April 06, 2020

Killiney today gemma o doherty!


Brizer said...

I don't always agree with Gemma but she did a feckin great job here.

A word of warning to all men...Irish women will take care of you, feed you, allow you to go out and drink a feed of pints when the occasion demands and will go through great pain to bring many fine rosy cheeked, red haired children into the world for you but whatever you do don't cross them! Their words can be as deadly as any weapon of mass destruction.

Now,you have been warned..like that cop was! lol

ruxpert said...

"How Dare You!"

Nona said...

There's much more of US, than there is of THEM.

There's something about White Genes and the predominance of AWhite Genes that makes them compliant. THe Blacks and Islamics NEVER comply...well, religion too (islamics).
THese last two don't obey unless it suits them.

In the advanced, highly MIddle -Class, Roman Catholic country of Panama, the gov. has divided the genders - men can go out on certain days for two hours ONLY. And women can go out on alternate days, for two hours ONLY. THere's a complete lock-down on Sunday.

And yes, there's been about a 1000 arrests for the "children" disobeying.

And yes, the cops have turned against their own people in this.

No other country in the world is doing this. NOt Communists, nor islamics.

It's obviously a test to see how far they, the deep state, can go, in turning the cops and the military against their own populace. It's easy to do it.

THis is proof positive that the Alternate Media is correct, in informing People, that there's something sinister, behind the virus (if anything, it's not a fatal thing if anything, it's the plain, regular, miserable Flu).

The entire Planet is in lock-down, through fear or force. And the rulers can see how easy it is to control Human Beings on this Planet. And they are laughing at us.

For my part, it don't believe they're like us, and certainly, in pushing for wars and violence, They or (((they))) have a rabid hatred for us, Humans, and want to destroy us. BTW, in pushing for wars, "peasants" against other "peasants", drafting
18 years olds, who are STILL children- 18 year olds are still CHILDREN- no matter how They say (like forcing hothouse flowers) - those children are bleeding, suffering, dying - it is CHILD SACRIFICE. It STILL goes on....like in "Ancient" days to Moloch.
