March 17, 2020

Every Cloud | Thomas Sheridan |

                 I don't always agree with Thomas on a lot of things but he does make a lot of sense here just as I re-iterated on my show. This "Coronavirus" bullshit can work to our advantage and the only people that can make it work is us. We have a window of opportunity here so let's use it and use it wisely. We may not get another chance.


Adanac said...

yeah! All that needs to be done is disseminate the message have the masses watch it understand it and change their present paradigm around their current understanding of reality. Then act on their new found outlook on the world. How hard could it be? tongue firmly in cheek :)

Brizer said...

Stranger things have happened! :)

Adanac said...

Well we could use some magic working in our favor that's for sure.