February 05, 2020

60 years of unlawful Roman Catholic rule over the UK, Canada and the Commonwealth

Queen Elizabeth II and the rest of the British Royal Family are not Catholic. Yes, despite popular belief they do not practice Catholicism. According to The Sun, the royals are christened into the Church of England, which is a Protestant strain of Christianity. The Church actually broke with Roman Catholicism in the 16th century. The Church of England was created by Henry VIII in 1534 when he cut ties with the Catholic church because the Pope wouldn’t grant him an annulment from Catherine of Aragon. Even though the Queen is acknowledged as the Supreme Governor of the Church of England today, the Archbishop of Canterbury is the head cleric of the church. At her coronation in 1953, Elizabeth II took the oath to “maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Church of England, and the doctrine worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in England.” More importantly the Queen has been set up as a legal corporate fiction and is fraudulent for the purposes of her coronation IMO


Mary Louise said...

Prince Philip was never a Roman Catholic. He was Greek Orthodox. Where does this guy get his information from?!

Jew_ ron_im-o said...

The guy orating the video is on to something but does no understand that Greeks are Orthodox also thinks the Monarch is the Crown.
The reigning Monarch is the Throne,who occasionally gets to wear the Crown which is bejeweled.
Some Moslem's and others believe this "Crown" is controlled by "genies" [spirits,or demons]Which possess the "Monarch".
So the Monarch is controlled and possessed by the Crown Corporation which is the Bank of England and in other places manifests as the FED which creates all loans in all but the three? countries that don't yet have the pleasure of National debt banking/taxing /usury scam thrust upon them,
That story fits in well with King Juan Carlos 1 of Spain being Williams father.
Remember these people have been breeding secretly for since their beginning, it comes naturally because they have breed a semi-fixed strain of psychopathic behavioral abnormalities creatures that lord it over the masses.
Diana had blood lines going back into both Catholicism and perhaps something else? The King of Spain would have had long line of right bastards before he set his cloven foot here...

Jew_ ron_im-o said...

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown"

Mary Louise said...

Who cares? What does this have to do with the JQ? Phil the Greek was Greek Orthodox, not RC. This guy is a fundamentalist nut job.

Mary Louise said...

The guy behind the video is the type of Protestant Fundamentalist who believes in Jesuit conspiracy theories around every corner, not a credible source.
The Holy Roman Empire was dissolved in 1806, so those different - unidentified - 'researchers' need to research some basic history.

Mary Louise said...
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Mary Louise said...

Oh boy! This is hard work! If the HRE was dissolved in 1806 it cannot be the power behind the City of London. However, the Rothschilds were, and are, the power behind the Vatican Bank.

Mary Louise said...

That's a result of Vatican 2, ie, Vatican Jew.

Mary Louise said...

Do You believe that Churchill was on the right side of history (as in, what SHOULD have happened as to what did happen?