February 20, 2021

Our Interesting Times With Timothy Kelly 2021.02.20

Powers & Principalities Episode 191

Texas Freeze, Rush Limbaugh RIP, Hating Whitey 2.0 and more


Panzerfaust said...

Only criticism is on the questionable advice by Joe to run a space heater off a car battery with a power inverter. Impossible

zapoper said...

It's not impossible but you have to know what you're doing and you will only get a couple of hours of heating.

Panzerfaust said...

A neighbor has a modest house like mine but he was wise enough to invest in a automatic natural gas generator and had electricity for himself and some for me. I help him on mechanical projects and such since he's elderly so it's a good relationship. I have a gasoline generator but it smokes and us loud af. Time to upgrade to a newer model before hurricane season.

Albert said...

When you HEAR (((Joseph-Atwill))) speak-normally -- WITHOUT the electronic-sound-adjustments ...

He SOUNDS GAY* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think about it Folks:

Take AWAY: His Few Made-Up: Bullshit Terms: "Lifetime-Actor" etc...

Have YOU EVER: Heard His Say ANYTHING of substance?! ;-)

Take His "Genius" about "WWI"

Archduke Ferdinand of the HUGE-Austria-Hungary-Empire, in 1914 when cars were VERY FEW:

Had a number-plate: 'A II II 18' ...

"Therefore": ("Because" the Armistice was November-11) "WWI" was ... Blah Blah Blah!

* Ref: Bull-Shit Episode 189 ...

IF you wish to WASTE yet ANOTHER Hour of Your Precious-TIME!

Albert said...

To "Decode" that for YOU "Panzerfaust" ...

in Episode-189 ...

Piece-of-SHIT (((atwill))) Said THAT about: Adolf-Hitler !!!