May 06, 2020

The Raw Deal With Jim Fetzer 2020.05.06

James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is a philosopher of science and conspiracy theorist. Since the late 1970s, Fetzer has worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science.

Today: Covid-19 in hour one with callers during the second hour.
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Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

Heard this clip from a 2003 TV episode on the show tonight. This right here shows how this whole event is a Zionist Freemason hoax. This is called predictive programming. Just like all the movies foreshadowing 9/11, showing the exact date of September 11 2001, showing planes going into the buildings, etc.

They put it in the media back then, before pulling the false flag event on us, and changing the entire world as a result. Patriot Act, AUMF, war on terror, destruction of the Middle East, militarized police, illegal spy programs against American citizens, terrorist watch list, and so on. And remember now, they ALL went along with it. Democrats and Republicans alike.

Now they are doing the same thing with this virus. Acting out the script FROM THE TV EPISODE, in real life today. These events are usually COMPLETE hoaxes / staged theatrical events. It is possible that a small part of it is real, aka SOME people getting sick, just like with the flu every year killing a small number of people.

This is the big picture. Every President of every country is going along with this. Trump, China, Iran, all of them. Not just "Fauci and Gates". Fauci and Gates are not masterminds who have fooled the entire world. They are just 2 actors among many, all perpetrating this hoax and agenda on us. The Republicans too. Do not be fooled and think that this is being done by "the left" while "the right" tries to figure it out and oppose it.

Bill Gates is not a "leftist philanthropist". Fauci is not a hardworking doctor. Shumer is not an "American democrat", and Trump is not a "Republican American patriot". The latter 2 are obviously both Zionist Patriots, and all four of them belong to the same club. Whether that club is called Freemasonry, or Satanism, or whatever. The important thing to understand is that they are all actors filling in roles, in order to divide and conquer. Shumer plays the role of a brave leader of the left. Trump a brave leader of the right. We need to all understand this. This trick has gone on long enough.

It is nonsense to think that this is all being orchestrated by Bill Gates or whichever other magic leftist "billionaire". BOTH sides are acting from the same script, in order to fool all of us. They are both on the same team, playing the game against all of us.

Not a single whistle-blower or dissident in the Congress or Senate calling out these hoaxes on the level that we do here: Synagogue shootings, Sandy Hook, false flags, and events like this. They are ALL in the club together. Every President and politician was placed in his/her position. They are actors.

Think back to when you woke up to the truth about 9/11, the Holohoax, Sandy Hook, etc. and now imagine some of these senators tweeting out that valuable information to their millions of followers. You think they don't know the same information that we have all struggled to make sense of? They know. The world could change overnight. If they were really on our side.

Jacky Vanmarsenille said...

You can pick the puppet, but never the policy or law. There is no savior in politicians. They are ALL going along with this. They are ALL actors. There are NO heroes in our political system. There is NO faction of Trump or of Republicans that are secretly opposing this. We sitting here on our computers have figured these things out for years, but they NEVER say a word. They pretend to disagree, but the agenda always marches on, they always vote a particular way to ensure that, and they never do what is needed to prevent it. They are actors and this is their most recent show.

Let us all understand this so that we can take the conversation to the next level. We are getting stuck back in the Left vs. Right paradigm game again. I repeat, there is no scenario where Gates and Fauci have orchestrated this by themselves, with Republicans or Trump's government or anyone else truly opposing it. They are all playing along. Every damn country on earth is playing along to the same tune. They are playing us. said...

The whole pharmaceutical industry is run by jewish death cult and wherever you look on cancer, infant-children vaccination,CDC,NIH and ...on ...on...under every rokc is jew rat. I hope more people wake up to this newest crap and send the devil children back to hell a bottomless pit, lake of fire. I can't listen this shit about the fake virus any more. The enemy sitting in DC and every city in US is run by same rats, with no back bone.