July 30, 2012

David Duke Show 2012.07.30

Today: Dr. Duke with Dr. Thring in the UK on Romney and Obama's subservience to Israel. They discuss a subject almost never discussed the terrorism of Israel against Great Britain when Israel was founded and the ongoing terrorism and treachery against the U.S. Then Dr. Duke and Dr. Thring go into the Olympics in the UK and they show the double standards of preventing a Greek athlete from competing for simply a silly joke but permitting Israel to compete, a nation that has committed horrific terrorism, murder and torture and ethnic cleansing! Then Dr. Duke goes into the Opening Ceremony which was meant to destroy any sense of true British patriotism in the name of multiculturalism. A weapon which gives the tribalists, ethnocentrically driven Zionists more power in a divided and conquered Great Britain. This is a pattern of Zionist globalism across the Western World!

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