January 16, 2020

The Graham Hart Show - With Brizer 2020.01.13

Brizer's guest: Alan Buttle (Irish History etc)

Graham's blog

Graham Hart - Hoax Train.mp3

Cornwall Stream
Mami's Archive
The Graham Hart Show Players



Albert said...

The British Royal-Family are Elitist and Racist!

Not-only do They Not allow: Anyone of the British-Race to Become Part of Their-Family, unless they are of proper "Royal"-Blood!
-- But they Don't EVEN allow 3rd-World-Mixed-Race-Oogaboogas to Become "Royals" or "Queens" (also: How "homophobic!)!

Breaking News Update:
The (((royal family))) are Perfectly within (((their))) Rights to Erect HIGH-Walls with Machine-Gun-Armed-Guards, and Anyone who DARES to even Mention this, what to Speak of Criticise (((them))) MUST(By Traditional "Noahide-Laws") Immediately Have Their Heads Cut-Off !!!

Late-Breaking News Update: It has been Determined that Meghan has ((("Committed-Suicide"))) in a "Tragic" ((("Car-Crash"))) by: shooting Herself in the Back-of-Her-Head Twice, and Dragging Her-Bloodless-Zombie-Corpse into a Park, where the Surveillance-Footage of the Entire "Tragic" "Accident" is inexplicably "Missing" !!!

🌝 🌚 🌞

Albert said...

Listen to Kyle's Latest-Talk:


Very Very Very Question-Raising !!! -- Maybe Kyle and jew-lie-ani's BEST-Presented-Case Ever !!!


(He briefly Mentions the Australian-Fires ... But, as a Balance to: "Traditional-Values" it Compliments this Talk incredibly!)

🌝 🌚 🌞

KnownUnknown said...
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Albert said...

After LISTENING to LARK-in-Texus, with Radio-Free-South-Africa, Second-Half on "Communitarianism":

I have Heard Lark a few times Before, and Brizer Also mentions the Term: "Communitarianism" ...

But Somehow THIS Latest-Show: "Struck-Home"! ;-)

In the West, Especially with the "Modern"-"Christian" Ideas ...

We "Kid-Ourselves" that the CRITERION for a "Good-Person": is to HAVE "Good-Intensions"!
--> The Road-to-HELL ... is PAVED-with-"Good-Intensions" !!! ;-)

BUT a MUCH MUCH MUCH More Difficult / Stringent / "Damning" (and indeed TRUE) Criterion is: Creating GOOD-RESULTS !!!
--> As we CANNOT SEE the Future*! ... -- We in-a-very-concrete-Sense CANNOT-Know: The Future, and Hence: ONLY:
In HINDSIGHT (Hindsight is [Always] 20 / 20 !!!) Can we and Others SEE:
IF the RESULTS-of-Our-Talk+Actions is Indeed TRULY-GOOD !!!
-- And Hence: IF we Indeed TRULY-WERE a "Good-Person"!
(In Old-Age, BECAUSE we can Look-BACK-Further + Piece-Together a Larger-PART-of-the-"Picture") we Can GLIMPSE-the-Future, which is Called: "Wis-Dom"! -- From-Higher-SEE-FURTHER-VISION!)

(The 9 Noble-Virtues are FAR CLEARER than Other ("compromised"/"cucked"): "Ideas"! of "Virtue"!)

Kung-Fu (or something!) "USE the Enemies' Strength AGAINST-Themselves!" ;-)

(((trick))) Folks into "WORKING" ("With "Good"-Intensions!) into effectively: DIGGING-Their-OWN-(and-Loved-Ones'!) GRAVES ...
-- "Diligently"/"Honestly": BUILDING Around OurSelves: the ((("NWO"))) Impenetrable-Prison-Walls-of-the-MIND-(and-soulless-Electronic-Surveillance-State!) for Perpetuity!

Yes! South-Africa is indeed the ((("Model"))) for ALL of us !!!

--> South-Africans LITERALLY-BUILT a Great-Civilisation, WHILST "Letting"-Their-ENEMIES-Increasingly-"Ingress"... and THEN: Through (((hook-or-crook))) (Effectively)-GAVE Their:
Government, Army, Police, ... COUNTRY ... TO: Their DEADLY-(((Enemies))) ... With-WHICH to "Incrementally": GENOCIDE Them ALL! :-(

--> There IS Some TRUTH: to the Younger-Generations BLAMING/NAMING: The Previous-Generations as the ONES who BETRAYED-Them to: the Pitiless-(((NWO))) !!! :-(

Complacency, Compliance, Complicity, ... "Frienemy" ... Our-OWN: "worst"-Enemies !!!

--> "Learned-Helplessness" !!!
----> And WORSE: ie: "simply" (LIKE "Obedient" "Dumb" "LOYAL"-"DOGS!") NOT: 'Biting' the (((hands))) that: (As "clever"-(((middlemen")))-CLAIM to) "Feed"-us !!! (And, indeed ("Disagreeing"-But:) DEFENDING/"Fighting-to-the-DEATH": (((their))) "Rights" to:(Lyingly/Deceitfully/Treacherously/Pornographically etc.) "Speak" "Act" and "OWN" !!! :-(

🌝 🌚 🌞

Marillion said...
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Albert said...

I was just Talking to my 30 years younger nephew, who is "Christtarded" "real-bad"! ;-)

(He "wants" to "Marry" a Ni88er" ! -- Hello! "Thou Shalt-NOT: Commit-Adultery" / "HONOUR [NOT Everlastingly-SHAME!]: Your Mother + Father / Ancestral-LINE! ...)

I was enjoying Describing How: for 200+ years (((they))) have been: Bit-by-Bit: "replacing" the REAL with: (((their))) "clever" FAKE "facsimiles"! ...
-- (((their))) BIG-"LYING:" is Truly on an INCOMPREHENSIBLE-Scale ... To us Some-Truth/Godliness-Remaining-actual-HUMANS/MEN!

-- I used an Analogy of ME being a "Famous"-YouTuber with 1-million (6-million?) subscribers, and Having MY-Face in-the-Screen-Center, with My LITERAL: Cardboard-Cutout-"WIFE" beside-me! ;-) ...
-- I continued: There MAY indeed BE: a REAL-Breathing-WIFE, in another-Room chatting-on-the-Phone etc., BUT the Cardboard-Cutout (even though it may BE a photo of a REAL-Person/individual!) is STILL: NOT a REAL/Actual: Wife, Woman, Person, ...!

THIS: "cleverly" "substituting": "representations" "facsimiles" "equivalents" ... which are "cleverly" (((said to BE))) "Better" / "More Convenient" / "Safer" / -- Now-"MANDATORY"-By-"LAW":
(Gold > "Paper-Money" > "Turned-OFF" at ANY Time: "Electronic"-"Money")
("identified-as-a-woman" Men) etc...
"Progress" is NOW REVEALING: the ((("NWO"))) -- via "Reduce-to-Absurdity": To Be: a "clever" LYING-Scam, "Hatched"-by-INSANE-"Demon-Possessed"-(((perverts))) ...

-- to "cleverly" "Replace" The REAL: God-CREATED-World, where MEN are "Sovereign" and thus Free-by-Godly-Self-Restraint + TRUTH, and judged-by-Their-ACTIONS, in a Civilised "MERITOCRACY" ...

-- with a Freakish-Monstrosity-Chimera (brown-Mongrel-One-"Humanity"): Where (to Enable the Most-Disreputable-CONTEMPTIBLE-Disgusting-Fowl-Creatures to Insanely IMAGINE (((themselves))) to BE: "The "Pinnacle") the Whole-WORLD "Must" be-Turned-Upside-down: With the Most-Beautiful-True-Men:
Step-by-((("Clever")))-Step sooo "Progressively"-DEGRADED ... such that NO-Loving-Creator Could: CONTINUE-to-LOVE or indeed even-"Recognise" them!)

--> Turned-into-Enslaved-"Learned-Helplessness"-"ignorant"-"passive"-Cretins, and Everything Destroyed ...

-- the WORLD "Made"/TRANS-"formed": into a Disgusting Barbaric "Feral": "Living"-Inhuman-"Goyim"/"Robot"/"Zombie"-HELL !!! :-(

🌝 🌚 🌞

KnownUnknown said...

Cmon Eileen

Obie said...

Albert, your "After LISTENING" post gave me dyslexia. Please use earthbound punctuation next time.

Albert said...

"Btwixt" is an Irishman with his "Head screwed on properly" !

7 minutes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/yGz2oYtjqwBj/

Jew_ ron_im-o said...

Known Unknown,are you referring to "speed" by Dexy'Midnight Runners? Youth on Dexadrine,out of control and speeding to oblivion or today it's the Meths,Methamphetamine?

KnownUnknown said...


Yup exactly lol