January 08, 2014

Satanists unveil 7-foot monument they want to erect at Oklahoma Statehouse

Baphomet. The "Friendly" face of Satanism?
The New York-based Satanic Temple religious group has officially unveiled the design of the statue of Satan it wants to place near the Ten Commandments monument at the Oklahoma state capitol building. As the sketch of the proposed seven-foot monument shows, the temple hopes to depict Satan as the goat-headed, Baphomet figure, complete with a long beard, horns, wings, and Pentagram design placed overhead. On both sides of Satan are smiling children.
“The monument has been designed to reflect the views of Satanists in Oklahoma City and beyond. The statue will serve as a beacon calling for compassion and empathy among all living creatures!!!"
*Reports that people were being struck blind after seeing "Dave From Texas" dancing naked on the rooftops at this news were entirely made up by myself!*        (rt.com)

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