December 16, 2019

Open Letter to the French Canadian Bishops: E. Michael Jones and Co-Signer Vincent Benetar

Today, E. Michael Jones discusses the state of the Catholic Church in Canada with one of the Co-Signers of the Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church in French Canada.


(LifeSiteNews) - A group of young French-Canadian Catholic men are asking their bishops to teach the traditional faith and give the spiritual leadership they say is essential to combat the nihilistic culture that tempts many to despair.

That includes allowing access to the traditional Latin Mass.

Twenty-nine men between the ages of 18 to 44, including university students, a doctor and two lawyers, signed an open letter titled “We Ask for Faith: Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church in French Canada”


• Dr. E. Michael Jones is a world renowned and best-selling Catholic author, lecturer, and editor of Culture Wars magazine. His books include:

๐Ÿ“•Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control:

๐Ÿ“—The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing:

๐Ÿ“˜Barren Metal: Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury:

๐Ÿ“— The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History

๐Ÿ“šFor a complete list of Dr. Jones' books visit:

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine.


Henry said...

What a Mensch...What a liar.

Adanac said...

Henry if you had his following what would be your top 5 most important topics be? I have disagreed with EMJ, but all in all he is doing good work and he has a sane anti Talmudic message, no? What are some of the biggest issues you have with him?

WWS said...

Chainsaw: This was once at [now a bad link] but is still available at Amazon in his description of a booklet:

"Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared as a mestiza, a mixture of European and Native American races. She was the cosmic symbol of the race mixing the English feared since the moment they set foot on the soil of the New World. She was the symbol of Mexican identity. She was the symbol of Catholic race-mixing and the antithesis of England's and later America's and still later Germany's ideology of racial superiority." -

The improper usage of the term 'superiority' does not cloud the fact that E. Michael Jones accepts and may even promote race-mixing. A genius on Jews but an idiot on race: he recently stated that a Black African who learns the Polish language and Polish customs, and who lives in Poland, is therefore a Pole – is Polish!

His sleight of hand in confusing ethnicity with genetics does not conceal the fact that E. Michael Jones is an anti-White cultural Marxist, as are so many 'Christians'.

He fears this simplicity of Truth:

Logos is sentient harmony with God
where God is active Universal Power
over Creation and Destruction

Adanac said...

Thanks for that WWS. I do not own any of EMJ's books. I have listened to several of his talks.
I come away from most of his talks in agreement with him. For people with no knowledge of the topics he covers he does a good job.
I'm from Canada and so we don't have any real culture anymore.I can't talk on the more historic monolithic cultures in Europe. The health of those is fading fast. I've heard EMJ speak about weaponized migration on many occasions. Haven't you?

The example you give."A genius on Jews but an idiot on race: he recently stated that a Black African who learns the Polish language and Polish customs, and who lives in Poland, is therefore a Pole – is Polish!" It seems to me we would be so lucky to have this scenario.
The problem is there is no such assimilation in my local experience. I guess i'd need to see the wider context of that statement.

That being said I have been duped many times in the past but feel i'm getting much better at discerning but still find myself being tricked now and again. Maybe i should just hide away with my hobbies till its time to go to the gulag? LOL

RickB said...

To be carnally minded is death, to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6

The carnal is finite and temporary. And being in that state of mind is separation from God.

Loving like God is to love unselfishly, not for personal gratification, which is demeaning to the other... and self.

On a personal note, my granddaughter is bi-racial. I see her as a child of God. Her being bi-racial is complicated to say the least. I have more in common with a spiritually, God-centered person than any non-spiritually, non-God centered person, black, white, yellow or orange.

Albert said...

"Jesus was a Judean ... Now for a Theologian to say that: you can't harm the jews, is just ridiculous! ... I'd like to Know where in the Scriptures it says that ..."

Benjamin Freedman 1:09:30

EMJ Hypnotises folks with his "Logos* ..." BS
(Which simultaneously "means" WHATEVER HE wants it to "mean" and thus [worse-than] NOTHING! at the same time!)
> One of Our CORE-ENEMIES is the "Equality" -- "Similarities" instead of Glaring-DIFFERENCES -- Learned-SUICIDAL-(((Mind-POISON-Madness))) !!!
--> To SAY that we are ALL "Equally" "Human", or in "Spiritual-Speak" ALL have the "same" "Soul" ... Yes! Even EVERY Living-Being ... ACTUALLY SAYS LESS-than-NOTHING !!! -- It is (((POISON-BS)))
-- It is Hard to "put into words" -- but, Listening to EMJ actually MAKES-one-DUMMER ... and White-Race-SUICIDALLY so !!!

I Stick with MY Hard-Won (and multiply/[recursively]-TESTED) Assessment that OUR CORE Framework Must BE: "It's the jews Stupid!" and "Race-Realism" ...

The MOST simple "boiled-down" TRUTH ... is that ONCE Our WHITE-RACE is (((Genocided))) ... NOTHING of these "clever": "Ideas" and ((("isms"))) Will-Remain !!! -- NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We simply MUST Prevent (((them))) from "simply" "running-down-the-clock" UNTIL we are: "Replaced" / GENOCIDED !!!

๐ŸŒ ๐ŸŒš ๐ŸŒž

EMJ is simply NOT a Learned "Scholar" or a Pro-White, his numerous SUPER-RETARDED statements on "Equality", among such OBVIOUSLY-Different Peoples, is Down-Right (((SATANIC))) !!! (You would be Better-Off: Whacking-Your-Head with a Hammer!)

Folks who wish to "cling-to" "Christianity" would be Much Better Served by Carefully-WATCHING the: "100-Proofs the Israelites were WHITE" 1:32:57 Video-Presentation:

Because THAT would AT-LEAST Provide-a-Framework for the SURVIVAL of Our-Race !!!
(Yes! "Christianity"/Environmentalism etc, is ONLY for WHITES! -- Other Races could "give a shit" for Anyone/Anything Else besides Themselves/Their-Own-IMMEDIATE selfish/Retarded/"Benefit"!)

-- Isn't it OBVIOUS Yet, to Everyone/ANYONE: that the Other-Races CARE-NOTHING for OUR: "Kind" "Moral" BRAIN-POISONED "ideas" of "Loving" our SWORN-ENEMIES, and "Doing to THEM, as we would to Our-Own-KIN" ... WHILE: THEY, Like a Childhood-Game: "Randomly" Kill some of us, put-down-Their-weapon, Pick-it-UP-Again and KILL some More of us, put it down again, etc etc etc until they can OPENLY DO Whatever They WANT in "Their" NOW MAJORITY-"Invader" Formerly-WHITE-Countries!

What Jan-Lamprecht Pointed-Out Recently: that (((they))) will-NOT: Truthfully-OPENLY: Declare-War, a "War" of OUR Extinction/Annihilation/Eradication!, upon us ... Because in a DECLARED-War DEFENDING-Yourselves is OBVIOUSLY: MORE than just "FAIR" !!! -- Is VERY VERY Important: to "Get-your-head-Around"!

The Non-Stop: "Random" Rapes and Murders etc of Blacks and other Non-Whites within OUR-Nations ...
Is (NOW!) OBVIOUSLY a DELIBERATE War-Policy WAGED-UPON-us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

--> And we Should KNOW (((who))) it IS that (((are))) Instigating-such Terrible "Terrorist" Step-by-Step (((Genocide))) Policies UPON us!!!
And OURSELVES, in SELF-DEFENCE: "Remove" the (((causes))) of Such "Random" (((Genocidal))) Assaults !!!

Brizer said...

I agree with WWS.
EMJ's take on race is totally absurd. He does a good job however on the jew question and how they have subverted society into this degenerate shithole it has now become. He has woken up a lot of people in Ireland to that. I have been speaking about the JQ for years to a lot of people here, even awake people, for years and they didn't want to go there but for them listening to EMJ in recent times they now get it which is good. He reminds me of Alex Jones (another Jones haha) who warned us about the Bildeburgers, CFR etc but after a while we saw him for the shill that he is.
My opinion is to take EMJ with a grain of salt. Lots of good stuff there with an equal amount of bullshit. Take it or leave it.

Liam said...

I am with WWS and Brizer.
If I had time and inclination to read EMJ's books I would be better to relegate the time to reading and re-reading the bible as there are remedies to be had, which I doubt I will find from a jesuit worshiping catholic.