July 28, 2014

David Duke Show 2014.07.28

Today: Dr. David Duke has another powerful emotional show. He not only exposes the mass murder of Israel in Gaza, he shows how the Zio owned and controlled media distorts and manipulates people, even many of the articles that seem to more unbiased have a subtle bias in almost every paragraph. He also discusses the European and American reaction to all of this carnage in Gaza and how that the vast majority condemn Israel and Zionism but a very small element spouts hatred toward the Palestinian victims -- which is not only wrong but exactly what the Zio controllers want. Europeans want to preserve their rights and heritage, but the overwhelming majority believe in justice and opposition to harm against anyone. If you alienate those good people, you will never liberate our own nations for the destructive Zionist influence over us and all their nefarious programs that are literally destroying our own heritage and freedom. A really great and important show! share and support this work of Dr. Duke. Tomorrow Ken O'Keefe joins Dr. Duke,, also be sure to go DavidDuke facebook fan page and weigh in!

David's site
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