They will label him all of that anyway, because they’re Jews and Jews don’t forgive goyim who’ve criticized them, ever. He’s already said enough critical things about Jews/Israel and is close enough to a white nationalist for them to put him in that category. Hell, these same Jewish press organs categorize deviant Jewish shills like Milo Yiannopoulos and Laura Loomer as “Alt-Right”.
By Brandon Martinez - lol
aka Zion Coin Factory.
Nick is funny and has talent but I don't want to get in the middle of these kind of turd flinging sessions. I'm sensing a lot of jealousy and envy like that of Owen Benjamin.
I don't want to be in the position of defending Nick but this is a very poorly written article full of ad hominems:
"So why should we have any sympathy for Fuentes when he treats good people in the Alt-Right like trash?"
He never explains in the article who these 'good people' are. I would like know who he's talking about. Owen Benjamin? Dickie Spenser?
"Maybe he can employ the expertise of his second cousin El Chapo to do some of his dirty work."
Low blow and not even humorous. Nick is 30% Mexican (so what). Martinez doesn't exactly look like an example of pure aryan genetics himself.
Fuentes has to be careful on the holoco$t issue because he doesn't want to get kicked off of Utube.
"Try “debating” one of these Groyper clowns on Twitter, and they will spazz out with “wignat” accusations without addressing any points."
What I like about the Groypers is seeing young men who have awareness of our problems.
Again, more ad hominems. Yawn....
I knew that you were gonna get triggered scorpio. I'm sorry to break your heart man. I know that you're in love with Fuentes.
I'm chiiiiiimping!!!!
I'm all for hearing some good criticism towards Nick but this article didn't make the grade.
He didn't really make any good points.
I was just remembering Martinez's epic fallout with Prostink. - lol
I lost interest in "Brandon Martinez" years ago, after he lost his spicy ZCF site & seemed to become more 'conservative', and what I occasionally read from him was just strange mixed messages, including this article!
Was Brandon the original guy to register "alt-right.com", or is he just a contributor? Seems whoever grabbed that domain name would've had some interest in appearing to be "the voice of alt-right", whether to discredit them or gatekeep them.
Angelo John Gage put up this 10m vid yest, tired of "You MUST Believe!"
All Martinez seems to do these days is throw venom at brainwashed women. I suspect that he had a bad breakup and gave up on them.
I can't really blame the guy. I mean look at the younger women today.
Yes Zeebra. I suspect that it might not even be him. He used to be tempered and could write better than what I'm reading. Who know?
I never post from alt-right.com it stinks like CSIS.
I just wanted to trigger scorpio. It worked. My job is done. LOL
I'm not triggered!!!!!!!
Quit saying I'm triggered!!!!! That really pisses me off!!!!!!
After perusing Twitter comments, it seems that Fuentes has blocked a ton of people. Still I am not sure that being blocked and him knowing a few Zionist crazies is worthy of a grand conspiracy.
HT offered more compelling information that Nick Fuentes' movement is being led by Vincent James under the tutelage of Infowars, and that he told his followers to cool it with the Israel questions. I can't find any evidence of that but I also wouldn't doubt it.
The Groyper movement is obviously ripe for being co-opted. That being said, the activism is a net positive, not a negative.
Maasanova they use actors to create heroes and popular commentators all the time. Anyone who blows up on youtube or one day you say "what, who is this?", just keep your wits about you. Regardless, I do hope that the word spreads about Zionism and the Holohoax.
Brandon pub'd this one below last week on 11/12; in part noted Nick blocked him on twatter just that day so maybe BM's got a vengeance bone to pick? I know Nick unblocked Adam Green after AG 'apologized' for calling, or maybe inferring from Nick's "friendships" that Nick's a zio shill. BM also notes NF's friendliness with (((Milo, Jacob Wohl & Laura Loomer))).
Nick Fuentes’ Dishonest Grifting Operation: Support for Jewish Homosexuals, Zionists & Shuns Questioners!
Martinez had had that many incarnations it's hard to keep up. Lost his shit when he got kicked from the Zion Factory and reinvented himself, which, as implied above, he keeps on doing. With, I might add, little success. He's the same old 56%er and is less white than Obama is black.
@Max Smart, what's 56 %er ?? Something about racial makeup?
Separately; those following #GroyperWar know Michelle Malkin stood up for & wouldn't "disavow" groypers this weekend, which #ConservativeInc tried to blow up by conflating Nick with holohoax denial... & 'destroy' MMalkin by association-sorcery.
So (((their))) ham handed attempt to draw their holohoax into the hot/trendy groyper war gives )))us((( a nice opportunity to red pill ppl re holohoax, by tying it to #immigrationInc. IE (tweet, FB etc)
The “Holocaust” As Tool To Flood America With Third Worlders
Nick on infowars with AJ & Shroyer yest; 1h 7m:
Nick Fuentes Talks Groyper Wars And The Coming Fall Of TPUSA
War Room
8 hours ago
It appears that HT may be on the money with the idea that the Groyper operation is being run by Infowars.
HT (Handsome Truth / GDL) would need to condense his msg into way < ~3hrs if he wants any traction. Theory that "Infowars is behind GroyperWar" goes off track in that much groyper energy focused on the izzy-first, aid-to-izzy, USS Liberty, dancing izzys, free speech vs anti-shlomo-ism.
Nick to be on infowars again today though... mixed feelings there -- exposure good, association bad!
I watched ur 13m Brandon clip; basically a repeat of his article suggesting Nick "disavow" Loomer & Wohl... granted, would be nice, those 2 can't be trusted! & Loomer now running for congress in FL, basically on a "fighting goog/soc media censorship" slogan; meanwhile she lays low for the goyim re her super-zionism, same crowd behind the "hate" & "fake news" censorship! How's that gonna work?? It doesn't!
Alex Jones was the first person I ever heard talk about uss liberty. He was having survivors on his show over 15 years ago.
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