John begins the broadcast today talking about the falsehoods that are so blatantly propagated on big media news outlets. John then delves deeper into the realities of various events going on in the media, mostly having to do with talking heads and politicians. Before long John delves into talking about the various news reported having to do with gay people, even reading an article that assumes Obama himself is a closet homosexual.
John then discusses the money system and the economy since major legislation effectly destroyed the metals-backed currency system we once deployed.
$6000 mattress? This guy is a disgrace. I listened to him several times but don't like his style.
$6000 mattress? jeeze.
I liked the first description of the show you posted, very informative. All the good hosts are on studio B. I really hope instinct is wrong about this one, however it does make a lot of sense.
Stadmiller claimed on a recent show that it costs $650,000 per year to run RBN. That is a load of horse shit. He also said that if he doesn't get the $40k in donations, he's closing down studio B. Stadtmiller is either a liar or an incredibly stupid businessman.
I changed the description because I thought it over and decided to wait and see what JS is going to do next before I bash him, more.
I hate the idea of John being a gatekeeping shill, but his actions in the next few weeks will either confirm my suspicions or prove me wrong
Stadtmiller is probably pissed off because a gate-keeping douchebag like Alex Jones can get 100s of thousands and he can't get 40k...
Yeah Mami, I think it was a slightly classy of you to make the change. I was kind of thinking along those lines anyway.
I used to think J.S. could be a gatekeeper, until I heard him read Z.C.F's J.W.O. Unmasked! That was great! I bet you will never hear Doug Owen read something by Zion Crime Factory!
ZCF has been on Giuliani's show on Owen's network with Rogers how many times now ? A whole bunch of times and nobody banned him for being an ardent admirer of Hitler and National Socialism, did they ?
Stadmiller did ban the guy's ass immediately just for having a Swastika on his front page, then a few months later, straight out of the blue, pulled ZCF's essay out of his crusty old buttcrack and started reading it.
Who knows why he changed his mind ? Another limited hang-out,street cred charade ? He even gave a show to Eli James, a Christian Identity pastor. Maybe he wants to sabotage the whole network by radicalizing it ? Anything is possible in the troof movement universe of endless shillery.
Doug Owen is allright. I think his wife might be pussy-whipping him a little bit not to get too hardcore with this stuff so they can still be considered 'nice people' by the majority of the brainwashed hordes out there. As soon as that label of Not-See or White Supremacist holycost denier gets stuck on somebody, they're ostracized by their former so-called friends and acquaintances and maybe even family members.
Owen's definitely anti-Zio though not as hardcore as Lee Rogers yet, who himself is not as hardcore as Dennis Fetcho and Charles Giuliani, amongst the hosts not associated with any White Nationalist movements.
You have to remember that just a year or so ago, Lee Rogers did not even pass the holohoax litmus & was black-poping around for 3 hours a day talking to walls in his studio.
They both run the network and obviously none of the people who are on their network, including a guy like Dennis Fetcho who exposes not only the holohoax, but refuses to bash Hitler the way his ass-clown friend Celtic Rebel does (and sometimes even Charles Giuliani; Kyle Hunt, Fetcho's other friend from beforehe came on the network, I'm happy to report is about to graduate the Uncle Adolf litmus test university even ahead of Mike Sledge), PLUS Fetcho is a full-on No-Planer / Media Fakery advocate all the way down to the Vicsims litmus that so many pussies everywhere deliberately ignore. lol ! Giuliani is a half-assed no-planer. He'll have Christopher Holmes on & agree with him then go back to plane-hugging the next day like a complete retard. lol
I mean Alex Jones would grab Bermass's hairy ass and run-like-hell in the opposite direction from any of the positions Fetcho or Giuliani hold at this point in the game. It's also great that Fetcho had John Friend on because John Friend holds the same positions on these issues.
GCN does not have a single host that passes the holohoax litmus. AJ would kick them right out, even his pastor Texe Marrs is on his own network.
Oracle has 7 or 8 holohoax litmus graduates, including Nemo De Novo and Doug Owen has hung out with all of them like ole buddies on Unleashed if nowhere else. That, in itself, makes him a great guy until further shill-reports indicate otherwise.
Stadtmiller, supposedly a guy who reads the ZCF site, let some guy get on the air and bash Hitler and Fascists (indirectly) in front of James Corbett and Paul Drockton just the other day and none of the 3 said a damn thing to counter the bullshit spewed out retarded memes, the way Deanna Spingola does every time one of her guests or callers is retarded enough to blurt out similar memes. So Stadtmiller can go stuff his 650,000 up his patriotard, flag-waving ass.
Correction back to legible English to one of the paragraphs previously pontificated:
They both run the network and obviously none of the people who are on their network would be there if both didn't agree, including a guy like Dennis Fetcho who exposes not only the holohoax, but refuses to bash Hitler the way his ass-clown friend Celtic Rebel does (and sometimes even Charles Giuliani; Kyle Hunt, Fetcho's other friend from beforehe came on the network, I'm happy to report is about to graduate the Uncle Adolf litmus test university even ahead of Mike Sledge). PLUS Fetcho is a full-on No-Planer / Media Fakery advocate all the way down to the Vicsims litmus that so many pussies everywhere deliberately ignore. lol ! Giuliani is a half-assed no-planer. He'll have Christopher Holmes on & agree with him then go back to plane-hugging the next day like a complete retard. lol
ZCF Has good info but what has he said that Spingola hasn't said for example?
I don't trust a guy who hides like he does and when you want to communicate with him, you have to download a software in your box. ARE YOU FUCKING kidding me?
Why is Spingola pretty much saying the same thing and doesn't have to hide behind a CSIS mask? WTF?
@ Zapoper,
The big difference between ZCF and Spingola is that ZCF sees the Abrahamic religions for wat they are, Jewish fairytales used for mind control.Which is a very important aspect, if not THE most imo.If you want you communicate with ZCF you could sent an email if you don't trust Teamspeak, I think.I've ''known'' him for years and he's #1 in my book (and I'm even a ''mulatto'':))Salut des Pays Bas.
@ Anon 3:29 AM
Exellent analyses, thanks for that!
GCN is known in this neck of the woods as 'garbage can network'.
Lee Roger's has really impressed me as of late. As you said he was a 'black poper' but he really has come full circle.
I think Stadtmiller is just frustrated as hell. He goes a lot further than Zio Jone$ but just cannot grow his 'operation' whereas fatboy's fans really dig the candyland conspiracy and aren't really after real truth so Jone$ operation stays fat like him with a bunch of paytriotard retards who are looking for a leader with no solutions but they can feel tough talking about 'germanic death cults' and the mysterious 'new world order'. Stadtmiller flirts with the truth but out of fear throw the most brutally honest and needed in studio B, hoping to be successful with the best of both words=paytriotard half-truth nonsense with hard core truth tellers...
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