September 03, 2014

Vaccines cause brain damage: the mothers know

This is a grotesquery. The people who run this system should be in prison for the rest of their lives.
But regardless, the mothers know. They know when and how and why their child withdrew from the world, and was, afterward, never the same.
It was a vaccine.
An empire can be built, and has been built, to avoid that stark truth.
The CDC is the Orwellian Ministry of Truth of the empire. It lies about case numbers of diseases—inflating them—in order to sell vaccines.
It holds meetings to discuss how to frighten the public into getting vaccines.
It beats the drum every hour of every day to assure us that vaccines are the wonder of modern science. Safe and effective. Safe and effective.
The CDC’s propaganda allies and their chosen experts attack the “anti-vaccine people” as close cousins to terrorists.           ***Read full article here***
*Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History

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