March 08, 2021

Addicted To Our Own Destruction With Mike 'The Rebel Madman' Gaddy 2021.03.07

Mike, Daryl Wayne and Scorpio Dave discuss Luther Martin.
64k CF Download


JT Custer said...

Despite multiple attempts to get the audio, the download always stops at about 32MB of the 49.3MB total. So, I'll just offer what I think is the best article on the admirable Martin Luther and the CON of the U.S. CONstitution, which Martin Luther rightly opposed.

As James Laffrey says, the only good part of the CONstitution is the Bill Of Rights -- the first 10 Amendments -- added to the CON a couple of years later at the insistence of real White Founding Fathers.

Albert said...

MAYBE the following is too "subtle" for some "Brainiacs" ...

"G-d" CREATED: Lions, Wolves, and Sheep ...

Jesus, the Good-Shepard, Cares-For, and LOVES: Them ALL "Equally" ...

I am STILL "Waiting" ...

For Brizer's "Answer" to the "Pointed-Question":

HOW are Cute-Puppies in a Chinese "Wet-Market" ... "Consenting" in any way:

To ANYTHING that these Vicious-blood-thirsty-Monsters "DO" to Them !!!?* :-o

* The Answer, of course, is that the Cute-Puppies ... ARE-NOT: "Consenting" in ANY WAY !!!

-- Yes, even IF They DO in a Friendly Way: Wag-Their-Tails, Lick The-Monsters' Fingers, or EAT the-Monsters' FOOD! :-o

Albert said...

WITHOUT "Race-Realism" ...

Lofty "Moral": "Thoughts", Conversations, and "Convictions" ...

ARE, in Results: MORE RETARDED ... than even the DUMBEST-Ni88er* !!!

* At LEAST the Dumbest-Ni88er KNOWS: That he is HIS Ni88er-"GROUP" ...

and WANTS to be BENEFITED BY: His NATURAL: Group-Preference !!!

The OLD, SANE, WISE "Christians" USED to WISELY-SAY:

"Charity BEGINS at HOME!" :-)

And, of Course: The WHOLE WORLD, and ALL CREATURES: Are NOT in ANY WAY: "Encompassed BY: OUR "HOMES" !!! ;-)

--Dhuh !!! :-o

DON'T BE "RETARDED" Folks !!! ;-)

--> And, YES! ... SOME of the Things that Luther Martin Said, and BeLIEved ...

WERE "Profoundly": RETARDED !!!

Forest Gump: Retarded IS, as RETARDED DOES !!! ;-)