Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events
Revolution.Radio Studio A
ITEL @ Archive.org
Donald Jeffries returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss his most recent book On Borrowed Fame: Money, Mysteries, and Corruption in the Entertainment World. We also talk about the on-going COVID operation and the importance of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s book The Real Anthony Fauci.
Donald is an independent researcher and the author of many other books including Bullyocracy: How the Social Hierarchy Enables Bullies to Rule Schools, Work Places, and Society at Large.
Which one would you choose? Drowning on a ventilator? Keeling over on a football field? Crashing the plane you are piloting? How about a nice, slow, wretched starvation? Or perhaps you would rather let Klaus, Bill, Anthony and Sleepy Joe choose it for you? That would be the patriotic thing to do.
Our country has been turned into a lethal clown show, with the whole world and the American people on the verge of losing everything, including their lives. And the one thing you still can’t talk about is that Jews own the pharmaceutical companies, the government, the media and the medical profession. Otherwise, they’re completely innocent.
Of all the crises now under way, the division of the population into two enemy camps seems to be the most critical, as fully half of all Americans seem to be mentally ill because of their fear of a manufactured disease that doesn’t exist. The other half will never get the jab, are well armed, and yet remain strangely silent.