October 13, 2019

Extinction Rebellion is an ‘anti-democratic’ and ‘anti-Western’ movement


AdolfRichtar@gmail.com said...

This is PAID protest crap financed by JEWISH SATANIC MAFIA ala SOROS and 6 million jews behind him !!!

Henry said...

Start shooting the bastards and they'll soon feel better about the weather.

Sarah Perry said...

They do this in Asia, but Western countries are too nice and PC. Westerners are expected to be tolerant, tolerant, and more tolerant. The Antifa and anti-America “Extinction Rebellion Protests” are not protesting in China. https://andrewcarringtonhitchcock.com/2019/10/08/the-andrew-carrington-hitchcock-show-1097-paul-english-they-dont-tolerate-our-beliefs-so-why-should-we-tolerate-theirs/

John Miller said...

"Start shooting the bastards..."
I absolutely agree with that, but "Western men" have no balls any more...
The Jews laugh their ar*ses off.....
PS: Where are the "Lone wolves" ???