February 10, 2020

Scorpio's Conspiracy Show 2020.02.08

The First Scorpio Show on Rev.radio

N.B. The station was playing an old intro music when Scorpio started his show. It only lasted approximately one minute.

Topics Discussed:

1) Shortwave Radio Conspiracy World Introduction
2) Hong Kong Fluey Hysteria
3) Rhodes Scholar Sodomy
4) MSM Chimpouts and Trump Derangement Syndrome
5) Bernie the Commie needs DNC love

Revolution.Radio Studio A

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Og said...

good shit

Anonymous said...

Scorpio’s back !.....Fecking awesome and the happiest I’ve been since discovering I’d inadvertently parked the car on next doors cat.

zapoper said...


Good one scorpio.

LOL @ Trump drinking a glass of water.

Scorpio said...

Lulz @ Tez - we gotta talk soon, maaaaaan

KnownUnknown said...

Truth Justice and the Goyische way.

Thanks for the show Scorpio - the thing you didn't mention is almost all the alternative media as super pro Trump, so as a far I can tell it's just kabuki to divide people easier

al said...

Great stuff!! Keep it coming, Sir.

Scorpio said...

KnownUnknown - that's a good point. You very well might be right.

Jew_ ron_im-o said...

Been waiting for that one Scorpio.
Good show!

Albert said...


NICE to HAVE a NEW Voice !!!

-- Nothing "Objectionable" Either !!!

GREAT Show Scorpio !!! ;-)

🌝 🌚 🌞

KnownUnknown said...

Can I put in a request for a Vegas massacre show? Because how did the worst mass murder since 9/11/01 just disappear

KnownUnknown said...

Rense swore up and down it was ISIS and the Saudis but since then nothing happened with either

. said...

It WAS an attempted-assassination against MbS, and, IN-FACT, it was MbS, out-of-his-costume, videoed via security-cameras, being escorted out of the casino, with, BOTH, private-security using israHell-made weapons, and The Nye County Sheriff's Department deputies.

If THAT is not-enough for you people...have you people forgotten what happened, roughly a month, or two, after that massacre-in-Las-Vegas?

MbS had his fucking family hanging-up-side-down, being tortured, MORE-THAN-A-FEW to-death, and, IF THEY WERE LUCKY, were "just" shaken-down for billions-of-dollars.

Yeah...the common-people forget "small details" like the above, but SOME PEOPLE NEVER FORGET A FUCKING THING THAT MATTERS...

KnownUnknown said...

Lindsey mate that shake down had to do with the Aramco float. Some do indeed remember...

Albert said...

"." Writes "just" Like ME !!! ;-)

🌝 🌚 🌞

Scorpio said...

Good question for Mayor Pete: "Will anal sex help solve America's problems?"

John Miller said...

He will tell you : we need more anal sex...

Brizer said...

I can visualise his political slogan at his rallies: "It's Anal Sex, stupid!" lol. A sure fire vote winner lol. Good show Scorp!

John Miller said...

I can visualize his political slogan : "We Americans also need to do more, by far more joow dick sucking. Shalom"

Zeebra said...

Nick Fuentes + EMJ, short clip inside


Maggot said...

Ahh yeh

Scorpio said...

LOL Brizer & J Miller - good ones.

Tim said...

cool show scorpio, nice to see you doing shows, whens the next show? saturday? wht time?

@ said aka lindsey you are a lying kike, the stuff you wrote is total alex jones type disinfo....

if i want the narratives you push i can turn on the jewish msm

vegas was done by the cia/mossad do to get mbs into power (he;s the man behind the yemen war which is necessary to get the iran war)