September 05, 2020

The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe Episode #9 2020.09.04

Giuseppe & Scorpio interview Dr. Judy Mikovits regarding the Corona-hoax and other pertinent issues.


BillyBob said...

Dr. Judy is a amazing, thanks for this!

Why is no-one asking "how" the CDC diagnoses a single case of Civid, let alone 150,000 or the 9,700 they claim died of Covid alone! They only have 2 tests - even the nyslimes admits the pcr test is 90% false positives, and the antibody test which is wrong half the time - making it useless! The CDC can't prove a single Covid death let alone 6%! There is no blood test for Covid - the pathogen has never been isolated - & Koch's Postulates have been ignored! With SARS Covid - they did use Koch's Postulates and isolated the pathogen, that has NEVER been done! So does the CDC have a team of psychics to determine who has Covid?

Eric said...

Mikovits doesn't really impress me. She follows the status quo on virtually ever single subject except on fauci and this new vaccine gates wants to give the to the world. she even believes the regular flu vaccines are good if im not mistaken.

You should have on Dr.Lorraine Day who can show you the BIG picture regarding jew world order and the corrupt medical system.

Nice show anyway Giuseppe

inthemix16 said...

Eric. Can you define " status quo " in the context you are saying ? You are absolutely mistaken on the Flu Vax .She specifically states that in Plandemic ONE. If one really wants to get the nitty gritty super techi stuff find her and Mercola Together. Of Course JT already deleted long time ago but you do go into a totally different dimension when 2 docs talk with each other. The one thing that supports your argument is i wish Judy would learn more about the 5g end. At least i havent heard it. One disappointment of Plandemic 2. Im not a movie content creator but ive had some theories why they didnt go there on Plandemic 2. Possibly would have lost half the people when it got too techie ? Dont know but you are dead on About Dr. Day. That is a whole nother dimension . She and ACH did one at the beginning of this mess and what i heard was too terrifying and too real. I remember i couldnt move the rest of the day at what i heard in that one. Ive been telling friends for years. You want to know whats going on , or will, just back your history book up to 1917 Russia. She confirmed that at the very end its not a fun thought at all

jerry said...

Dr Mikovits mentioned that inflammation causes heart disease not lipids or fats. Check out this exchange between Dr Mercola and Dr Oschman pertaining to "Earthing":

Albert said...

So I was feeling quite Down ...

So I went to the Bar and Sat there ... hoping to Drown-My-sorrows ...

When This FIT young-Lady sits Beside Me ...

and I start feeling Really-Good !!! -- Really Really Good! :-)

So, Ask Her: "What's Your Name !?!"


"Sarah, what a Beautiful Name !!!" ...

🌝 🌚 🌞

* Her Surname was Quite Strange and Difficult to Remember ...

--> "Tone-in" or something weird like that, French/Italian? - I didn't Care!

-- I just somehow Kept Feeling Better and Better !!! ;-)