gotta get this out fast before the inevitable stench of @Sean @Marillion makes its way here. I hear its Last Call at the Gay Brothels in Tel Aviv . Scorp, i see you being back , and i rarely look at replies here. I never back out my word . I just dont know where to go. Your free to use that # i put in what was a laughable cryptic msg i put with "Margin" as a search .So that i know where Three One..2 Ill find ya .. If i can , youll see the Movie Bad News Bears was hilarious. Sorry but i come from the Rob Braxman school of just layin low
So i hear Max Igan. Like to put some Siskel and Ebert thoughts regarding another fantastic show later. Can Someone get DW to ponder caffeinated Coffee ? Me personally hes a breath of fresh air... being i have what is now former best friend from College that is a Cpt at LUV. Can tell you all about a 737 but as far as life, dumb as a box a rox. Its that arrogance, i cant deal with. DW is the exact opposite . His humble, real, genuine approach to life is something we all should be grateful,,,though i still waiting for your take on Building 6 not Building 7
I so worry about Max Igan and Dr. Fetzer. I may not totally jive with them but i respect them. I know i mentioned a little story about someone i met from Melbourne..But Riddle me this Max, and i sure hope there is a way for you to see this.. Did Daniel Andrews make illegal watching the movie Rd Dwn ? DId DA outlw ,Fostr bttls , petrl and 10w30 for your little 4 wheel wanker ? Malificus can your peeps answer why you dont fucking THINK outside the box ??? It was funny last week when Robert. Rvlt pondered the thought of like a rogue Russian Tu-22 droppin a hole bunch of "supplies" over Sydney and allowing Aussies to defend themselves. Of course im kidding about the Backfire reference, but one cant laugh at that idea making a sci fi movie. ! A Backfire droppin a bunch of gloks to the people of Aus to not live in hell. History changing, be a great sci fi movie :) Maybe some of the great American Pats on Diego Garcia can write the movie script ?
So IceAgeFarmer hasnt posted in a while.?? Truly is odd. In a way not a shocker. Scorp. email around early July, ,, "Margin"... hope hes ok. Lots of great info . Im just not sure he got a grasp of how deep the tentacles are of the group he was reporting on.Ukrainian Holomodor ? Yea maybe again you over the target get most flak. Hang in there IIF.! Im sure im wrong and just writing funny fiction shit like my Post on La Palma ;lol That one i pray im wrong on
To me Russ Winter is piece of shit. About three weeks ago I read some article on Russ website, about jews. Winther describe jews as Biblical tribe of Judah and lot of stupidity from some jew written fictional satanic liars book. So I posted comments that's a pure fantasies and adulterous lies. So I advise Winter just to write about politics, conspiracy and keep away from Bible and Biblical history. Winter got completely INSANE he removed my comments and completely block me from entering his website. Good for me and good for useless idiots like Winter. Winter mind is completely blocked like jew on steroids. I know Biblical history and Our White Adamic history very well and Winter is half truther and half liar, so for me is just a liar, because deceivers like him have to tell you some truth and bunch a lies to divide you. Winter is a liar.
Hey Sean, just ignore this jabbering @inthemix16, for sure, a degenerate millennial jew.
Noticed how this hasbara clown always mentions gay brothels and his "holocaust survivor" great- grand 'mummies' basement in Tel Aviv, Israel? He obviously is living in that neighborhood, certainly blowing the neighborhood rabbi's dick regularly.... Jerking off while watching our comments. What an IDIOT
I BEGAN Listening-to the Scorpio-Show ... and THEN ended-up Talking to a Lady-who-Gardens-our-Apartments
(we Facebook-Chat sometimes too!)
In One of our FIRST-when-she-was-Gardening Chats: I Touched-on: "Non-Whites"/"Race-Realism" and jews !!! ;-)
And Today too: I TOLD her to WATCH the 2-minutes Blacks "Kicking" a skinny-black-man when-he-was-Down Video-clip.
Then I Summarised: Two-Episodes of "Classic"-StarGate: Of the "Ashen" (A pun on GRAY humourless "Collanizers!) -- LIFE-"Prolonging"-"Medicine" .... Which STERILIZES ALL-of-Humanity! And the Bioweapon, because the "Sterility"-word Slips-Out, the Ashen TRY to SEND-to-Earth!
And the StarGate-Atlantis: WRAITH who are Parasitic-(Blood-Sucking)-Life-Force-Suckers who LIVE Thousands-of-Years ... And the Episode where: On a Planet a (Spider-like)-Four-Legged-(Wraith-like)-"Bug" is Latched-Onto-Joe Flanigan's-NECK: And AS they TRY to Dis-lodge-it: By: Cutting, Burning etc -- It HOLDS-more-FIRMLY and SUCKS-MORE-LIFE-FORCE-OUT-of-the-Victim ... to-REGENERATE! :-o
Then She Touched-on: How Blacks / Browns are-NEVER-GRATEFUL !!! -- And "just" BLAME-WHITEY even MORE ...
--> I Pointed-OUT: How WOMEN too, Can-Almost-NEVER: "Blame-Themselves" / Accept-Responsibility-for: ANYTHING that THEY-DO / or CAUSE !!! :-o
------ THEN, before I could even-Finish ...... She "HAD-to-GO! ;-)
So the FOLLOWING is WHAT I Continued to THINK, and Write-Down "Brainstorm"! ;-)
I was telling the Fairytale of: "Vitazko the Victorious: The Story of a Hero Whose Mother Loved a Dragon"
Vitazko the Victorious - Czechoslovak folktale
Vitazko KILLS 9-Dragons ... and LEAVES the Tenth-Dragon who he Finds ALREADY-Chained in Room-10 ALIVE! .... Then He Tells his Mother NOT to OPEN THAT Door-in-the-Whole-Castle ........ (The Dragon is Like a Winged-SERPENT!) She Opens the door when he is away ... and ends-Up SIDING-WITH-the-jew-Like-Dragon ... and Plots to THEN KILL Her-OWN-Son !!! 😮 -- By SENDING Him on-IMPOSSIBLE-Quests ... 😮
There are some people like "Sven-Longshanks" on Radio-Albion ... who SAY: That British-People Have-LET-IN all of the INVADING-Hordes !!!!!!!!! 😮 -- This is NOT TRUE !!! 😮 -- It is OBVIOUSLY-the-jews!!!!
At school AFTER a "Bully" had Beaten-us-Up / Tried-to-Beat-us-Up ... Teachers would ALWAYS (very vexingly-UNFAIRLY!) SAY: "It takes-TWO to Start-a-Fight!" 😮
Anyway ...... It is the WHITE-"Christian"-MEN ... who ARE: Generous and KIND and Empathetic ...
AND WILLING: To HEAR the Other-person's SIDE Point Perspective ... and Even CONSIDER if-indeed THEY had-somehow: Brought-Upon-Themselves / or UN-FAIRLY-Treated Someone-Else !!!
--> THIS is the VERY-Epitome: Of the "Christian"-MAN ...
THIS "Empathy" / "Humility" / LOVING-TRUTH / HAVING-a-Conscience / LISTENING to the Quiet FAIR Inner-Voice / ... THIS: HAVING a "SOUL" ...
---> Is "WHY" the jews Viciously-SEEK-to-DESTROY and even (TRUTHFULLY)-Eradicate-From-History: WHITE-"Christian"-MEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😮
For DECADES now WHITE-WOMEN have indeed been-TEMPTED by: "Equality" "Voting" and "Aborting" etc to Effectively: TURN-ON and BETRAY THEIR-OWN-WHITE-MEN !!! (Who Should indeed have BEEN Their: Beloved: Fathers, Husbands, and Sons ...
And, instead to SIDE-with the OTHER (HATE-WHITEY!!!)-"Minorities" Brought-IN, Spurred-On, and "EMPOWERED-by-VICIOUS-"Communist"-jews !!! 😮
The Example that I was EXPLAINING: Was: The "Western"-"CHRISTIAN" system of: LOYAL-Marriage !!! 😮
(In Africa ... Black-"men" were NEVER "Married" to the Black-women ... No-one KNEW WHO was the Actual-Birth-FATHER of a Black-"Child" --> Hence Black-Men NEVER-"Stuck-Around" !!! 😮
If a / ANY Behaviour is: NOT-Discouraged-Ridiculed-Scorned-Punished /ALLOWED / Encouraged / REWARDED ..... you will GET-MORE of it !!! -- Dhuh !!! 😉
The OLD "Hands-ON" Self-Governing "Christian" Society System ... WAS to SHAME and DISCOURAGE: BAD-behaviour! 🙂
--> A Young-Man and Young-Woman would-MARRY and "Hands-ON": MAKE and Raise-UP: THEIR Precious Children !!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
AND, just EXACTLY as in a Smorgasbord-Buffet: We CANNOT even TASTE every item-dish ... but indeed SHOULD CHOOSE the Items which-we-DO-Like-to-EAT-best ... and FINISH-what-is-on-OUR-Plate ... and then go-back for Seconds of what we-LIKED-BEST! 🙂
So, a man and woman CHOOSE to: FIRST-MARRY, then to HAVE beautiful-Children, then to RAISE-Them-UP as They would WANT them to Be-RAISED-UP ...
So a WIFE must BEHAVE in such a WAY so as for Her Husband to FIND-enough-HAPPINESS to: WANT-to-STAY Around ....... and NOT SOO much PAIN ..... as to WANT to LEAVE / Commit-Suicide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😮
--> I said before, that in "Fairytales" WOMEN have a WAY to-ALWAYS: GET-what-THEY-WANT! (Hansel and Gretel for example where the Step-Mother WANTS them GONE!)
------> "Christian"-WHITE-"Western"-Society DID-NOT: "Encourage" or "Enable": "Having your Cake and Eating it too!"
As "SIMPLE" as the System of: WHEN Parents EAT-at-Table ... Their CHILDREN DO-too (As they are ALL "under-the-SAME-roof"!)
So too was the System: Of WHEN a Husband was at HOME WITH His: Wife and Children ... He WOULD indeed: SHARE-with and Provide-for Them-ALL! -- as-THEY-were-indeed-HIS!
IF He was somehow: DRIVEN-AWAY ("Out-of Sight, Out of MIND!") ........ THEN, of course (!!!) His Wife and Children ... would of-course HAVE to: "Fend for THEMSELVES !!! 😮
HIS Presence was INFACT soooo VALUED that a-la-the-"Patriarchy": He was HEAD of the Dinner-Table and Household, Respected, Looked-Upto, and OBEYED ......
--> Else, IF HE was NOT: "Made-at-HOME" ENOUGH ....... HE might indeed LEAVE ....... TAKING of-course: WITH-HIMSELF: ALL that HE "Brought-to-the-TABLE" with-Him !!! 😮
"Humility" and GRATITUDE !!! -- ARE indeed: WHITE-"Christian" "VALUES ...... as WE indeed HAVE "SOULS"
A WIFE BECOMES: The Other-HALF of the HUSBAND ....... (And, just like ALL of the OTHER non-WHITE-MALE people: "Monkey-SEE; Monkey DO!") and Not only ADOPTS: HIS "Culture" / "Ethnicity" ...... -- But indeed HIS-"(WHITE)-HUMAN"-"SOUL" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Women" DIDN'T NEED to "VOTE" ...... Because Their-HUSBANDS-"VOTED" !!!!!!!!!!! 😮
NOW OBVIOUS to-ALL: jews are TARGETING: WHITE-MALES for-"Replacement" !!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- And Even WHITE-WOMEN ... will "HAVE-no-one-to-COMPLAIN-to" ........ IF WHITE-WOMEN DON'T NOW: TRUTHFULLY-"Look-in-the-Mirror" .... And STRONGLY-Stand-OUT and SAY: "Hell NO! -- All-of-yo-SCUM, are-NOT Going to TAKE OUR WHITE-MEN AWAY !!! 😮 🙂
----- I wanted to Finish the OTHER: Star-Gate "Revelation-of-the-Method" Episodes! 😮
As the Older-Enemies of Mankind became LESS-Scary ... the "Ori" were INTRODUCED !!!
The "Ori" were FAKE-Cruel-(Non-Sharing-Selfish)-"Gods" ... who FED-OFF-of-BEING-WORSHIPPED !!! 😮
-- But BEFORE That bit .... -- I have TWO MORE: "Wraith"-Vampires Episodes to Recall:
ONE episode a Man Had "Adopted" a Wraith-infant-girl .... and He (FOOLISHLY!)-"Thought": That HE had-"Civilised"-HER, and Made-a-TEA which She-Drank, and NO-LONGER: Fed-OFF-Humans'-Life-Force! 😮
--> It turned-Out that SHE had Been FAKING such a "Conversion", and was indeed STILL Secretly-FEEDING-OFF-of-People-in-the-Village! 😮
-- In the SAME Episode: The "Good-Guys" INJECTED Her with: GENE-THERAPY Gene-ALTERING-Sequences ....
Which, it Turned-Out eventually-BACKFIRED !!! -- And SHE BECAME: FULLY-LIKE the: LIFE-Sucking-Bugs !!! -- And NOT Like a Human, at-ALL! 😮
In a Different Episode: The Irish-guy ESCAPES from Captivity BY: Making-a-DEAL with a WRAITH-Captive in-another-Cell!
After they Escape the Wraith TAKES: MOST of HIS-Life-Force .... KILLS and FEEDS-OFF-of: Their-PERSUERS ...
And THEN: Astoundingly: Reverse-Gives-BACK: His LIFE-Force ... thus RESTORING His HEALTH-Young-AGE !!! 😮
--> The WRAITH "Farm" Planets of Humans ... allowing Their-Numbers to Greatly-INCREASE, WHILE the-Wraith SLEEP-Dormant-for-CENTURIES ...
THEN, when the HUMAN-Numbers have-INCREASED: The Wraith AWAKEN .... and Begin "Harvesting" Planet-to-Planet Their: Human-"Livestock" !!! 😮
Anyway ...... EVERYONE KNOWS: That "Accountability" is indeed a "Touchy"-subject for-Women !!!
--> "Hell hath NO-Fury ... Like a Woman-Scorned!"
In a DIVORCE situation WOMEN can BE: Very Very VERY VICIOUS and DESTRUCTIVE indeed! 😮
--> THIS is BECAUSE: Women can-almost-NEVER: Accept-RESPONSIBILITY for-THEIR-Own-Actions/Predicament! 😮
(Kyle-Hunt's)-Sinead-O'Conner was VERY Outragedly-EMPHATIC: That WHITE-Women are-NOT: LIKE jews !!!!!!! 😮
But, indeed MANY have "Debated" as to WHETHER it is indeed: jews ........ or WHITE-Women indeed who HAVE indeed:
--> Almost DOOMED the WHITE-RACE to-Extinction: BY Soooo viciously-TARGETING: Loyal-Hardworking-KIND-WHITE-MEN!? 😮
(WHITE-Women: "Aborting" Their-OWN: Precious-Beautiful-Adorable: White-Babies (Like BEGAN Quite-RECENTLY even Especially-Now: in Ireland!) -- Certainly-"RIVALS": ANYTHING that Vicious-(from-the-Outside)-jews have EVER Perpetrated UPON: WHITE-Children, and Nations! 😮 )
"The Twelve Months: The Story of Marushka and the Wicked Holena":
"The Evil One and Kitta Grau" (A Woman, Kitta Grau: POISONS a Young-Couple's LOVE ... and Terrifies EVEN-the-Devil !!! 😮 ) A Wakangdan Tale
There are MANY clips SHOWING this .... as the above 2 minutes DOES! 😮
WATCH the Above (Wakangdan) 2-minutes! 😮
It is NOT White-People's CULTURE to "Kick a man When he is Down!" 😮
It is Blacks' "Culture" ... for Not-"only": 10-20 of them to "KICK"-a-man-when-he's-Down ... but to JUMP-on-His-HEAD !!! 😮
"White men 'Can't' JUMP!" ... -on Someone's-HEAD when-they-are-Down ... BECAUSE Whites HAVE: "EMPATHY" "SOULS" a "Conscience" etc! 😮
The above clip is of a Skinny-Black-man ... so almost "Funny" ...
But just IMAGINE WHAT Groups of 10-20+ "Youths" ARE ACTUALLY DOING ... Each and EVERY-DAY! ... To the WHITE-Women WHO They Drag-into-an-Alley-at-NIGHT ... and Gang-"RAPE"! 😮
Or a White-Man, or WHOLE Family too! ... Who a GANG of Blacks "Get" at-Night SOMEWHERE, even IN-Their-Own-Homes ... Arghhhh !!! 😮
"And the StarGate-Atlantis: WRAITH who are Parasitic-(Blood-Sucking)-Life-Force-Suckers who LIVE Thousands-of-Years ...
And the Episode where: On a Planet a (Spider-like)-Four-Legged-(Wraith-like)-"Bug" is Latched-Onto-Joe Flanigan's-NECK:
And AS they TRY to Dis-lodge-it: By: Cutting, Burning etc -- It HOLDS-more-FIRMLY and SUCKS-MORE-LIFE-FORCE-OUT-of-the-Victim ... to-REGENERATE! :-o"
THAT Episode Backstory-EXPLAINS: How The HIGHER-Beings-WHITES-"Atlanteans" Had been BITTEN BY that LIFE-FORCE-Sucking-Creature ...
And that the WRAITH were a COMBINATION of the: Higher-Being-Atlanteans ... and the Parasitic-"Bug" !!!
--> jews are LIKE a Combination of: UNGRATEFUL Vicious "BLAME"-HATE-DESTROY-"Whitey"-BLACKS -- With WHITE-Human-Like-APPEARANCE-and-NOT-Retarded-Black-"Intellect" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
WE want to SHARE the Painful / fearful Aspects of OUR-Lives WITH Our-Loved-ones/Friends ...
(A Sorrow SHARED is a Sorrow HALVED : A JOY SHARED is a JOY Doubled!)
BUT, if someone ACTUALLY LIKES / CARES-about: us ....... -- Due to EMPATHY: THEY will Literally-FEEL-Our-PAIN ... -- And, thus they will Try / WANT to Get-Away / DISTANCE-FROM such !!! :-o
Whereas: jews ("Lawyers" "Financial-Advisors" "Doctors" etc.) ALREADY-Pre-HATE us !!! Not-ONLY: Is Each and Every "Listening"-Hour "Billable" .... But, BECAUSE (((they))) FEEL-NO-Empathy for-OUR-PAIN ... (AND indeed "Our"-Lawyer Has most-Probably-ALREADY: Done a Deal-with-judge-and-prosecutor for us to LOSE!) (((they))) Most-Probably REQUIRE to SUPPRESS/CONCEAL ... (((their))) actually-ENJOYING Our-Stories-of-OUR-PAIN and Worries! :-o
WITHOUT any-Empathy ... it is relatively-EASY for jews to PRETEND to BE: Our-"Friend" ... -- To "Listen"-to Our Problems .... and to "FEEL-our-PAIN"! (A-la Bill-Clinton! ;-) )
HENCE: BECAUSE WHITES: Actually-Have-EMPATHY .... WE find our OWN: REAL Friends, and Family ... to Often: "Let us Down!"
And Conversely we "Project" onto Our: Actual-RACE-ENEMIES: That (((they))) indeed MAKE "Better"-"Friends" !!! :-o
These may indeed Be: Fatal / Terminal: Foolish-MIS-TAKES !!! :-o
We have been "cleverly" Taught / TRAINED (our so-called-"EGO"!) to: NOT-"Want" Our-MISTAKEN-["cleverly"-(((IMPLANTED)))]-"BeLIEfs" to be: Challenged / Factually-DISPROVEN !!! --> Dispelled by the "Sun-Light"-of-TRUTH !!! :-o
--> THIS may indeed FATALLY lead-to: Our-Terrible-DEMISE !!! :-o
We have-ALL be prolongedly-FRUSTRATED by: The "Normies" ... who REFUSE to Even: LISTEN to the TRUTH which will EASILY-DIS-SPELL: The vicious-DEADLY (Now LITERALLY: With the: POISON-DEATH-Injection!) (((BIG-lies))) !!!
And, In many ways ... WE NOW: Relish DIS-COVERING the REAL TRUTH: of OUR (((enslavement)))-by-"clever"-(((LIARS))) !!!
-- And Beginning to BECOME: (Once-More!)-TRULY-FREE HUMAN GRATEFUL for How: WE Were Wonderfully-CREATED: WITH-a-"SOUL" !!! 🙂
Blacks, Browns, Chinese, Indians, and most-Definitely-jews ... --> Are indeed NOT at-All LIKE us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND Men and Women too ..... even ESPECIALLY WHITE-MEN and WHITE-WOMEN are NOT at-all: "Like"-each-other -- Either! 😮
Chinese-MEN are Quite-a-bit-MORE: Like-Their-WOMEN! and Black-WOMEN are Quite-a-bit-MORE: Like-Their-MEN !!! 😮
Indeed ... it would not at all be: A Dis-Agreeable Thing:
For WHITE-WOMEN to Fully-EMBRACE: WHAT Makes THEM Truly-MOST Beautiful-and-ATTRACTIVE ... and For WHITE-MEN to once-More: Fully-EMBRACE: WHAT Makes THEM Truly-MOST: STRONG Dependable Respectable NOBLE, and Looked-Upto--even-LOVED!
And For WHITE-Men and WHITE-Women to once more be ATTRACTED to: Once More LOYALLY TEAM-Together ...
And in Step-by-Step "Painstaking"-WORK and JOY ...
Truly once-More BECOME Truly-FREE again ...
For WITHOUT TRUE: Family and Friends ...
Without Together: HAVING and Raising-UP: Adorable Children, and GrandChildren ...
--> Our LIFE itself Has NO-ENDURING: Purpose / Meaning / Satisfaction / Joy ...... FUTURE !!! 😮
--> AND a GREAT (Show-Direction)-"Call" on-Your-Part too Giuseppe !!! -- The Brian-"Communitarian" Attempted-HI-JACKING of your Show* ... "Left a SOUR Taste ..."
--> There is "SOMETHING" Really-OFF about ALL of the "Communitarian"-Cult-"Junkies" !!! :-o -- They are ALL (nice-enough-guy: Lark included!) somehow OBSESSED and REALLY: "Boring" / "unattractive" !!!
Somehow the "Coal-Burner"-WHORE "Nicky" in-Alaska HAS them all under HER Weird-Witch-CULT-Con-Troll !!! :-o
* The "Communitarians" SHOULD: SAVE Their-"Stuff" for: "The-Fetch"'s SHOW !!! ... (Or Brizer) ... -- Or even MAYBE: "Team-UP": With: "Scaredy-Cat" and "Chris-Weiner" to TOTALLY-WRECK: Jim-Fetzer's Show! ;-)
“Communitarianism” is just a nonsense term that controlled opposition can yack on about for hours, instead of any meaningful substantive topics. “Lark from Texas” is just an over promoted operative. I have challenged this guy on radio shows before and he literally has no answer to simple questions, like absent government, who will enforce the “contracts” he drones on about. Not that I believe in governments at all, but it is a valid question. I also cannot stand this “scaredy-cat’ character.
"You can't discuss the truth of the Holocaust. That's a distortion of freedom of speech. The U.S. should emulate Germany, which outlaws such public exercises."
Franklin Littel Temple University, Philadelphia Jerusalem Post 19-25 October 1980
Shouldn't we encourage our students to investigate the 'Holocaust' story the same way they are encouraged to investigate every other historical event??
PS: Germany is still OCCUPIED country!! No peace treaty with the "victory nations" has ever been signed!!
btw: Yes, its true, Germany NEVER, EVER, MURDERED MILLIONS of innocent people, women, children, elderly all over the world, with Atom bombs, Napalm!! Germans are a highly civilized, friendly, peace loving people.
@Albert.. You are truly a legend. ! I dont know how you do it . Shrooms? My Cousin Mr. Addy? High end Caffeine ? Nice to see some piss and vinegar back here. I do have to find my Ovaltine decoder on all that but thats part of the fun
@Amanda ive been wondering of a few to? Some recent, some way back. Where is Dr. Preston James ? Where is Dr. Zabraski (spelling, sorry) What happened to Jon Friend ? etc etc @sean you have some great points imho . Lark is kinda like Mechanic. The dude of Goy Teeveee. Star one day , gone the next. Revolt still is a legend. I can always imagine that if i had insomnia id have RR and DW on a show together because their speaking styles would be like a lullabye
Im still digging in to the significance ... but Please pay attention to the La Palma thing. Especially if you are the Zeppies of the world and live on East Coast.
Im sure a nothin burger at the end of the day but it does appear there has been escalation . The timing is really odd
Its all about feel free to think how you want. If you dont believe in this , its your call but..
"8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed."
Just, kinda pay attention for the well being of all you out there ! And leave it at that
No, I wasn't about to make an attempt to ingest any of that pile! ...made me think of what I used to see in the latrine down at the AF Base: "those who write on shithouse walls, roll their shit in little balls; those who read those lines of wit, eat those little balls of shit"
oh cool. Erik(a)As everyday goes by i realize Henry Kissinger was right ! If you truly were on a AF Base, if i were you . Id STFU spare all of your bullshiit you learned . Means nothing . You all are the most embarrassing cowards that have walked the earth . Watch your country , after taking an oath, burn in flames, and your worried about what you have to "ingest" .. How bout obeying your oath coward? Dont worry about me. Im just a dumb shit using my constitutional rights. Dont like it, Buh bye..And spare me the whoof whoof "Semper Fi" shit. Id take a #Ruaf over you to protect my country over you any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I owe you no "thanks' while this little shit with an Italian sounding name tries to dictate how we live our life !Youve never won a war and you surely arent coming close to winning the most important one. I were you id have STFU about what AF base you were on. You get your panties all in a ruff about what i say instead of obeying the oath you took. Ya know , the one about the enemies within ?? You exemplify what is or was the US Military. When the chips are really down you sitting at your key board an playin with yourself . Please when or if you all ever grow a pair, come back ,,be glad to hear ya.. other than that, go get your shine box, put your tail in between your legs and STFU buddy.
"WWI" and ESPECIALLY the AMERICAN-Hordes ENTERING ... --> Was the Beginning of the END for: ALL of WHITE-HUMANITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
AMERICA entering "WWII" on-the-SIDE-of-(((Stalin))) and (((Church-ill))) ... --> Was to FULL DEATH-Knell ......
TO the HAPPY WHITE-FUTURE that we SHOULD have BEEN-Having !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
... So, Yes! -- The AMERICAN-Military, ALL-"Branches" ... --> Are indeed the BIGGEST-SHITS ... Ever to Blight-the-Earth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
Hey sean and albert: I have a couple thoughts for ya: Brien from Washington, (that's me) did interpret the show flow of another 9/11 broadcast w/ expert guests once again to carnival bark/ newsboy yell from the corner this Contrcommunitarian subject. You should know it has been 10 years of people calling into the well known CIA front called RBN and people setting Lark and myself straight "we don't have a Communitarian problem, we have a Jew problem", so nothing new here. You should also know there are a half dozen woman I correspond w/ that feel they are listening to the nails being pounded in the entire world,s coffin that they are inside of and they are yelling out for help from someone w/a prying tool and hearing nothing but the hammer blows.Some have spent time in the Soviet Union. I also live with a woman who's family was targeted and deported from Lithuania by Stalin. This is the three minutes w/the time stamp that has not played on Saturdays show .
"...I also live with a woman who's family was targeted and deported from Lithuania by Stalin."
Eleonore Roosevelt, wife of Communist President F.D.R., called Josef Stalin, who was a jew, - his real name Jossif Dschugaschwili - lovingly "Uncle Joe"......
Stalin and his gang murdered tens of Millions of mostly Christian Ukrainians and Russians.
See Alexandr Solschenizyn, Russian Author of 'Archipel Gulag'
This Communist US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt 88 years ago, on April 5th 1933, banned private gold ownership - obviously excepting jews - in the United States, FORCING gold owners to take their bullion to a bank and exchange it for Dollars at the prevailing rate.
@sqirl said: "I also live with a woman who's family was targeted and deported from Lithuania by Stalin."
Here a very interesting story. Crown Publishers, New York, 1988:
"Lets call him 'Mike'... his real name was Olitsky and he was a Lithuanian Jew who'd fled 1941 into Germany to escape Stalin's Red Army. He wound up in Dachau for four years.
I ventured to ask him about his experience. He shrugged and said," It was a factory. We worked during the day and stayed in a dormitory at night." "But what about the, uh, the-" "The what?" " You know, the killings." I never saw any of that."
Four years in Dachau, never saw any of that. Okay. He DID SEE the US Army "liberate" the camp in April '45.
The SS and Alpine troops recuperating there had negotiated a surrender to the Americans, who entered the camp and started shooting the guys who thought they were surrendering. Then the Americans marched the surviving soldiers ( all the prison guards had fled days earlier) up to a wall near the hospital and set up a machine gun.
Three hundred forty-six German soldiers on R&R were slaughtered in a few minutes, fife hundred twenty in all that morning.
The army doctor on the scene, Col. Howard Buechner, described it in his book, 'Dachau: Hour of the Avenger'. Of the 32,000 inmates freed, about 1,200 were Jews, including "Mike".
No other site attracts so many lunatics. Albert and Unknown...
"Unknown said... btw: just a few weeks earlier the headlines in U.S. and British News Paper.. for instance:
Daily Express Friday, March 24, 1933 JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY Jews Of All The World Unite In Action"
Even though you keep referring to this 2-page article which you have never read, perhaps you could explain why this had even been issued? Or is the context unimportant to you Unknown, much easier to "learn" from sensational headlines?
While Albert is still unable to name 1 Jew who is allegedly oppressing him. Complete psychosis, no wonder that he struggles to write normally, he becomes so apoplectic.
The “Golden Rule.” = He who has the Gold – Rules! Without the Holocaust LIE, a One World Government would be impossible!
The One World Government is run by the Jews, who own the money supply of virtually every country in the world. The ruling organization – the “Front” for this One World Government/New World Order - will be the United Nations that was founded, and is still run, by Jews, even though they do so from behind the scenes.
The government and media seize on this to characterize all opposition to Covid restrictions as loonybin cases like him. Or crazed far-right anti-LGBT activists. Or anti-Semites. Etc. And that successfully stigmatizes opposition even further so mainstream people think there is no basis for principled opposition to vaccine mandates. This is in Lithuania right now. Cindy Niles interview is also on Rumble or Roxy tv She uses the communitarian subject 1 hour 9 minutes into the interview. Albert
Sean I post for you. Hats off to you for avoiding fb.For all I know of you Sean. your Irish name is like mine Brien with an e. You could be in Israel as an 8200 operative. Can we take a minute to clarify when and what show you called Lark out on?Check out the above interview. Cindy has been deplatformed on her own communications in Australia.
Yeah yeah... " mainstream people" ... 99,9% of you "mainstream people" are too stupid to understand that the THE HOLOCAUST LIE IS THE CENTERPIECE OF THE JEW WORLD ORDER!!
Dave if you should see this, I got destroyed by IDA. Still alive tho. Have to drive aways to get internet. I am still around tho and miss you all very much. No power no enmail no nothing.
fwiw- I found Joe Atwill's email address and wrote him about Tim Kelly and their show. Apparently Tim has been sick, but is feeling better, so they will do their show in a couple of weeks.
Large Crowd Protesting Outside Rothschild Castle In Switzerland
Thanks for checking into that and sharing Amanda. I've filled the P&P void with Infowars, half expecting to be cringed but honestly AJ is back to top form IMHO
In the time after my bout with the "thing" I've piled into the natural immunity with the following and have been feeling great with lower blood pressure, lost 5 lbs, more energy, and no re-infection. Garlic Allicin Chewable multivitamin Vitamin C Iodine Vitamin B complex Omega-3 Aspirin Niacin Testosterone booster
gotta get this out fast before the inevitable stench of @Sean @Marillion makes its way here. I hear its Last Call at the Gay Brothels in Tel Aviv .
Scorp, i see you being back , and i rarely look at replies here. I never back out my word . I just dont know where to go. Your free to use that # i put in what was a laughable cryptic msg i put with "Margin" as a search .So that i know where Three One..2 Ill find ya .. If i can , youll see the Movie Bad News Bears was hilarious. Sorry but i come from the Rob Braxman school of just layin low
So i hear Max Igan. Like to put some Siskel and Ebert thoughts regarding another fantastic show later. Can Someone get DW to ponder caffeinated Coffee ? Me personally hes a breath of fresh air... being i have what is now former best friend from College that is a Cpt at LUV. Can tell you all about a 737 but as far as life, dumb as a box a rox. Its that arrogance, i cant deal with. DW is the exact opposite . His humble, real, genuine approach to life is something we all should be grateful,,,though i still waiting for your take on Building 6 not Building 7
I so worry about Max Igan and Dr. Fetzer. I may not totally jive with them but i respect them. I know i mentioned a little story about someone i met from Melbourne..But Riddle me this Max, and i sure hope there is a way for you to see this.. Did Daniel Andrews make illegal watching the movie Rd Dwn ? DId DA outlw ,Fostr bttls , petrl and 10w30 for your little 4 wheel wanker ? Malificus can your peeps answer why you dont fucking THINK outside the box ??? It was funny last week when Robert. Rvlt pondered the thought of like a rogue Russian Tu-22 droppin a hole bunch of "supplies" over Sydney and allowing Aussies to defend themselves. Of course im kidding about the Backfire reference, but one cant laugh at that idea making a sci fi movie. ! A Backfire droppin a bunch of gloks to the people of Aus to not live in hell. History changing, be a great sci fi movie :) Maybe some of the great American Pats on Diego Garcia can write the movie script ?
So IceAgeFarmer hasnt posted in a while.?? Truly is odd. In a way not a shocker. Scorp. email around early July, ,, "Margin"... hope hes ok. Lots of great info . Im just not sure he got a grasp of how deep the tentacles are of the group he was reporting on.Ukrainian Holomodor ? Yea maybe again you over the target get most flak. Hang in there IIF.! Im sure im wrong and just writing funny fiction shit like my Post on La Palma ;lol That one i pray im wrong on
To me Russ Winter is piece of shit. About three weeks ago I read some article on Russ website, about jews. Winther describe jews as Biblical tribe of Judah and lot of stupidity from some jew written fictional satanic liars book. So I posted comments that's a pure fantasies and adulterous lies. So I advise Winter just to write about politics, conspiracy and keep away from Bible and Biblical history. Winter got completely INSANE he removed my comments and completely block me from entering his website. Good for me and good for useless idiots like Winter. Winter mind is completely blocked like jew on steroids. I know Biblical history and Our White Adamic history very well and Winter is half truther and half liar, so for me is just a liar, because deceivers like him have to tell you some truth and bunch a lies to divide you. Winter is a liar.
Hey Sean,
just ignore this jabbering @inthemix16, for sure, a degenerate millennial jew.
Noticed how this hasbara clown always mentions gay brothels and his "holocaust survivor" great- grand 'mummies' basement in Tel Aviv, Israel?
He obviously is living in that neighborhood, certainly blowing the neighborhood rabbi's dick regularly....
Jerking off while watching our comments.
What an IDIOT
oy vey...
and this gullible jabbering believer in the jew book stories, knows his " White Adamic history very well"...
I wonder what he is smoking....
Yeah- he always proves our points in his replies
@inthemix16 :-)
I BEGAN Listening-to the Scorpio-Show ... and THEN ended-up Talking to a Lady-who-Gardens-our-Apartments
(we Facebook-Chat sometimes too!)
In One of our FIRST-when-she-was-Gardening Chats: I Touched-on: "Non-Whites"/"Race-Realism" and jews !!! ;-)
And Today too: I TOLD her to WATCH the 2-minutes Blacks "Kicking" a skinny-black-man when-he-was-Down Video-clip.
Then I Summarised: Two-Episodes of "Classic"-StarGate: Of the "Ashen" (A pun on GRAY humourless "Collanizers!)
-- LIFE-"Prolonging"-"Medicine" .... Which STERILIZES ALL-of-Humanity!
And the Bioweapon, because the "Sterility"-word Slips-Out, the Ashen TRY to SEND-to-Earth!
And the StarGate-Atlantis: WRAITH who are Parasitic-(Blood-Sucking)-Life-Force-Suckers who LIVE Thousands-of-Years ...
And the Episode where: On a Planet a (Spider-like)-Four-Legged-(Wraith-like)-"Bug" is Latched-Onto-Joe Flanigan's-NECK:
And AS they TRY to Dis-lodge-it: By: Cutting, Burning etc -- It HOLDS-more-FIRMLY and SUCKS-MORE-LIFE-FORCE-OUT-of-the-Victim ... to-REGENERATE! :-o
Then She Touched-on: How Blacks / Browns are-NEVER-GRATEFUL !!!
-- And "just" BLAME-WHITEY even MORE ...
--> I Pointed-OUT: How WOMEN too, Can-Almost-NEVER: "Blame-Themselves" / Accept-Responsibility-for: ANYTHING that THEY-DO / or CAUSE !!! :-o
------ THEN, before I could even-Finish ...... She "HAD-to-GO! ;-)
So the FOLLOWING is WHAT I Continued to THINK, and Write-Down "Brainstorm"! ;-)
I was telling the Fairytale of: "Vitazko the Victorious: The Story of a Hero Whose Mother Loved a Dragon"
Vitazko the Victorious - Czechoslovak folktale
Vitazko KILLS 9-Dragons ... and LEAVES the Tenth-Dragon who he Finds ALREADY-Chained in Room-10 ALIVE! .... Then He Tells his Mother NOT to OPEN THAT Door-in-the-Whole-Castle ........ (The Dragon is Like a Winged-SERPENT!) She Opens the door when he is away ... and ends-Up SIDING-WITH-the-jew-Like-Dragon ... and Plots to THEN KILL Her-OWN-Son !!! 😮 -- By SENDING Him on-IMPOSSIBLE-Quests ... 😮
There are some people like "Sven-Longshanks" on Radio-Albion ... who SAY: That British-People Have-LET-IN all of the INVADING-Hordes !!!!!!!!! 😮 -- This is NOT TRUE !!! 😮 -- It is OBVIOUSLY-the-jews!!!!
At school AFTER a "Bully" had Beaten-us-Up / Tried-to-Beat-us-Up ... Teachers would ALWAYS (very vexingly-UNFAIRLY!) SAY: "It takes-TWO to Start-a-Fight!" 😮
Anyway ...... It is the WHITE-"Christian"-MEN ... who ARE: Generous and KIND and Empathetic ...
AND WILLING: To HEAR the Other-person's SIDE Point Perspective ... and Even CONSIDER if-indeed THEY had-somehow: Brought-Upon-Themselves / or UN-FAIRLY-Treated Someone-Else !!!
--> THIS is the VERY-Epitome: Of the "Christian"-MAN ...
THIS "Empathy" / "Humility" / LOVING-TRUTH / HAVING-a-Conscience / LISTENING to the Quiet FAIR Inner-Voice / ... THIS: HAVING a "SOUL" ...
---> Is "WHY" the jews Viciously-SEEK-to-DESTROY and even (TRUTHFULLY)-Eradicate-From-History: WHITE-"Christian"-MEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😮
For DECADES now WHITE-WOMEN have indeed been-TEMPTED by: "Equality" "Voting" and "Aborting" etc to Effectively: TURN-ON and BETRAY THEIR-OWN-WHITE-MEN !!! (Who Should indeed have BEEN Their: Beloved: Fathers, Husbands, and Sons ...
And, instead to SIDE-with the OTHER (HATE-WHITEY!!!)-"Minorities" Brought-IN, Spurred-On, and "EMPOWERED-by-VICIOUS-"Communist"-jews !!! 😮
The Example that I was EXPLAINING: Was: The "Western"-"CHRISTIAN" system of: LOYAL-Marriage !!! 😮
(In Africa ... Black-"men" were NEVER "Married" to the Black-women ... No-one KNEW WHO was the Actual-Birth-FATHER of a Black-"Child" --> Hence Black-Men NEVER-"Stuck-Around" !!! 😮
If a / ANY Behaviour is: NOT-Discouraged-Ridiculed-Scorned-Punished /ALLOWED / Encouraged / REWARDED ..... you will GET-MORE of it !!! -- Dhuh !!! 😉
The OLD "Hands-ON" Self-Governing "Christian" Society System ... WAS to SHAME and DISCOURAGE: BAD-behaviour! 🙂
--> A Young-Man and Young-Woman would-MARRY and "Hands-ON": MAKE and Raise-UP: THEIR Precious Children !!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
AND, just EXACTLY as in a Smorgasbord-Buffet: We CANNOT even TASTE every item-dish ... but indeed SHOULD CHOOSE the Items which-we-DO-Like-to-EAT-best ... and FINISH-what-is-on-OUR-Plate ... and then go-back for Seconds of what we-LIKED-BEST! 🙂
So, a man and woman CHOOSE to: FIRST-MARRY, then to HAVE beautiful-Children, then to RAISE-Them-UP as They would WANT them to Be-RAISED-UP ...
So a WIFE must BEHAVE in such a WAY so as for Her Husband to FIND-enough-HAPPINESS to: WANT-to-STAY Around ....... and NOT SOO much PAIN ..... as to WANT to LEAVE / Commit-Suicide !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😮
--> I said before, that in "Fairytales" WOMEN have a WAY to-ALWAYS: GET-what-THEY-WANT! (Hansel and Gretel for example where the Step-Mother WANTS them GONE!)
------> "Christian"-WHITE-"Western"-Society DID-NOT: "Encourage" or "Enable": "Having your Cake and Eating it too!"
As "SIMPLE" as the System of: WHEN Parents EAT-at-Table ... Their CHILDREN DO-too (As they are ALL "under-the-SAME-roof"!)
So too was the System: Of WHEN a Husband was at HOME WITH His: Wife and Children ... He WOULD indeed: SHARE-with and Provide-for Them-ALL!
-- as-THEY-were-indeed-HIS!
IF He was somehow: DRIVEN-AWAY ("Out-of Sight, Out of MIND!") ........ THEN, of course (!!!) His Wife and Children ... would of-course HAVE to: "Fend for THEMSELVES !!! 😮
HIS Presence was INFACT soooo VALUED that a-la-the-"Patriarchy": He was HEAD of the Dinner-Table and Household, Respected, Looked-Upto, and OBEYED ......
--> Else, IF HE was NOT: "Made-at-HOME" ENOUGH ....... HE might indeed LEAVE ....... TAKING of-course: WITH-HIMSELF: ALL that HE "Brought-to-the-TABLE" with-Him !!! 😮
"Humility" and GRATITUDE !!! -- ARE indeed: WHITE-"Christian" "VALUES ...... as WE indeed HAVE "SOULS"
A WIFE BECOMES: The Other-HALF of the HUSBAND ....... (And, just like ALL of the OTHER non-WHITE-MALE people: "Monkey-SEE; Monkey DO!") and Not only ADOPTS: HIS "Culture" / "Ethnicity" ...... -- But indeed HIS-"(WHITE)-HUMAN"-"SOUL" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Women" DIDN'T NEED to "VOTE" ...... Because Their-HUSBANDS-"VOTED" !!!!!!!!!!! 😮
NOW OBVIOUS to-ALL: jews are TARGETING: WHITE-MALES for-"Replacement" !!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- And Even WHITE-WOMEN ... will "HAVE-no-one-to-COMPLAIN-to" ........ IF WHITE-WOMEN DON'T NOW: TRUTHFULLY-"Look-in-the-Mirror" .... And STRONGLY-Stand-OUT and SAY: "Hell NO! -- All-of-yo-SCUM, are-NOT Going to TAKE OUR WHITE-MEN AWAY !!! 😮 🙂
----- I wanted to Finish the OTHER: Star-Gate "Revelation-of-the-Method" Episodes! 😮
As the Older-Enemies of Mankind became LESS-Scary ... the "Ori" were INTRODUCED !!!
The "Ori" were FAKE-Cruel-(Non-Sharing-Selfish)-"Gods" ... who FED-OFF-of-BEING-WORSHIPPED !!! 😮
-- But BEFORE That bit .... -- I have TWO MORE: "Wraith"-Vampires Episodes to Recall:
ONE episode a Man Had "Adopted" a Wraith-infant-girl .... and He (FOOLISHLY!)-"Thought": That HE had-"Civilised"-HER, and Made-a-TEA which She-Drank, and NO-LONGER: Fed-OFF-Humans'-Life-Force! 😮
--> It turned-Out that SHE had Been FAKING such a "Conversion", and was indeed STILL Secretly-FEEDING-OFF-of-People-in-the-Village! 😮
-- In the SAME Episode: The "Good-Guys" INJECTED Her with: GENE-THERAPY Gene-ALTERING-Sequences ....
Which, it Turned-Out eventually-BACKFIRED !!! -- And SHE BECAME: FULLY-LIKE the: LIFE-Sucking-Bugs !!! -- And NOT Like a Human, at-ALL! 😮
In a Different Episode: The Irish-guy ESCAPES from Captivity BY: Making-a-DEAL with a WRAITH-Captive in-another-Cell!
After they Escape the Wraith TAKES: MOST of HIS-Life-Force .... KILLS and FEEDS-OFF-of: Their-PERSUERS ...
And THEN: Astoundingly: Reverse-Gives-BACK: His LIFE-Force ... thus RESTORING His HEALTH-Young-AGE !!! 😮
--> The WRAITH "Farm" Planets of Humans ... allowing Their-Numbers to Greatly-INCREASE, WHILE the-Wraith SLEEP-Dormant-for-CENTURIES ...
THEN, when the HUMAN-Numbers have-INCREASED: The Wraith AWAKEN .... and Begin "Harvesting" Planet-to-Planet Their: Human-"Livestock" !!! 😮
Anyway ...... EVERYONE KNOWS: That "Accountability" is indeed a "Touchy"-subject for-Women !!!
--> "Hell hath NO-Fury ... Like a Woman-Scorned!"
In a DIVORCE situation WOMEN can BE: Very Very VERY VICIOUS and DESTRUCTIVE indeed! 😮
--> THIS is BECAUSE: Women can-almost-NEVER: Accept-RESPONSIBILITY for-THEIR-Own-Actions/Predicament! 😮
(Kyle-Hunt's)-Sinead-O'Conner was VERY Outragedly-EMPHATIC: That WHITE-Women are-NOT: LIKE jews !!!!!!! 😮
But, indeed MANY have "Debated" as to WHETHER it is indeed: jews ........ or WHITE-Women indeed who HAVE indeed:
--> Almost DOOMED the WHITE-RACE to-Extinction: BY Soooo viciously-TARGETING: Loyal-Hardworking-KIND-WHITE-MEN!? 😮
(WHITE-Women: "Aborting" Their-OWN: Precious-Beautiful-Adorable: White-Babies (Like BEGAN Quite-RECENTLY even Especially-Now: in Ireland!)
-- Certainly-"RIVALS": ANYTHING that Vicious-(from-the-Outside)-jews have EVER Perpetrated UPON: WHITE-Children, and Nations! 😮 )
"The Twelve Months: The Story of Marushka and the Wicked Holena":
"The Evil One and Kitta Grau" (A Woman, Kitta Grau: POISONS a Young-Couple's LOVE ... and Terrifies EVEN-the-Devil !!! 😮 )
They are not the same as us ......... 😮
A Wakangdan Tale
There are MANY clips SHOWING this .... as the above 2 minutes DOES! 😮
WATCH the Above (Wakangdan) 2-minutes! 😮
It is NOT White-People's CULTURE to "Kick a man When he is Down!" 😮
It is Blacks' "Culture" ... for Not-"only": 10-20 of them to "KICK"-a-man-when-he's-Down ... but to JUMP-on-His-HEAD !!! 😮
"White men 'Can't' JUMP!" ... -on Someone's-HEAD when-they-are-Down ... BECAUSE Whites HAVE: "EMPATHY" "SOULS" a "Conscience" etc! 😮
The above clip is of a Skinny-Black-man ... so almost "Funny" ...
But just IMAGINE WHAT Groups of 10-20+ "Youths" ARE ACTUALLY DOING ... Each and EVERY-DAY! ... To the WHITE-Women WHO They Drag-into-an-Alley-at-NIGHT ... and Gang-"RAPE"! 😮
Or a White-Man, or WHOLE Family too! ... Who a GANG of Blacks "Get" at-Night SOMEWHERE, even IN-Their-Own-Homes ... Arghhhh !!! 😮
"And the StarGate-Atlantis: WRAITH who are Parasitic-(Blood-Sucking)-Life-Force-Suckers who LIVE Thousands-of-Years ...
And the Episode where: On a Planet a (Spider-like)-Four-Legged-(Wraith-like)-"Bug" is Latched-Onto-Joe Flanigan's-NECK:
And AS they TRY to Dis-lodge-it: By: Cutting, Burning etc -- It HOLDS-more-FIRMLY and SUCKS-MORE-LIFE-FORCE-OUT-of-the-Victim ... to-REGENERATE! :-o"
THAT Episode Backstory-EXPLAINS: How The HIGHER-Beings-WHITES-"Atlanteans" Had been BITTEN BY that LIFE-FORCE-Sucking-Creature ...
And that the WRAITH were a COMBINATION of the: Higher-Being-Atlanteans ... and the Parasitic-"Bug" !!!
--> jews are LIKE a Combination of: UNGRATEFUL Vicious "BLAME"-HATE-DESTROY-"Whitey"-BLACKS
-- With WHITE-Human-Like-APPEARANCE-and-NOT-Retarded-Black-"Intellect" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
Also I was TALKING of How:
WE want to SHARE the Painful / fearful Aspects of OUR-Lives WITH Our-Loved-ones/Friends ...
(A Sorrow SHARED is a Sorrow HALVED : A JOY SHARED is a JOY Doubled!)
BUT, if someone ACTUALLY LIKES / CARES-about: us .......
-- Due to EMPATHY: THEY will Literally-FEEL-Our-PAIN ...
-- And, thus they will Try / WANT to Get-Away / DISTANCE-FROM such !!! :-o
Whereas: jews ("Lawyers" "Financial-Advisors" "Doctors" etc.) ALREADY-Pre-HATE us !!!
Not-ONLY: Is Each and Every "Listening"-Hour "Billable" ....
But, BECAUSE (((they))) FEEL-NO-Empathy for-OUR-PAIN ...
(AND indeed "Our"-Lawyer Has most-Probably-ALREADY: Done a Deal-with-judge-and-prosecutor for us to LOSE!)
(((they))) Most-Probably REQUIRE to SUPPRESS/CONCEAL ...
(((their))) actually-ENJOYING Our-Stories-of-OUR-PAIN and Worries! :-o
WITHOUT any-Empathy ... it is relatively-EASY for jews to PRETEND to BE: Our-"Friend" ...
-- To "Listen"-to Our Problems .... and to "FEEL-our-PAIN"! (A-la Bill-Clinton! ;-) )
WE find our OWN: REAL Friends, and Family ... to Often: "Let us Down!"
And Conversely we "Project" onto Our: Actual-RACE-ENEMIES: That (((they))) indeed MAKE "Better"-"Friends" !!! :-o
These may indeed Be: Fatal / Terminal: Foolish-MIS-TAKES !!! :-o
We have been "cleverly" Taught / TRAINED (our so-called-"EGO"!) to: NOT-"Want" Our-MISTAKEN-["cleverly"-(((IMPLANTED)))]-"BeLIEfs" to be: Challenged / Factually-DISPROVEN !!!
--> Dispelled by the "Sun-Light"-of-TRUTH !!! :-o
--> THIS may indeed FATALLY lead-to: Our-Terrible-DEMISE !!! :-o
(I had a LOT to Talk-about / Reflect-upon / Further-Develop-in-a-Productive-Conversation TODAY ....
As I HAD: Possibly MY BEST (Sleeping)-DREAM Today ... EVER !!!
-- OFETEN MY Dreams are very-Encouraging !!! -- As the GREATER-TRANSCENDENT-REALITY ... glimpsed-at in Dreams ...
is indeed VERY Wonderful, and BEAUTIFUL! -- Where the GOOD EASILY Triumphs OVER-Evil!)
We have-ALL be prolongedly-FRUSTRATED by: The "Normies" ... who REFUSE to Even: LISTEN to the TRUTH which will EASILY-DIS-SPELL: The vicious-DEADLY (Now LITERALLY: With the: POISON-DEATH-Injection!) (((BIG-lies))) !!!
And, In many ways ... WE NOW: Relish DIS-COVERING the REAL TRUTH: of OUR (((enslavement)))-by-"clever"-(((LIARS))) !!!
--> What is STILL indeed LEFT for us to Equally-JOYFULLY-EMBRACE:
Of ALL of the Vicious-Terrible-DEADLY-'Sweet-Sounding"-(((LIES))) !!!
-- "Liberté, égalité, fraternité ..." etc....
-- And Beginning to BECOME: (Once-More!)-TRULY-FREE HUMAN GRATEFUL for How: WE Were Wonderfully-CREATED: WITH-a-"SOUL" !!! 🙂
Blacks, Browns, Chinese, Indians, and most-Definitely-jews ...
--> Are indeed NOT at-All LIKE us !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND Men and Women too ..... even ESPECIALLY WHITE-MEN and WHITE-WOMEN are NOT at-all: "Like"-each-other -- Either! 😮
Chinese-MEN are Quite-a-bit-MORE: Like-Their-WOMEN!
Black-WOMEN are Quite-a-bit-MORE: Like-Their-MEN !!! 😮
Indeed ... it would not at all be: A Dis-Agreeable Thing:
For WHITE-WOMEN to Fully-EMBRACE: WHAT Makes THEM Truly-MOST Beautiful-and-ATTRACTIVE ...
For WHITE-MEN to once-More: Fully-EMBRACE: WHAT Makes THEM Truly-MOST: STRONG Dependable Respectable NOBLE, and Looked-Upto--even-LOVED!
And For WHITE-Men and WHITE-Women to once more be ATTRACTED to: Once More LOYALLY TEAM-Together ...
And in Step-by-Step "Painstaking"-WORK and JOY ...
Truly once-More BECOME Truly-FREE again ...
For WITHOUT TRUE: Family and Friends ...
Without Together: HAVING and Raising-UP: Adorable Children, and GrandChildren ...
--> Our LIFE itself Has NO-ENDURING: Purpose / Meaning / Satisfaction / Joy ...... FUTURE !!! 😮
Damn Albert! Did you eat the entire box of 'Super Colon-Blow' cereal?
I STILL have the LAST-30-minutes to GO ....
But a REALLY GREAT Talk Scorpio ...
--> AND a GREAT (Show-Direction)-"Call" on-Your-Part too Giuseppe !!!
-- The Brian-"Communitarian" Attempted-HI-JACKING of your Show* ...
"Left a SOUR Taste ..."
--> There is "SOMETHING" Really-OFF about ALL of the "Communitarian"-Cult-"Junkies" !!! :-o
-- They are ALL (nice-enough-guy: Lark included!) somehow OBSESSED and REALLY: "Boring" / "unattractive" !!!
Somehow the "Coal-Burner"-WHORE "Nicky" in-Alaska HAS them all under HER Weird-Witch-CULT-Con-Troll !!! :-o
* The "Communitarians" SHOULD: SAVE Their-"Stuff" for: "The-Fetch"'s SHOW !!! ... (Or Brizer) ...
-- Or even MAYBE: "Team-UP": With: "Scaredy-Cat" and "Chris-Weiner" to TOTALLY-WRECK: Jim-Fetzer's Show! ;-)
“Communitarianism” is just a nonsense term that controlled opposition can yack on about for hours, instead of any meaningful substantive topics. “Lark from Texas” is just an over promoted operative. I have challenged this guy on radio shows before and he literally has no answer to simple questions, like absent government, who will enforce the “contracts” he drones on about. Not that I believe in governments at all, but it is a valid question. I also cannot stand this “scaredy-cat’ character.
Hey @Erik Paul:
Did he eat the entire box of 'Super Colon-Blow' cereal?
His LIFE itself Has NO-ENDURING: Purpose / Meaning / Satisfaction / Joy ...... FUTURE !!! 😮
anyone know what has happened to Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill? No show in 2 weeks. Nothing from Tim in 2 weeks.
Hey @Erik Paul
did you notice?
He was "Talking to a Lady-who-Gardens-our-Apartments"...
The 'Garden Lady' probably takes care of mentally deranged people...😮
oy vey...
Yeah Amanda, not sure what happened to Tim Kelly, but I definitely miss his shows. Good content is getting really hard to find.
btw: "Holocaust"...
This slimy greasy jew character says:
"You can't discuss the truth of the Holocaust. That's a distortion of freedom of speech.
The U.S. should emulate Germany, which outlaws such public exercises."
Franklin Littel
Temple University, Philadelphia
Jerusalem Post 19-25 October 1980
Shouldn't we encourage our students to investigate the 'Holocaust' story the same way they are encouraged to investigate every other historical event??
Germany is still OCCUPIED country!!
No peace treaty with the "victory nations" has ever been signed!!
Yes, its true, Germany NEVER, EVER, MURDERED MILLIONS of innocent people, women, children, elderly all over the world, with Atom bombs, Napalm!!
Germans are a highly civilized, friendly, peace loving people.
Have a great Sunday, everybody.
@Albert.. You are truly a legend. ! I dont know how you do it . Shrooms? My Cousin Mr. Addy? High end Caffeine ? Nice to see some piss and vinegar back here. I do have to find my Ovaltine decoder on all that but thats part of the fun
@Amanda ive been wondering of a few to? Some recent, some way back. Where is Dr. Preston James ? Where is Dr. Zabraski (spelling, sorry) What happened to Jon Friend ? etc etc
@sean you have some great points imho . Lark is kinda like Mechanic. The dude of Goy Teeveee. Star one day , gone the next. Revolt still is a legend. I can always imagine that if i had insomnia id have RR and DW on a show together because their speaking styles would be like a lullabye
Im still digging in to the significance ... but Please pay attention to the La Palma thing. Especially if you are the Zeppies of the world and live on East Coast.
Im sure a nothin burger at the end of the day but it does appear there has been escalation . The timing is really odd
Its all about feel free to think how you want. If you dont believe in this , its your call but..
"8 The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed."
Just, kinda pay attention for the well being of all you out there ! And leave it at that
No, I wasn't about to make an attempt to ingest any of that pile! ...made me think of what I used to see in the latrine down at the AF Base: "those who write on shithouse walls, roll their shit in little balls; those who read those lines of wit, eat those little balls of shit"
oh cool. Erik(a)As everyday goes by i realize Henry Kissinger was right ! If you truly were on a AF Base, if i were you . Id STFU spare all of your bullshiit you learned . Means nothing . You all are the most embarrassing cowards that have walked the earth . Watch your country , after taking an oath, burn in flames, and your worried about what you have to "ingest" .. How bout obeying your oath coward? Dont worry about me. Im just a dumb shit using my constitutional rights. Dont like it, Buh bye..And spare me the whoof whoof "Semper Fi" shit. Id take a #Ruaf over you to protect my country over you any day of the week and twice on Sunday. I owe you no "thanks' while this little shit with an Italian sounding name tries to dictate how we live our life !Youve never won a war and you surely arent coming close to winning the most important one. I were you id have STFU about what AF base you were on. You get your panties all in a ruff about what i say instead of obeying the oath you took. Ya know , the one about the enemies within ?? You exemplify what is or was the US Military. When the chips are really down you sitting at your key board an playin with yourself . Please when or if you all ever grow a pair, come back ,,be glad to hear ya.. other than that, go get your shine box, put your tail in between your legs and STFU buddy.
@ Sean
GREAT Comments! :-)
("Federal-Reserve-Bank" 1913)
--> Was the Beginning of the END for: ALL of WHITE-HUMANITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
AMERICA entering "WWII" on-the-SIDE-of-(((Stalin))) and (((Church-ill))) ...
--> Was to FULL DEATH-Knell ......
TO the HAPPY WHITE-FUTURE that we SHOULD have BEEN-Having !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
... So, Yes! -- The AMERICAN-Military, ALL-"Branches" ...
--> Are indeed the BIGGEST-SHITS ... Ever to Blight-the-Earth !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
Southern-Dingo MADE a Notable-Point:
That we simply-MUST be Pushing a "Narrative" ... which will-SAVE the WHITE-RACE !!! -- ie: A PRO-WHITE-Race-Narrative !!! :-) :-) :-)
--> BOTH: jews and (((their))-"foot-soldiers"-Non-Whites ... ARE Our-ENEMIES Out-to-DESTROY us!
DIE-versity ..... is OUR-WHITE-RACE DESTRUCTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
"Bring me the Israelis."
"I CAN'T!"
'Albert' claims:
"..BOTH: jews and (((their))-"foot-soldiers"-Non-Whites ... ARE Our-ENEMIES Out-to-DESTROY us!"
The 'Non-White' Africans and Asians are NOT, I repeat, are NOT out to destroy Europe, or the White Race!
JEWS are behind "DIE-versity", THEY are Out-to-DESTROY us, the WHITE RACE"!!!
Barbara Lerner Spectre- for instance- who openly declared to destroy Europe, its
Culture, Traditions, Civilization, with " DIE-versity", is NOT a African or Asian.
This slimy ugly creep is a Bolshevik Communist Red Rat, a &%$#@# JEWESS!!
test , test, can I post
Hey sean and albert: I have a couple thoughts for ya: Brien from Washington, (that's me) did interpret the show flow of another 9/11 broadcast w/ expert guests once again to carnival bark/ newsboy yell from the corner this Contrcommunitarian subject. You should know it has been 10 years of people calling into the well known CIA front called RBN and people setting Lark and myself straight "we don't have a Communitarian problem, we have a Jew problem", so nothing new here. You should also know there are a half dozen woman I correspond w/ that feel they are listening to the nails being pounded in the entire world,s coffin that they are inside of and they are yelling out for help from someone w/a prying tool and hearing nothing but the hammer blows.Some have spent time in the Soviet Union. I also live with a woman who's family was targeted and deported from Lithuania by Stalin. This is the three minutes w/the time stamp that has not played on Saturdays show .
"...I also live with a woman who's family was targeted and deported from Lithuania by Stalin."
Eleonore Roosevelt, wife of Communist President F.D.R., called Josef Stalin, who was a jew, - his real name Jossif Dschugaschwili - lovingly "Uncle Joe"......
Stalin and his gang murdered tens of Millions of mostly Christian Ukrainians and Russians.
See Alexandr Solschenizyn, Russian Author of 'Archipel Gulag'
This Communist US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt 88 years ago, on April 5th 1933, banned private gold ownership - obviously excepting jews - in the United States, FORCING gold owners to take their bullion to a bank and exchange it for Dollars at the prevailing rate.
So called EXECUTIVE ORDER 6102 !!
btw :
just a few weeks earlier the headlines in U.S. and British News Paper..
for instance:
Daily Express
Friday, March 24, 1933
Jews Of All The World Unite In Action
@sqirl said:
"I also live with a woman who's family was targeted and deported from Lithuania by Stalin."
Here a very interesting story. Crown Publishers, New York, 1988:
"Lets call him 'Mike'...
his real name was Olitsky and he was a Lithuanian Jew who'd fled 1941 into Germany to escape Stalin's Red Army.
He wound up in Dachau for four years.
I ventured to ask him about his experience. He shrugged and said," It was a factory. We worked during the day and stayed in a dormitory at night."
"But what about the, uh, the-"
"The what?"
" You know, the killings."
I never saw any of that."
Four years in Dachau, never saw any of that. Okay. He DID SEE the US Army "liberate" the camp in April '45.
The SS and Alpine troops recuperating there had negotiated a surrender to the Americans, who entered the camp and started shooting the guys who thought they were surrendering.
Then the Americans marched the surviving soldiers ( all the prison guards had fled days earlier) up to a wall near the hospital and set up a machine gun.
Three hundred forty-six German soldiers on R&R were slaughtered in a few minutes, fife hundred twenty in all that morning.
The army doctor on the scene, Col. Howard Buechner, described it in his book,
'Dachau: Hour of the Avenger'.
Of the 32,000 inmates freed, about 1,200 were Jews, including "Mike".
No other site attracts so many lunatics. Albert and Unknown...
"Unknown said...
btw: just a few weeks earlier the headlines in U.S. and British News Paper.. for instance:
Daily Express Friday, March 24, 1933
JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY Jews Of All The World Unite In Action"
Even though you keep referring to this 2-page article which you have never read, perhaps you could explain why this had even been issued? Or is the context unimportant to you Unknown, much easier to "learn" from sensational headlines?
While Albert is still unable to name 1 Jew who is allegedly oppressing him. Complete psychosis, no wonder that he struggles to write normally, he becomes so apoplectic.
Brien- not sure exactly what you are trying to say. I don’t have a faceberg account, so I couldn’t follow your link-
Try to have a nice evening, everybody.
Yeah Shlomo,
oy vey
Dr. Lorraine Day, MD
The “Golden Rule.” = He who has the Gold – Rules!
Without the Holocaust LIE, a One World Government would be impossible!
The One World Government is run by the Jews, who own the money supply of virtually every country in the world.
The ruling organization – the “Front” for this One World Government/New World Order - will be the United Nations that was founded, and is still run, by Jews, even though they do so from behind the scenes.
Have a good night, everybody....
I have been Listening to Robert each week ... but THIS week's is GRIMM indeed!
--> a MUST Listen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o
The government and media seize on this to characterize all opposition to Covid restrictions as loonybin cases like him. Or crazed far-right anti-LGBT activists. Or anti-Semites. Etc. And that successfully stigmatizes opposition even further so mainstream people think there is no basis for principled opposition to vaccine mandates.
This is in Lithuania right now. Cindy Niles interview is also on Rumble or Roxy tv She uses the communitarian subject 1 hour 9 minutes into the interview. Albert
Sean I post for you. Hats off to you for avoiding fb.For all I know of you Sean. your Irish name is like mine Brien with an e. You could be in Israel as an 8200 operative.
Can we take a minute to clarify when and what show you called Lark out on?Check out the above interview. Cindy has been deplatformed on her own communications in Australia.
Yeah yeah...
" mainstream people" ...
99,9% of you "mainstream people" are too stupid to understand that the
Without that Holohoax , the mainstream people would dare to realize and openly say
so, that a clique of slimy alien parasites and their down to the bones corrupt
lackeys among the non-jews, is fucking up their lives.
Hey 'Albert'..
shove your 'links' to those totally unimportant, for donation begging, jabbering clowns up your asshole.
Reyvolt and his endless Daboo77 shit I had to turn it off Sunday
What happened to Tim Kelly? 24 days since last podcast.
Dave if you should see this, I got destroyed by IDA. Still alive tho. Have to drive aways to get internet. I am still around tho and miss you all very much. No power no enmail no nothing.
fwiw- I found Joe Atwill's email address and wrote him about Tim Kelly and their show. Apparently Tim has been sick, but is feeling better, so they will do their show in a couple of weeks.
Large Crowd Protesting Outside Rothschild Castle In Switzerland
Thanks for checking into that and sharing Amanda.
I've filled the P&P void with Infowars, half expecting to be cringed but honestly AJ is back to top form IMHO
In the time after my bout with the "thing" I've piled into the natural immunity with the following and have been feeling great with lower blood pressure, lost 5 lbs, more energy, and no re-infection.
Garlic Allicin
Chewable multivitamin
Vitamin C
Vitamin B complex
Testosterone booster
Holy shit Ron Avery is live on right now sick and gargling on-air but doubts he has anything unusual.
I think the kind of cereal that you smoke with brillo in a glass pipe
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