- They've got the best prices out of anywhere. Be sure to check out the testimonials page, it's one of the few sites that i've encountered where the testimonials are not lies... i can personally attest to the benefits of diatomaceous earth.
November 08, 2018
Thousand Oaks, California 'BODERLINE BAR AND GRILL' Event via RT.COM
More b.s. - under two minutes...
November 07, 2018
The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2018.11.07
Andy Gause is one of the most respected monetary historians and contemporary experts on the American and international banking systems. Andy has a tremendous understanding of our monetary and economic systems and has attracted a wide following with over 1,000 TV and radio appearances. Andy publishes a newsletter and has authored two books.
Show Highlights: HERE
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
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What This Election Is About
By Paul Craig Roberts
November 06, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - I never cease to be amazed at the insouciance of Americans. Readers send me emails asking why I ever supported Trump when he was the Establishment’s candidate. If Trump was the Establishment’s candidate, why has the Establishment spent two years trying to destroy him?
The failure to put two and two together is extraordinary. Trump declared war on the Establishment throughout the presidential campaign and in his inaugural address.
As I wrote at the time, Trump vastly over-estimates the power of the president. He expected the Establishment, like his employees, to jump to his will, and he did not know Washington or who to appoint to support his goals. He has been totally defeated in his intention to normalize relations with Russia. Instead, we are faced with both Russia and China preparing for war.
In other words, the same outcome that Hillary would have achieved.
Trump has been so harassed by the Establishment that he is having trouble thinking straight. He was elected by “the deplorables” as the first non-Establishment candidate since when? You have to go back in history to find one. Perhaps Andrew Jackson. Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan were not the choice of the Democratic and Republican establishments, and the ruling establishments moved quickly to constrain both presidencies. The Democratic Establishment framed and removed both Carter’s budget director and chief of staff, depriving Carter of the kind of commitment he needed for his agenda. The Bush people that the Republican Establishment insisted be put in positions of power in the Reagan administration succeeded in blunting his reformist economic program and his determination to end the cold war. I fought both battles for Reagan, and I still have the bruises.
Trump is an outsider elected by “the deplorables” whose middle class jobs were offshored by America’s global corporations for the benefit only of the executives and large shareholders. A few people sold out the American middle class, which is shrinking away.
In the rest of the world, Trump’s true allies are the presidents of Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, the former president of Ecuador, and the former president of Honduras, who was overthrown by “America’s First Black President,” the consequences of which are the caravan moving toward the US border. The Establishment has succeeded in so confusing Trump that he has declared the Establishment’s war against the non-establishment leaders in Latin America.
So what is this midterm US election about?
It is about whether “the deplorables” have been brainwashed by the Establishment’s media whores and fail to support Trump in the House and Senate elections. If the Democrats, whose politics is Identity Politics, get the House and/or Senate, Trump will be completely impotent. The Establishment hopes to drive the lesson home to every future presidential candidate to never again appeal to the people over the vested interests of the Establishment.
In America democracy is a scam. The oligarchy rules, and the people, no matter how they suffer under the oligarch’s rule, must submit and accept. No more presidential candidates, please, who represent the people. This is the lesson that the Establishment hopes to teach the rabble in the midterm elections.
What should this election be about? If America had an independent media, the election would be about the dangerous situation created by Washington that has caused two militarily powerful countries to prepare for war with the US. This is the most serious development of my lifetime. Everything President Reagan worked for has been overthrown for the material interests of the power and profit of the military/security complex.
If America had an independent media, the election would be about the American police state that, based on the 9/11 lie, the weapons of mass destruction lie, the use of chemical weapons lie, the Iranian nukes lie, the Russian invasion of Ukraine lie, was accepted by the insouciant Americans. Those responsible for these lies, which have caused massive war crimes, for which US administrations should be indicted, are feted and rich. The rest of us have experienced the loss of civil liberty and privacy. Any individual in the way of the police state is mowed down.
If America had an independent media, the election would be about the de-industrialization of the United States. Today, as this article makes clear— —the offshoring of American manufacturing and industry has reduced the US military to dependence on Chinese suppliers.
And the Trump administration starts trouble with China!
If America had an independent media, the election would be about the 20 years of US and NATO/EU war crimes against Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen, and US and NATO support for Israel’s war crimes against the remnants of the Palestinian people, and US and NATO/EU support for the neo-nazi regime established by the Obama regime in Ukraine to commit war crimes against the breakaway Russian provinces, the populations of which refuse to become victims of Washington’s overthrow of the democratic elected Ukrainian government and installation by “America’s first black president” of a neo-nazi regime.
If America had an independent media, the election would be about the orchastrated demonization of Iran. The completely stupid dope that Trump appointed Secretary of State just declared (the utter fool should not be permitted to open his mouth) that Washington was going to drive Iran into the ground unless the government agreed to behave like a normal state.
What does Pompeo mean by a “normal state.” He means a state that takes its marching orders from Washington. Iran has not invaded any country. The government in power is the continuation of the government that overthrew the Shah, a dictator imposed on Iran by Washington when Washington and London overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran.
What the despicable Pompeo is really saying is that Iran has to go, because Iran, like Syria, is in the way of Israel’s expansion into southern Lebanon, because Iran and Syria supply the Hezbollah militia, which has twice defeated Israeli invasions of southern Lebanon. The vaunted Israeli army is only good for murdering women and children in the disarmed Gaza ghetto.
If America had an independent media, someone would ask Pompeo precisely what Iran is doing that warrants Washington unilaterally, in the face of opposition of the European, Russian, and Chinese signatures to the Iran Nuclear Agreement, pulling out of the agreement and imposing sanctions that no other country on the planet, except Israel, supports?
But, of course, America has no independent media. It has a collection of whores known as NPR, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, MSCBS, Fox News, etc.
Without an honest and independent media, there is no accountability of government. America has no honest and independent media. Therefore, in America there is no accountability of government.
“The deplorables” are faced with a dilemma. The president they elected has been overcome by the establishment and cannot represent them. Instead, Trump gives his supporters warmonger John Bolton as National Security Advisor and warmonger Pompeo as US Secretary of State. He might as well have appointed Adolf Hitler. In fact, Hitler was a more reasonable person.
So again, America is having an election in which nothing of any importance is discussed.
Unless the American people rise up in armed rebellion, they are finished as a free people, and, of course, they cannot rise up in armed rebellion. Not so much because the police and every agency of the government has been militarized as because Jewish cultural Marxism and the Democratic Party’s Identity Policics have the American people disorganized and at one another’s throats. Cultural Marxism and Identity Politics have divided the American population into victims and victimizers. The true victimizers and true victims are not part of the picture, which is a construction that serves ideological agendas. It is not the oligarchy that is the victimizer, but the Trump-voting white male. It is not the multi-billionaires, but the marginalized former manufacturing and industrial work force that is the source of oppression. This former work force is black and white, but the Democratic Party’s Identity Politics has blacks and whites at each other’s throats.
My conclusion is that America is doomed. The people, with few exceptions, are not smart enough to continue to exist. Perhaps the outcome of the elections tomorrow will change my mind. If the vote goes to the Establishment, all is lost.
November 06, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - I never cease to be amazed at the insouciance of Americans. Readers send me emails asking why I ever supported Trump when he was the Establishment’s candidate. If Trump was the Establishment’s candidate, why has the Establishment spent two years trying to destroy him?
The failure to put two and two together is extraordinary. Trump declared war on the Establishment throughout the presidential campaign and in his inaugural address.
As I wrote at the time, Trump vastly over-estimates the power of the president. He expected the Establishment, like his employees, to jump to his will, and he did not know Washington or who to appoint to support his goals. He has been totally defeated in his intention to normalize relations with Russia. Instead, we are faced with both Russia and China preparing for war.
In other words, the same outcome that Hillary would have achieved.
Trump has been so harassed by the Establishment that he is having trouble thinking straight. He was elected by “the deplorables” as the first non-Establishment candidate since when? You have to go back in history to find one. Perhaps Andrew Jackson. Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan were not the choice of the Democratic and Republican establishments, and the ruling establishments moved quickly to constrain both presidencies. The Democratic Establishment framed and removed both Carter’s budget director and chief of staff, depriving Carter of the kind of commitment he needed for his agenda. The Bush people that the Republican Establishment insisted be put in positions of power in the Reagan administration succeeded in blunting his reformist economic program and his determination to end the cold war. I fought both battles for Reagan, and I still have the bruises.
Trump is an outsider elected by “the deplorables” whose middle class jobs were offshored by America’s global corporations for the benefit only of the executives and large shareholders. A few people sold out the American middle class, which is shrinking away.
In the rest of the world, Trump’s true allies are the presidents of Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, the former president of Ecuador, and the former president of Honduras, who was overthrown by “America’s First Black President,” the consequences of which are the caravan moving toward the US border. The Establishment has succeeded in so confusing Trump that he has declared the Establishment’s war against the non-establishment leaders in Latin America.
So what is this midterm US election about?
It is about whether “the deplorables” have been brainwashed by the Establishment’s media whores and fail to support Trump in the House and Senate elections. If the Democrats, whose politics is Identity Politics, get the House and/or Senate, Trump will be completely impotent. The Establishment hopes to drive the lesson home to every future presidential candidate to never again appeal to the people over the vested interests of the Establishment.
In America democracy is a scam. The oligarchy rules, and the people, no matter how they suffer under the oligarch’s rule, must submit and accept. No more presidential candidates, please, who represent the people. This is the lesson that the Establishment hopes to teach the rabble in the midterm elections.
What should this election be about? If America had an independent media, the election would be about the dangerous situation created by Washington that has caused two militarily powerful countries to prepare for war with the US. This is the most serious development of my lifetime. Everything President Reagan worked for has been overthrown for the material interests of the power and profit of the military/security complex.
If America had an independent media, the election would be about the American police state that, based on the 9/11 lie, the weapons of mass destruction lie, the use of chemical weapons lie, the Iranian nukes lie, the Russian invasion of Ukraine lie, was accepted by the insouciant Americans. Those responsible for these lies, which have caused massive war crimes, for which US administrations should be indicted, are feted and rich. The rest of us have experienced the loss of civil liberty and privacy. Any individual in the way of the police state is mowed down.
If America had an independent media, the election would be about the de-industrialization of the United States. Today, as this article makes clear— —the offshoring of American manufacturing and industry has reduced the US military to dependence on Chinese suppliers.
And the Trump administration starts trouble with China!
If America had an independent media, the election would be about the 20 years of US and NATO/EU war crimes against Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen, and US and NATO support for Israel’s war crimes against the remnants of the Palestinian people, and US and NATO/EU support for the neo-nazi regime established by the Obama regime in Ukraine to commit war crimes against the breakaway Russian provinces, the populations of which refuse to become victims of Washington’s overthrow of the democratic elected Ukrainian government and installation by “America’s first black president” of a neo-nazi regime.
If America had an independent media, the election would be about the orchastrated demonization of Iran. The completely stupid dope that Trump appointed Secretary of State just declared (the utter fool should not be permitted to open his mouth) that Washington was going to drive Iran into the ground unless the government agreed to behave like a normal state.
What does Pompeo mean by a “normal state.” He means a state that takes its marching orders from Washington. Iran has not invaded any country. The government in power is the continuation of the government that overthrew the Shah, a dictator imposed on Iran by Washington when Washington and London overthrew the democratically elected government of Iran.
What the despicable Pompeo is really saying is that Iran has to go, because Iran, like Syria, is in the way of Israel’s expansion into southern Lebanon, because Iran and Syria supply the Hezbollah militia, which has twice defeated Israeli invasions of southern Lebanon. The vaunted Israeli army is only good for murdering women and children in the disarmed Gaza ghetto.
If America had an independent media, someone would ask Pompeo precisely what Iran is doing that warrants Washington unilaterally, in the face of opposition of the European, Russian, and Chinese signatures to the Iran Nuclear Agreement, pulling out of the agreement and imposing sanctions that no other country on the planet, except Israel, supports?
But, of course, America has no independent media. It has a collection of whores known as NPR, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, MSCBS, Fox News, etc.
Without an honest and independent media, there is no accountability of government. America has no honest and independent media. Therefore, in America there is no accountability of government.
“The deplorables” are faced with a dilemma. The president they elected has been overcome by the establishment and cannot represent them. Instead, Trump gives his supporters warmonger John Bolton as National Security Advisor and warmonger Pompeo as US Secretary of State. He might as well have appointed Adolf Hitler. In fact, Hitler was a more reasonable person.
So again, America is having an election in which nothing of any importance is discussed.
Unless the American people rise up in armed rebellion, they are finished as a free people, and, of course, they cannot rise up in armed rebellion. Not so much because the police and every agency of the government has been militarized as because Jewish cultural Marxism and the Democratic Party’s Identity Policics have the American people disorganized and at one another’s throats. Cultural Marxism and Identity Politics have divided the American population into victims and victimizers. The true victimizers and true victims are not part of the picture, which is a construction that serves ideological agendas. It is not the oligarchy that is the victimizer, but the Trump-voting white male. It is not the multi-billionaires, but the marginalized former manufacturing and industrial work force that is the source of oppression. This former work force is black and white, but the Democratic Party’s Identity Politics has blacks and whites at each other’s throats.
My conclusion is that America is doomed. The people, with few exceptions, are not smart enough to continue to exist. Perhaps the outcome of the elections tomorrow will change my mind. If the vote goes to the Establishment, all is lost.
Truth Jihad radio with Kevin Barrett 2018.11.07
Ian Greenhalgh: “Trump vs. Soros”: Everything you know is wrong!
Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of multiple books which deconstructs the "war on terror". Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. Blacklisted from teaching in the University of Wisconsin system since 2006 for questioning the events of 9/11, Dr. Barrett now hosts radio shows and is a public speaker.
64k CF Download
The David Duke Show 2018.11.07
Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.
Today: Dr Duke & Eric Striker – The Death of Democracy & the Political Takeover of the Ziogarchs!
Rense Archive
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Today: Dr Duke & Eric Striker – The Death of Democracy & the Political Takeover of the Ziogarchs!
Rense Archive
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Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner 2018.11.07
A program that investigates the relationships among capitalism, militarism and politics. Maintaining a radical perspective in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks, “Guns & Butter: The Economics of Politics” reports on who wins and who loses when the economic resources of civil society are diverted toward global corporatization, war, and the furtherance of a national security state.
Myths, lies, Oil and Climate Wars
Guest: F. William Engdahl 1 minute missing at the end
Bonnie's website
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The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 833 - 2018.11.07
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.
Andrew Carrington
The Synagogue Of
Whiny Little Bitches at CNN
By 9:06 p.m. EST, CNN anchor Jake Tapper threw cold water on
Democratic hopes. “This is not a blue wave,” he said. “This is not a
wave that is knocking out all sorts of Republican incumbents.”
Only a few minutes later, CNN commentator Van Jones, the former Obama administration green jobs czar, was having his heart broken (sniff sniff). It was just like 2016 election night, when Jones famously complained that the election was a “white lash.” Only now he was comparing the campaign positions of President Trump and the GOP to a virus.
“This is heartbreaking, though. It's heartbreaking,” Jones said. “The hope has been that the antibodies would kick in. That this sort of infestation of hatred and division would draw a response from the American people in both parties and say ‘no more.’ That does not seem to be happening tonight.”
Taken from Fox News
" this sort of infestation of hatred and division" is created by Hollywood and the media (CIA). Americans can see it. They might be brainwashed to a certain degree but they are not complete morons.
Only a few minutes later, CNN commentator Van Jones, the former Obama administration green jobs czar, was having his heart broken (sniff sniff). It was just like 2016 election night, when Jones famously complained that the election was a “white lash.” Only now he was comparing the campaign positions of President Trump and the GOP to a virus.
“This is heartbreaking, though. It's heartbreaking,” Jones said. “The hope has been that the antibodies would kick in. That this sort of infestation of hatred and division would draw a response from the American people in both parties and say ‘no more.’ That does not seem to be happening tonight.”
Taken from Fox News
" this sort of infestation of hatred and division" is created by Hollywood and the media (CIA). Americans can see it. They might be brainwashed to a certain degree but they are not complete morons.
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2018.11.06
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - Election Analysis
Download Hour 2 - Joel Skousen - Midterm Madness
Download Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle & Gary Holland - More Election Analysis
64k CF
Rense's site
The Brian Ruhe Show 2018.11.06
Brian Ruhe is the host of, "The Brian Ruhe Show" on YouTube and on Revolution Radio. He and his guests tackle issues of Jewish, Rothschild, Zionist, Talmudic power in the world and discuss spiritual perspectives as well. Based in Vancouver Canada, Brian is a former Buddhist monk and has worked for 20 years as a Theravada Buddhist and meditation teacher. Due to his political views, the Jews at B'nai Brith got him fired from teaching in 2015. Brian has over 1700 YouTube videos and is the author of two books.
Today - Guests, Pete Papaherakles and Aryan Buddhist Teacher Laughing Cloud
Revolution.Radio Studio B
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Tel. 604-738-8475
Skype: brianaruhe
The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2018.11.06
James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.
Today: Latest political bullshit
The Real Deal Archives
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The David Duke Show 2018.11.06
Dr. David Ernest Duke (born 1 July 1950) is a European American best known as an advocate for the rights of Europeans in the United States and around the world as well as criticisms of Jewish supremacism. Duke has been a prolific author, politician and media personality whose works have reached very large audiences. Consequently he has often been attacked and misrepresented in various ways.
Today: Dr Duke & Atty Don Advo – Vote Today Like Your Life and Your People Depend Upon It – It Does! Vote Today and the Ground Will Shake!
Rense Archive
64k CF Download
Today: Dr Duke & Atty Don Advo – Vote Today Like Your Life and Your People Depend Upon It – It Does! Vote Today and the Ground Will Shake!
Rense Archive
64k CF Download
The Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Show 833 - 2018.11.06
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock (born ca. 1973) is the author of the widely imitated and hugely influential modern historical work, "The Synagogue of Satan", which has been translated into numerous languages and featured on bestseller lists worldwide. His second book is entitled "In The Name of Yahweh". "The Synagogue Of Satan," was an education in who controls the world and how they do it, "In The Name Of Yahweh," shows us why they are in control, and how their control can be broken.
Andrew Carrington
The Synagogue Of
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2018.11.05
Jeff Rense is an American anti-New World Order activist. He hosts a website at and is the radio talk-show host of the Jeff Rense Program. His show broadcasts on internet radio. The website and show often discuss topics such as 9/11, World War II revisionism, Zionism, contemporary geopolitical developments, alternative medicines and some more eccentric aspects such as Ufology.
Download Hour 1 - Patricia Doyle & Gary Holland - Who Controls The Country?
Download Hour 2 - George Filer - Filer's Files
Download Hour 3 - Peter Wadhams - Life After Death
64k CF
Rense's site
Davis Lurmann’s ‘Right Perspective’ 2018.11.05
The role of Davis Lurmann’s ‘Right Perspective’ is to question the conventional narrative fed to us daily by the mainstream media (and some in the alt-media alike), unpack current events using key sound-bytes, media deconstruction, deep analysis & commentary, provide historical context & forecast what’s to come (given the trajectory we’ve been set upon by ‘the powers that shouldn’t be’ in the deep state).
Renegade Archive
Revolution.Radio Studio B
64k CF Download
November 06, 2018
Led Zeppelin-Going to California Live
I just came back from visiting my probation officer. It is so freakin annoying to hear her regurgitate what's on TV and believe all that BS too. I'm just taking a break from posting shows and probably will be back at it tomorrow. NPC's can really get at you if you're not in a good frame of mind.
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