The lost episode where it all started.
Official description: The guys get together and discuss what’s happened, what’s happening, and what we’d like to see happen. Also, the return of Lugh?
A special thank you to Peppertech96 for the file.
Official description: The guys get together and discuss what’s happened, what’s happening, and what we’d like to see happen. Also, the return of Lugh?
A special thank you to Peppertech96 for the file.
Renegade Broadcasting
For the record, I didn't delete this from the archive.. I didn't know my personal info was in there until after it was gone as I was trying to hijack the broadcast at the time ha ha.
Welcome back Lugh!
I'm with you on this one Lugh.
They should have allowed you to finish a sentence without interrupting. You were treated like a caller on the Mark Levin show, even though it was Celtic and Greg who were talking shit.
Lugh is the problem. What a cry baby with a victim attitude.
First of all: FUCK CHIARINI -
Chiarini has no claim whatsoever to either 'fake actors' research or No-Planes Media Fakery research.
But Lugh, the BLITHERING IDIOT plane-hugging gatekeeper is not much better.
I LOVE how that caller Jane at the end of the show tore him A NEW NOVA SCOTIAN ASS on the issue of 'planes' on 9-11
What 'real life witnesses' say they saw on 9-11 is completely irrelevant to HARD PROOF of a crime.
If me and my 10 friends say we saw you murder somebody, that does not make you the murderer unless there is a murdered body and a weapon which can be tied to you.
Does thousands of Jews claiming people were being gassed to death at Auschwitz make it so ? Of course not. The physical and documented historical evidence has proven conclusively that they are all LYING, every last one of them.
Same exact thing with the 9-11 PSYOP, there are people claiming they saw a small plane, some a big plane, others a missile and still others say they saw nothing at all, only an explosion.
Since all the HARD EVIDENCE contradicts all of these people and has continued to contradict them for 11 years straight, it makes absolutely no difference what they say they saw.
Does this ridiculous cartoon look like a plane to you?
Does the cartoon it's half-immersed in look like a real building ? Where the are the windows ? lol
How about this absurd cartoon here:
In what ridiculous universe is that cartoon considered a plane ?
If the planes were 'real' and everybody saw them why in the would they need to fake them so blatantly on video ?
Does this drawn cartoon look like a 'plane shaped hole' ?
What Planes ? by Collin Alexander
How about this:
Colonel George Nelson (U.S. Airforce Retired), an air-crash investigation expert has observed that NOT ONE uniquely identifiable part has ever been produced by the government FROM ANY OF THE 4 ALLEGED 9-11 CRASH SITES:
Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career. Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic:
"In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. ...
So, let's see you produce A SINGLE PLANE PART that's been actually matched to a plane before you talk about 'planes' as is standard procedure for all plane crashes. Not fake photos and videos but proof of parts being matched. NO PARTS RECOVERED AND MATCHED = NO FUCKING PLANES AND NO CRASH in all investigations that have ever occured ASIDE from 9-11 ? How come ? Did 9-11 happen in the Twilight Zone or something ?
"Of all major U.S. airline crashes within the U.S. investigated and published by the National Transportation Safety Board during the past 20 years, the 9/11 'black boxes' are virtually the only ones without listed serial numbers." - Dennis Cimino of Pilots for 9/11 Truth
"Between the four airplanes which allegedly crashed on 911 there should be approximately 9 million parts. 3 million parts each for the 767 and 1.5 million parts for the 757. In addition to the parts there should be 60 miles of wiring for each 757 or 120 miles for both. There is 90 miles of wiring on each 767 which makes 180 miles for both 767's. Wiring is stamped every 12 inches or so with data which includes where it is going, where it is coming from and its maximum load capacity. The reason for this is that wiring is braided into bundles of up to one hundred wires and when you are tracing down a problem you have to know quickly which wire you are looking for and identify it."
9 million parts and no one has even matched one !!.
How did all these parts disappear into thin air ?
Planted engine on Murray Street (way away from the buildings) that was conclusively proven to be from WRONG plane:
3000 dead ? What 3000 dead ?
"I did an exhaustive check of the list of victims provided on the CNN website. What I found is that out of 2,970 people listed, only 446 appear in the Social Security death index. Of those only 249 have a confirmed death certificate on file. Of those, not a single one has a valid “last address of record” on file."~ Ersun Warncke, Salem News - Independent confirmation of the 'Vicsims Report' - 9/11 Reflections Part 2: Interview with Simon Shack of September Clues
And as we everyone knows from this latest Sandy Hook STAGED PSYOP victims are never faked right ? LOL
9-11 VICSIMS REPORT by Simon Shack and hoipolloi
That's 80 pages of exhaustively researched and proven VICISIMS
This is a brief overview of the guy - and his activities since 9/11:
Mr. Rosenbaum’s pre-9/11 company, BNN TV, employed over 80 people and occupied five floors of a Fifth Avenue building in Manhattan. The proud slogan of his company was “BNN TV Changes the Way Stories Are Told”. His clients included CNN, CBS News, MSNBC, HBO and Court TV. The studios were equipped with state-of-the-art AVID video editing equipment - the sort of which you only find in major Hollywood studios.
As the story goes, in the days following 9/11, Steve put up posters and fliers in NYC and placed an ad in The Village Voice “urgently requesting images that captured the attack, its aftermath and the mood of the city”. That effort seems to have worked out nicely. His 1,700 video clips of 9/11 constitute, he says, “the largest archive of my now dormant television production company, Camera Planet”. His website tells us that 76 people contributed to these “500 hours of videos”, which are owned by Mr. Rosenbaum and his wife, Pamela Yoder (no mention is made whether or not he paid these 76 people for their precious footage).
In other words, Steven Rosenbaum claims to have collected 500 hours of 9/11 amateur footage - from amateur videographers who would have willingly handed over their 9/11 footage to his new Camera Planet company - so that he could set up a big, nice archive of 9/11 amateur footage! Later, as Camera Planet went bankrupt, he allegedly put this 9/11 archive up for sale - for a mere $3 million. Do you think I'm kidding you? Check out this 2005 piece of the New York Observer:
(When the company was in dire straits last winter, Mr. Rosenbaum attempted to sell off his vast library of 9/11 footage valued at $3 million. So far, there have been no takers.)
Does anyone here have $3 million to spare? Perhaps we could relieve Mr. Rosenbaum of his dire burden?
I trust everyone on this forum will be familiar with the numerous, horridly low-res video clips of purported 9/11 footage infesting Youtube - carrying the Camera Planet logo. Taken together, and providing you have watched/compared them all, anyone should be able to see that they are nothing but an assembly line of animations created in a digital 3D environment and are, all in all, just a crude series of computerized animations - slightly rotated & retargeted at will. The purpose they serve is, of course, to convey the illusion that many different cameramen shot these videos in reality.
So let's ask Mr. Steven Rosenbaum if he can supply us with a list of the alleged 76 authors of these "amateur videos", shall we?
Simon Shack
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the source-material of September Clues?
What did the 5 US TV networks broadcast on the morning of 9/11?
2. What about the many amateur videos we have seen?
3. What about the 4 flights we have heard about - and their passengers?
4. What about all the eye-witnesses we have heard of on the news?
5. Where can I verify the September Clues claim that all the 9/11 imagery was fake?
(Think of the 9/11 imagery as a fully pre-fabricated "Hollywood" production)
6. How did they prevent New Yorkers from capturing real images of the events?
7. Where can I verify the claim that the 9/11 victims were (most or all) fictitious identities?
9/11 MEMORIAL SCAMS, VICSIMS,ETC (newer thread)
8. What about the people we saw jumping out of the WTC towers?
9. Where can I find the full 80-page pdf file of the "VICSIM REPORT" ?
10. What would be the purpose of fabricating victims for an alleged terror attack ?
11. Who are the people claiming to have lost a family member on 9/11?
9/11 ACTORS (on Youtube)
12. What about the many other 9/11 truth organizations?
Jane is that you?
Where can I find the show that Chiarini was on ?
Celtic Rectal believes that Charini and Tuskin aren't agents? Slam dunk, he's a piece of shit.
Finnaly you guys realised that this vaseline worshiper is nothing but mamas bassement fag!
Welcome back!!I am looking forward to sunday show,but afther that,keep it INFORMATIVE, serious,profesional and funny!No more vaseline worship!
yes, renegade is right. we must first out all the gays. they always turn out to be bad. they are the ones who like young children. they say, but we're good at hollywood & Weimar republic, case closed.
We must find all the gays in the truth movement because we know who supports them without a doubt.
Everyone calls them something: even their website is called zog
The ''real'' Alex and Greg really came out in this broadcast.Tag-teaming against a fellow host, who made very reasonable points, and trying to pull rank with age and finally cut him of when they can't win the arguement.
The ''did your parents die?'' remark from Greg was very uncalled for imo. and then the belittleling ''as a friend, stop drinking''.Pff..with friends like that...
I fully agree with Lugh's position on Goldbug and he did a great job in standing up for it.Payday also made very good points.
This reorganisation at Renegade will be a very good one imo.Good luck fellas!
I dare say that anyone who supports Dallas Goldstein is suspect or very, very stupid.
Filth. Absolute filth.
i think the case with celtic rebel was over ferried, I always thought him a poser, always hinting he knew something, but I never heard what something was.
the case of greg form nj was more anus. he was a renegade member, who was sadly outed & fired by renegade for being a homosexual.
Jane is a JEW ! She called into The Peter Principle show on RBN (07/15/05) when Peter Shank was inverting Alex Linder and Bill White. Jane called in and began explaining how race was a social construct... bla bla bla. Its takes Alex Linder about 30 seconds to pin her ass to the wall and ask her point blank if she is a jew and she responds "yes".
That was the show that got the host (Peter Shank) canned from RBN by the way.
Now she calls into this show when there is dissension in the ranks and drives a dagger into Lugh's back. His "friends" don't say a dam word in his defense and now we have some dim bulbs writing in here cheering her on as Lugh gets bloody. Its a god dam disgrace!
Dio is incest filth,absolute incest filth!
strange behaviour of the homosexual deviant
Jane the Jew is a mess. She admitted she is a Jew on Lee Roger's final broadcast.
I can't remember how many times she called into shows spitting her hateful anti aryan rhetoric, blaming everything on the Goy.
Look at her speak on this show she vigilantly bleeds hatred on goyim for wanting to help their fellow new yorkers who were facing the worst crisis the city has ever encountered then yuks it up with Greg when they die of poison.. then has the fuckin audacity to rip on me for saying it's bullshit that space lasers and hologram machines were clearly involved.. just more of this "matrix programming" like Ed C promotes which pigeon holes people into thinking the world is a paranoid delusion and every cop, gov employee, the entire video engineering departments of all major news outlets, thousands of fake witnesses and actors are all complacent in a vast mystery conspiracy.. it's utter cow patties. She reminds me of a poor man's Mae Brussell only twice as ugly and twice as stupid.
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