November 17, 2019

The Political Cesspool With James Edwards 2019.11.16

By January 1, 2008, The Political Cesspool Radio Program had long-since skyrocketed to stardom and become the most courageous political talk show in America. How did that happen? You ask five guys and you’ll get five different answers, but they all start in Memphis, Tennessee, during the summer of 2004…

Download Hour 1 - Guest: Mark Weber – The Director of the Institute for Historical Review returns to discuss the media manufactured flap involving Stephen Miller, a senior advisor for policy for President Donald Trump.

Download Hour 2 - Guest: Brad Griffin – The Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent is back to explain The Groyper Wars and the recent spat of violence at Popeye’s chicken.

Download Hour 3 - Guest: Paul Fromm – Our favorite Canadian free speech activist closes the program with commentary on the firing of Canadian sports icon Don Cherry who had the audacity to ask his viewers to honor veterans on Remembrance Day.

80k CF Volume Variations Adjusted


zapoper said...

The volumes on these shoes are all over the place. It's surprising that they haven't fixed the problem after so many years of airing them.

Henry said...

zapoper said...

"The volumes on these shoes are all over the place"

Yeah...your "shoes" speak louder than words you Jew lovin' arse bandit.

zapoper said...

Fuck you little Henry.

Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

Copying and pasting my comment from another post in case Henry has any thoughts:

Henry if you read this, please chime in. Zap is certainly not a jew loving shill. If you think he went wrong somewhere, tell us. Mistake is not the same as being an agent. And I for one know that the alt right is absolutely full of agents and actors and theatre.

To be brutally honest here, I would be devastated if it came to be true that Hitler was controlled in some part. Or Himmler. But controlled opposition goes shockingly deep and has for well before World War 2.

Miles Matthis and Rae West have written about this. I think that they both came to the conclusion that he started out partially controlled, that possibly his imprisonment with a quick release could have been a theatre event to raise popularity, which is certainly by the playbook. But that later he really did try to avoid bloodshed.

Don't quote me on any of that. I have NOT read their stuff in detail yet. I need to have a good chunk of time to analyze and check for myself, so I have not devoted myself to that yet.

Henry said...

Jacky, Mr Zippy set up a post "just to PISS OFF Henry" and keeping to the spirit of that post I thought I'd have him LOL-ing all over the show. Just shows what a lousy judge of character I am.

zapoper said...

You pounce on an admin like a starving hyena and I'm supposed to be LOL-ing at all your comments???

Scorpio said...

Henry - A few pics of Hitler for lulz isn't quite the same as calling zap a 'Jew lovin' arse bandit'.
You are easily triggered by any criticizing of AH from what I've observed.

Scorpio said...

Brad Griffin isn't in any position to comment on the Groypers; he isn't in good standing within the Pepesphere, believe me.

Henry said...

Scorpio - I haven't responded to any pics of Hitler nor to any "criticism" of him. But putting someone straight when they're posting bullshit and lies about Hitler or anything else for that matter is something else entirely. Perhaps you need to read again. I said that a post had been published solely to "piss me off". If I sound like I'm pissed off then someone achieved what they set out to achieve, didn't they?

However I'm not...pissed off.

Scorpio said...

you shouldn't be.
It was just a joke.

Nobody was posting lies about AH. Some of the history there is a bit murky.
There's plenty of room for discussion.
And yes, you are easily triggered on the subject.

Henry said...

No I'm not (easily triggered) and yes lies are being posted. In fact on an earlier contentious thread a fellow admin plagiarized and deliberately misrepresented the words of a published author when cobbling together a reply to you; even stooping so low as to swap out the authors final clause for one of his own making in order to sell you his point and you swallowed it hook line and sinker.

Scorpio said...

What point did I swallow 'hook line and sinker' ?

Henry said...

The point that Chainsawmillerman made in comment # 10 as a direct answer to your point in comment # 9 in the "BIS - Secret History of Bank of International Settlements Switzerland" here:

That's a 42 comment thread and in comment # 1 you posted...

"This is a very important subject and one of the often overlooked global power brokers along with the IMF. The vid might just spark another 80+ comment thread..."

You never posted again after the reply to you at comment # 10.

In that comment Chainsawmillerman lifted, without citation, the following paragraph from p.94 of Stephen Goodson's A History of Central Banking


The original purpose of the BIS was to facilitate German reparations payments set by the Treaty of Versailles, but once the artificially contrived Great Depression started to take effect and the National Socialists came to power in January 1933, all payments ceased and the BIS had to find a new direction, viz, the fostering of monetary cooperation. In reality the BIS guides and directs the centrally-planned global financial system through the central banks of each country,of which 60 are affiliated to it.

...and then, in answer to you, he fashioned it into the following anti-NS bullshit...


Are you talking in the context of the reparations outstanding? The original purpose of the BIS was to facilitate German reparations payments set by the Treaty of Versailles, but once the artificial Great Depression started to take effect and Hitler came to power in 1933 all payments ceased. So like any public bank that has an interest free currency The prosperity grows rapidly. Canada never ran a significant deficit until after 1974. Pre 1974 we built many huge infrastructure projects for a small population here in Canada ( i suspect that was allowed to happen). When the BIS started borrowing money to us at interest everything began to change rapidly here. Germany is no different they prospered and grew their military hardware buy leaps and bounds under there interest free currency so it was their own internal prosperity that flourished. After the payments for reparations stopped until around 1953. So the point is that the Banking elite would let Germany grow unimpeded and have huge amounts of prosperity, only to later smash them.This was a banker scam. The rise of hitler invokes the dream of the superhero coming to save and unite his people.Great story. From where i sit and my conspiratorial nature I call Bullshit! This is an old story. Remember the greenbacks and the prosperity they brought to early America? These Bankers are in control and they let "organic" movements start. In reality the BIS guides and directs the centrally planned global financial system through the central banks of each country,of which 60 are affiliated to it. Now add 5g and crypto to the mix and where we are all heading is too a hellish socialist debt servatude that has likley never been seen. It will be interesting to see if those satanist banker fuckers will be able to slow cook us or are we going to wake the fuck up.


To make things clearer I placed Goodson's words (with original context) in bold, though even they suffered an 'edit' or two when being set in the carnage that now surrounds them.


zapoper said...

" To make things clearer I placed Goodson's words (with original context) in bold, though even they suffered an 'edit' or two when being set in the carnage that now surrounds them."

He was honest about it! What's your fucking problem!

Henry said...

Honest about what? Without citation he took an author's words as his own and gave them a meaning that did not exist. He omitted a defining clause and in its place he inserted a word salad of his own puerile anti-Hitler imagination.

Scorpio said...

Henry, could you zero in on the big point.
In all honesty, I'm not seeing it.

Henry said...

Nah "In all honesty" I think you are seeing it.

Scorpio said...

No, I'm not but whatever

zapoper said...

So now even scorpio is "hiding the truth"?

If you think that we're all liars, why do you come here? Grab the shows that you want and get the hell out. FFS.

Henry said...

Like I said. Shocking

Henry said...

So I'm now in 'therapy' at Mami's Shit! You couldn't make this up if you tried. This really is the SHIT.

zapoper said...

The first funny thing that you ever wrote on here. LOL

Henry said...

Yeah, you're just a nasty little racist. You hate the goyim.

zapoper said...

Get the fuck out of here!

Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

Henry none of us have ever said that Hitler was a fake. In fact I thought/think that he was/is one of the only greatest men ever. Coming to understand lately how controlled and how cleverly deceptive the world stage is, has led to deeper research and consideration.

Chainsawmillerman is good to say exactly what he thinks and why, rather than hide it because it is unpopular. It leads to open discussion like on the BIS thread. But there is a difference between being possibly mistaken, and being an agent who lies on purpose.

And yes we are in therapy here. Redpill rage and depression is real. Seeing the burned corpses from Dresden and modern Palestine and nobody I know caring about those because they aren't "trendy" issues is isolating. And as I said earlier, I would truly be devastated if it turned out that Hitler and the NSDAP were actors.

Henry said...

Thanks Jacky, I'm indebted for your considered counseling. We didn't have "redpills" when I signed up to the cause in 1974. If only you could smoke this SHIT.

Henry said...

It's like spending a 1920s afternoon in the overcrowded waiting room of Sigmund Freud's Viennese salon for the fucked of mind. Everyone in here is a cod-psychologist with advice to spare and a remedy to hand. But nothing they have works for them.

Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

Be advised I do not accept federal reserve notes for my services. And these redpills are expensive.

But payment can be made in Sieg Heils, cookies, and more great information.

Henry said...

You're a good man Jacky. Your heart's in the right place and you're loyal to your friends. I hope they don't disappoint you.

What's in the news for us today? Prince Andrew!

Andrew (and his Mohel circumcised brothers) went to a private school in Scotland founded by a German Jew called Kurt Hahn. In March 1933 Hahn had been imprisoned by the Nazis for inciting his pupils against the NS but after a few days inside the then British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald intervened and he was released. He then left Germany for Britain and set up his special education school in Scotland. Why a British PM would intervene in 1933 to help this Jew I don't know, but according to Churchill's private secretary, John Colville, after Churchill replaced Chamberlain as PM in 1940, Hahn's opinion and advice on how the British government could reject German peace proposals while making it appear that it was actual;y Hitler's Germany that was rejecting the move for peace were very welcome at Downing Street during the summer of 1940.


Monday, July 22,

The Germans in Washington are telling our Embassy that they can produce the terms of peace which Germany would accept. Now, I think, is the psychological moment to define our own war aims and state our terms. They would be such that Hitler would refuse them, but in so doing, he would lose credit in the eyes of the outside world and also in those of his own people. Mr. Kurt Hahn, former headmaster of Salem [the German school] has produced an interesting note on this subject which Tony Bevir has obtained and passed on to the P.M. But I fear the Government lacks the imagination to make such a move, even though I think they have been right to keep their war aims vague until now....

Wednesday, July 24,

[...] The P.M. was in a cantankerous frame of mind demanding papers which were not available.

About 1.a.m. Brendan, Prof, Tony and I had a discussion about Kurt Hahn's proposals, which are generally thought to be intelligent. It is important that the odium of saying "No" to peace terms should be laid on Hitler and not on ourselves. Hahn thinks that Hitler, who must realise that aid to be expected from Quislings in this country is small, might hope to discover a Lansdowne, who would advocate a compromise peace.

Source: Colville, John, The Fringes of Power: 10 Downing Street Diaries 1939–1955, pp 164-166.

Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

Thank you Henry. I admire your defense of Germany's reputation, and refutation of sick lies against them. My blood too boils when I hear some of the things said even now 80 years later, knowing what I know now.

And good article. Yes, the British war goals did not exist. Churchill and the Jews' determination to continue the war and horrific intentional annihilation of populated civilian areas is sickening.

Whenever someone today whines about something Nazis supposedly did, I tell them about the Allies' bombing campaigns.

Whenever someone tells me that several thousand Americans died on D-Day, which of course they never should have been sent, I tell them that yes, the Germans were peacefully occupying France, many French girls had a new boyfriend, and the Allies savagely incinerated 50,000 French civilians on the morning of D-Day with their intentional genocidal bombing run of Normandy, then took over the country with their own military occupation, NOT liberating France as we are told.