January 30, 2013

Mike Delaney's Prothink Radio Show Jan. 29, 2013

Join Mike Delaney as he tells the guys who run the TRUTH MILITIA to go fuck themselves.

Prothink's Radio Show Archive




VanSkyFL said...

Seems like its fair game for delaney to smear Guliani on air with Carolyn Yeagar, and now about Keith and Rich, but the line gets drawn when one or two trolls in a chatroom calls delaney a Jew. Now the real problem is are these actual trolls or so-called "activists" stirring up trouble? At least delaney was honest in admitting he does in fact do that. So much drama, so little time.

Anonymous said...

Great show, Mike! A-fuckin'-men.

Anonymous said...

Mike is way off base here trolls are every where. Its not Rich and Keith responsibility to monitor every little thing. I don't think Mike wants to go to war with these guys. prob not a good idea.

CryptoTroll said...

He used to be a cool guy,but today he talks to donkeys!Pitty!

VanSkyFL said...

Now when I witness troll behavior, I'll be wondering if this is a so-called activist like delaney stirring up trouble.

BillHyde said...

"Rich & Keith Go Fuck Yourself"

Really Mike??? Really???

Wow, I think I just lost all the respect I had for this guy!

Mike talked on Sunday on Rich and Keith's show about having thick skin, and not letting stupid shit bother you.

And now we get this reaction?

Wow, is all I can say.

Anonymous said...

Mike has done some great work over the years, serious street cred but this is so trivial. Trolls are really getting into people's heads here lately. Ignore the fuckers, there professional agitators and if I had to guess most are hasbaRATS who are trying to be divisive. Mission accomplished thus far

Dio said...

Way to go Delaney. You get kudos this time.

TM is filth. Absolute filth.

Dio said...

Dio is filth.Absolute filth!

Anonymous said...

Mike has gone the distance. Mike even took a punch in the face by a rat face but luckily the rat face didn't know how to throw a punch.

Keith Truth Militia Radio said...

Mike and I talked last night about this and it has been ironed out. Nothing more to be said. We are on the same team fighting the Jew.

Lindsey said...

I just finished listening to all of his rant, and he felt exactly as I felt for a long time. I do not know if he will feel better about all of this, but I absolutely do empathize with Mike Delaney, and he does not deserve to be given any shit because he has devoted his ife to this fight. I have to respect him for that. I, personally, decided to not let all of the trash-talk to me and/or about me get-to-me any longer because it was not only non-productive, but it is just not healthy to get all riled-up over something that is nonsensical on its face, or of no consequence to the fight.


Anonymous said...

John Friend's Friend or co-worker

Anonymous said...

for n00bs let me explain why I'm really here http://static4.depositphotos.com/1007989/391/v/950/depositphotos_3919823-Chasing-Money.jpg

Anonymous said...

I am calling the ADL, The ACLU and the southern poverty law center... Trolls have rights dammit..

I will be calling my Senator and my congressional representative and try to have laws passed to protect trolls..

Trolls must unite or we will end up like these host on these Internet radio stations..

Trolls for justice!!

Anonymous said...

Mike is butthurt because many white Aryan people like myself refuse to buy into the hebrew fairy tale of baby jewsus. Charlie is the only host in the twoof movement who exposes the buybull for what it is, a huge fucking jew hoax. Mike also defends the conivicted murderer Rabbi Fincklestein and wannabe jew nonsense. Again, I am an Aryan full blood German and I will never buy the hebrew fairy tale, I am a proud pagan and I have done the research and proven to myself that the jew book is jew worship from Genesis to Revelation.

The following quotes were taken from "Hitler Speaks: A Series of Political Conversations With Adolf Hitler on His Real Aims" By Hermann Rauschning, 1st edition, 1939

"Leave the hair-splitting to others. Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of Jesus, it's all the same old Jewish swindle. It will not make us free. A German church, a German Christianity is a distortion. One is either a German or a Christian. You cannot be both." - Adolf Hitler

Hitler hated Christianity & replaced it with a Nordic religion


Anonymous said...


Regarding the origin of the human races on earth, Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine argued for polygenism —"the simultaneous evolution of seven human groups on seven different portions of our globe".[70]

The Secret Doctrine (II, 610) states:

"Mankind did not issue from one solitary couple. Nor was there ever a first man—whether Adam or Yima—but a first mankind. It may, or may not, be "mitigated polygenism." Once that both creation ex nihilo—an absurdity—and a superhuman Creator or creators—a fact—are made away with by science, polygenism presents no more difficulties or inconveniences (rather fewer from a scientific point of view) than monogenism does."

Blavatsky used the compounded word Root race to describe each of the seven successive stages of human evolution that take place over large time periods in her cosmology. A Root-race is the archetype from which spring all the races that form humanity in a particular evolutionary cycle. She called the current Root-race, the fifth one, "Aryan."

"One who is still an 'Aryan' spirit in a large European or American city, with its skyscrapers and asphalt, with its politics and sport, with its crowds who dance and shout, with its exponents of secular culture and of soulless science and so on—among all this he may feel himself more alone and detached and nomad than he would have done in the time of the Buddha, in conditions of physical isolation and of actual wandering. The greatest difficulty, in this respect, lies in giving this sense of internal isolation, which today may occur to many almost spontaneously, a positive, full, simple, and transparent character, with elimination of all traces of aridity, melancholy, discord, or anxiety. Solitude should not be a burden, something that is suffered, that is borne involuntarily, or in which refuge is taken by force of circumstances, but rather, a natural, simple, and free disposition, in a text we read: "Solitude is called wisdom [ekattam monam akkhatarin], he who is alone will find that he is happy"; it is an accentuated version of "beata solitudo, sofa beatitudo." -- Julius Evola, The Doctrine of Awakening, p. 103

Anonymous said...


'Ironing out' and 'being-on-the-same-team' means you have to agree with everything Mikey-the-roadside-sign-holder-lets-see-you-keyboard-commandos-go-out-there-&-get-punched-in-the-face-by-a-Jew says, no matter how retarded, or else he'll throw another shitfit. lol

Anonymous said...

You do some good work Mike but as soon as you professed to be CI, I gotta wonder now.

Maybe your legit, maybe you a willing participant in this latest truth movement drama bomb.

Now I have to waste time on that question.

And in the meantime the jews keep chugging along..

Anonymous said...

Mike attacks one of the radio networks worth listening to. Nice work kike Delaney. Thanks for doing the Jews work for them. What a cry baby and what a dick head. Fuck You Delaney!

jewlovingchristard said...

Wow, flying off the handle because you trolled yourself in a chatroom ? Maybe you should employ the magikal flying rabbi jewsus to be your own personal chat moderator on earth. I mean isn't baby jewsus the son of jew g_d ? Omniscient and Omnipresent ? Oh wait baby jewsus is waiting to burn all the filthy goyim in a lake of fire when he returns. Praise Yahweh !!! Praise Yeshua Moshiach !!!! Save the Kikes !!! Smash your filthy goyim babies heads against the rocks. Why do you not obey jew g_d Mike ?

Diocletian said...

"Dio said...Dio is filth.Absolute filth!"

You forgot the link, imbecile.

Filth. Absolute filth.

Anonymous said...

Kike is afraid that some of the more critically thinking Aryans will figure out he's a Jewsus-worshipping and Hitler-worshipping-to-the-point-its-counterproductive shill. And it's pretty obvious that he's been trying to force the whole movement under his net. But maybe if he didn't call Ernst Zundel a shill and defend Jew Eric Hufschmid then he wouldn't expose himself.


Anonymous said...

TruthMilitia deleted more than 5 of my comments on Keith and Rich's most recent show and banned me because I put up too good of an argument to the Kike Delaney trolls.

Anonymous said...

Are we all Jews and trolls for questioning Kike Delaney? In Kike's mind we are.

Anonymous said...

Delaney is obviously the real deal. Pulled himself up out of the "hip hop" culture to stand on the front lines !

I really do wish he would have taken the high road here though.

We are so busy dulling our knives on each other the J-team doesn't even have to take the field.



Anonymous said...

Mike professing to be CI has done serious damage to his credibility.

Really bullshit move on John Friend's program Mike.

You ready to throw all your hard work out the window Mike...keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Eric Hufschmid is a Jew? Any proof? He does not talk or act like a Jew, that is for sure. I like Eric Hufschmd, from reading his website articles, I can sense his sincerity. His Jew-wise advice from his own experience is very helpful. He is avoided by most truth movement activists, because he is not controlled?

The Realist Report said...

"Mike professing to be CI has done serious damage to his credibility.

Really bullshit move on John Friend's program Mike.

You ready to throw all your hard work out the window Mike...keep it up."

Fuck off you fucking loser internet troll. Seriously, you're posting anonymous talking shit about Mike just because he has a different belief than you. Does it impact your life directly? Why do you fucking care if Mike is CI, or atheist, or whatever? Mind your own God damned business and do something fucking productive rather than talking shit on blogs you clown.

Pas said...

@ John Friend,

With all due respect John, I think the anon you slammed does have a reasonable point.Mike Delaney has done tremendous good work but now there's a big chance if one would point people to it they could say ''Seems pretty good info but doesn't that guy believe in talking donkeys?''.And I would have to confirm.Do you see my point?

Everybody has their own personal beliefs but beliefs like ''White people are Yahweh's chosen people and all the rest are seed of the Devil'' are just so far off the deep end imo. that it damages the important info on which we (Jew-wise) all agree on.

Great job moderating that C.I. debate, that wasn't easy.

Greetings from Holland.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what to think anymore. I might take a pass on most shows now, and only listen to a select few. There's too much shit going on.

Few days ago, mike was having a go at people for not contacting him directly, when having a gripe against him. Now, he goes public and unjustly slams T.M. prior to consulting them. Pretty low act!

This type of shit needs to end!

Anonymous said...

Wow John Friend. Pas understood what I was getting it. CI messing with your mind too?

Guess you need the same advice.

Anonymous said...

Mike Delaney is a shill, its obvious, watch what he does, not what he says. And so what if he made "THE film" that woke a lot of us up. Alex Jonestein pulls the same shit with his movies, he makes a big production to make it seem like hes the only one saying anything and worth listening to. Last I recall, Delaney got his popularity from a phone call that (movie actor) Jonestein let through and made him look like god to the Jew-wise crowd.

Anonymous said...


The Realist Report said...

" beliefs like ''White people are Yahweh's chosen people and all the rest are seed of the Devil'' are just so far off the deep end imo."

Pas, who is CI is saying this exactly? I have never heard Mike say this or profess this.

This is the problem: people like you and many others are just assuming that everyone in CI has these beliefs, that they all want to kill all non-whites and that the "real Jews" are actually white people who are supposed to dominate and rule the world. All of the CI people I have ever interacted with simply want to live separately from non-whites. What is wrong with that? How do their beliefs impact your life? Why is it any of your business, especially when you and a guy like Mike would probably agree on 95% of the topics discussed on our radio programs? I'm not trying to be rude here, but we have got to stop this irrational Christian bashing, including the irrational Christian Identity bashing.

@ anon trolls 7:51 and 11:05 - fuck off! If you have a criticism of me or Mike use your fucking real name, be a man, come to our TeamSpeak channel and address your concern to our face. Stop being a fucking loser, posting anonymously talking shit about real men doing things in the real world.

Anonymous said...

Sure, we're the losers for pointing out the questionable trust that Kike Delaney, aka Yahweh, deserves. Would you like a pair of knee pads? B/c it seems like truth militia crew has been engaged in some serious fellating.

Anonymous said...

Most of us have our own blogs with frankly more approachable messages than the bigotted swastika route that Delaney takes. Minions of JewThink have their egos inflated b/c they can double their web hits by bending over for Kike, the controlling cry baby who we can't be so sure doesnt work for the ADL.

The Realist Report said...

Both anons above, again FUCK OFF! You guys are fucking losers and cowards!

And if you have your own fucking blog, where is a link to it huh? Why are you posting anonymously like a fucking coward? You clowns just go around bashing guys like Delaney, me, Rich and Keith and anyone else speaking the truth and at least trying to create a movement. Get a fucking life you clowns, we're not going to let you losers divide us any longer!

Anonymous said...

Call me back in 50 years when those swastikas and Mein Kampfs still arent recruiting the amount of people you could be if you stopped living in the past. You could easily refine your message and stop looking like a bunch of Zionist Christards, while trying to revive Hitler from the dead. You worship men and jew ghosts. And Kike Delaney is there to make sure you keep doing what youre doing.

And what purpose would posting my name or blog serve besides giving you an excuse to ad hominem and avoid explaining yourselves?

GoldFoil said...

"Call me back in 50 years...."

How about we call you in 50 minutes. Give us the contact info and you can explain racist inbreeding with inside tips. We would be all ears. Got an email, website or a phone number?

Pas said...

@ John Friend,

''Pas, who is CI is saying this exactly? I have never heard Mike say this or profess this''

C.I. is based on the ''dual seed doctrine'' what comes down to that ''salvation belongs solely to the White Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Nordic, and kindred peoples, who are descended from Adam and are the true Israelites of the Bible''(http://www.thechristianidentityforum.net/theblog/about/)(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRAc9_t9nt0)
And I also have never heard M.D. saying this specificly but he does say he is C.I. so am I so wrong in making the connection?

''This is the problem: people like you and many others are just assuming that everyone in CI has these beliefs, that they all want to kill all non-whites and that the "real Jews" are actually white people who are supposed to dominate and rule the world''

My position is soley based on information C.I. put out and if there are people within that movement who don't believe in their own doctrines, they're not really C.I. I'd say.

'' All of the CI people I have ever interacted with simply want to live separately from non-whites. What is wrong with that?''

Absolutely nothing, I respect that view but that's not irrational, on the contrary, it's very rational.It's the religious, dogmatic, blind faith, fairytale (hybrid sheep, speaking donkies, magic etc.) aspects I have problems with.

''How do their beliefs impact your life?''

Very little, of course.I just see this form of Abrahamic dogma, all other forms as well, not as a constructive uniting force for Whites.

''Why is it any of your business, especially when you and a guy like Mike would probably agree on 95% of the topics discussed on our radio programs?''

Even if we'd agree on 99%, would that mean we can never talk about the things we disagree on?I think my criticism is fair and I see no honor in not voicing my opinion.

''I'm not trying to be rude here, but we have got to stop this irrational Christian bashing, including the irrational Christian Identity bashing''

I respectfully disagree with the notion that criticizing and exposing certain elements of Christianity is ''irrational bashing''.Having said that I do appreciate your diplomatic skills in dealing with different factions because to me it's obvious you have nothing but the best intentions.

Thanks for all the great work John!

Anonymous said...

@ GoldFoil

Nice try at an ad hominem (no real answer). I guess everyone who can see through Kike Delaney and his shillish behavior is a Jew, huh? You do realize that his Mossad Links Bus Tour was coordinated by a Jew (Gorman German-Jew surname) and advertised on the Department of Defense website? So much for "homegrown activism".

And I KNOW that you don't realize that Hitler and Jewsus worship is counterproductive and encouraged by the Jews. I said "50 years" because that's how long the NSM has been in America holding and handing out HEBREW swastikas (do some of your own research for Yahweh's sake) and Mein Kampfs, yet still can't get a good number of people to believe them about the Jews. Gee I wonder why? I've just about lost hope in you brutes because it seems like you'll never understand that you don't need a "magical" (hebrew) swastika and a portrait of Hitler to expose the Jews, you only make yourself look ridiculous.

Kike's bus tour advertised on the Department of Defense website:

The Swastika is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, it means YHVH:

Dio said...


"Both anons above, again FUCK OFF! You guys are fucking losers and cowards!

"And if you have your own fucking blog, where is a link to it huh? Why are you posting anonymously like a fucking coward? You clowns just go around bashing guys like Delaney, me, Rich and Keith and anyone else speaking the truth and at least trying to create a movement. Get a fucking life you clowns, we're not going to let you losers divide us any longer!"





Anonymous said...


Dennis Fetcho has an IQ of 170 and that's why he laughs at all these bickering idiots. The worst part is that genuinely intelligent and well-meaning people like Kyle Hunt and John Friend are now stuck in this morass and will not easily emerge unscathed.

Talking Donkey said...


Anonymous said...

My main question for any religious follower is....

Why is your head so screwed up you require a book to guide you and to tell you right and wrong?

Countless of us figure it out all on our own with our feeble little minds.

Dio said...

Anon wrote, "...well-meaning people like Kyle Hunt and John Friend are now stuck in this morass and will not easily emerge unscathed."

True. Once you're tied to this white supremacist filth you're stuck to it. They are a gaggle of boozed up, brain-dead, unemployed tweekers and stoners...just a buncha ne'er do wells that relish in their own filthy mire.

Anonymous said...

Delaney is a kike, straight up. His Mossad Links bus tour was ran by a Jew and advertised on the Department of Defense website. He even called Ernst Zundel a shill, hangs out with that Jew "Quest", and defends the Jew Eric Hufshit who's sister is admitedly married to rupert murdochs son. Research, fellow Aryans. Dont fall for this shill's counterproductive message and draining of your hard earned money and energy. He even acts like a cry baby kike, i cant be the only one who can see through this BS.

Anonymous said...

I've been banned from ALL the Jewthink websites for calling out this Kike Delaney on his Kikeish ways. Go to SubvertedNation, and read why he was banned from PayPal, unlike Jew-pal Delaney.

Anonymous said...

Zundel site links up to Jewvero's "what really happened" site, and his wife writes for the Jew Gordon's Duffs (admits he makes up most of his material) site "Veterans Today," How can you not suspect nothing of the Zundels? He's done many great works but with all the money they supposedly earn, they really haven't done anything else for the "movement".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If Kike wasnt a shill he wouldve had his JewPal donation button banned from his websites a long time ago. Like SubvertedNation.net did.

Unknown said...

I'm totally with you. When listening to them they never stopped the profanity and refences to the vulgar. A couple of drunks a discrace to Our Race. Thank you for all of your efforts and hav e gotton so much information from zioncrimefactory and totalfacism. Definitely goldmines of information. And also thank you for procreating the Aryian race.

Anonymous said...

Iconoclast Radio Interviews Prothink 10 / 13 / 2010


Anonymous said...

To John Sholtes:

"Join Mike Delaney as he tells the guys who run the TRUTH MILITIA to go fuck themselves."

To go fuck themselves? This isn't profanity and hypocrisy by a short fused Christian Identity tard? Doesn't look like anyone can take the moral high ground here. LOL