Scorpio Show # 82 on
Scorpio and Giuseppe present:
Dennis Fetcho
Live from 1PM-4PM EDT
Revolution.Radio Studio A
Feel free to contact me:

No Quaxxers Allowed
I think they are absolutely correct.
The United Nations General Assembly likened Zionism to Racism.
The Associated Press reported:
After a draft resolution was introduced at the United Nations General Assembly that likened Zionism to racism, Israel AND the U.S. WALKED OUT of the annual meeting.
Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesseth, the Israeli Parliament, quoted by
Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts", New Statesman, June 25, 1982
" Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best.
Other races are considered as human excrement.
Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron.
The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves."
Interesting guest this Mr. Fetcho, I think he does not to like jews....
You got it right @Unknown on the Menachem Begin thing ! Give some credit to AOC in that i hear she voted against MORE joobucks for Israel . Like they havent gotten enough from the US taxpayers already?. One more time if one doesnt understand how it works just watch the Cynthia McKinney clip on PressTV. It cant be any more clear. If someone in the likes of Tyler Durdenstein on Zionhedge would keep this vid permanently at the top of his page, id almost think he, it, who , is what he claims. All these numb nuts that think some "audit" gonna change anything need to watch. @Unknown this is parallel to your quoting MB..Thanks for pointing that quote out !
US lawmakers forced to support Israel' Cynthia McKinney on PressTV
I think Fetcho is like me. There are Jews i admire, like Aaron Russo, Mikko Peled, etc, but the ones that claim to be Jews that arent, that write in their "scripture" so to speak that want me dead. I have a little problem with that.
At the end of the day its really us goys are at fault. We keep playing with these little Ishit toys and cant recognize that , its our fault. Its like that frog that gets caught by the snake and got this dumb ass look on his face, too stupid to jump out of the way.
Agree or disagree, my experience has been there are some great jews that just want to live their life how they choose like me .
" think he does not to like jews...." is English not your first language?? Hmm Interesting to say the least
Where do you guys listen to this? It’s not on the archives yet, it wasn’t playing live when it was supposed to be (according to this post), and “twitch tv, absolutely never works when I try to play it.
Bill Clinton interview uploaded
yeah yeah.. " there are some great jews.."
I wonder how these "great, admired jews " react to somebody who tells them:
I don't believe the holocaust story, its the greatest hoax/lie in human history.
oy vey
You have a great counter point @Unknown. Comes down to personal experience i guess. Its hard to disagree with you . I dont know if you have ever seen this but its well worth the time to see my point.
Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo (Full Length)
Russo was a jew correct ?
I had to listen to the Basil Valentine at least twice. Just shows you these days i have a social life of a Barn Owl due to this bullshit. Really interesting. Must give going down the esoteric road a chance.
La Palma always seemed far fetched to me to what it ultimately CAN do. It seems escalating even more. Ive done my best to have vetted this because it be bullshit wrong if im in all those kiddie YT channels putting scary headlines just to get clicks.
lll put a Hal Turner Link here. I know. I know ,but so far he has been right on point up to now. Be careful with him and approach with skepticism
Bushcraft Bear put a new one out today and it seems the 2 are aligned in how they see it. Landslides at coastline cant be a good sign
Any of You all here live on East Coast ie People Like Jooseppie just pay attention . Have some plan in your mind. Still only possible but not probable ..
Small Landslides Beginning on LaPalma
I think its reasonable to say Turner may be giving good advice without fear-mongering
" Persons on the US east coast should keep very close watch on this situation today, and consider moving inland by 50 to 100 miles, in the event of a large landslide on LaPalma. Don't wait for authorities to tell you, do ti once you find out a large landslide ahs taken place.
Once authorities start telling the public to relocated, there will be panic and mayhem. Roads will clog and become almost instantly impassable.
Have you car fueled-up, a "go-bag" with clothes, medicines, canned food and can opener, a map and some place to evacuate to. Have this done in advance.
You DO NOT want to be one of the "masses" waiting in long lines to get gasoline in your car, or hurrying around looking for what to pack, while the roads fill up making it impossible for YOU to get out."
You all intelligent here. take it as you feel
Kevin Barrett had a "good Jew" on this week. He claimed the Holocaust happened because he has 12 survivors in his family but it was only 5 million and change so he's based.
Hal Turner?
Bill Clinton interview? WTF panzi??
How dare you HOW DARE YOU
Oh Cmon let's talk about the "6 MILLION".
The total population of the US West coast cities Los Angeles 3,4 Million + San Francisco 1 Million + Portland/Oregon 600,000 + Seattle 1 Million = 6 MILLION!!!
I think it's very important that one understands WHY the notorious 'Nazis' lost the war!
They lost the war for one reason and one reason only:
They were simply too busy tormenting and killing those 6 MILLION jews in the most incredible ways.
One can actually say that to them the war was nothing but a big distraction, and they had no time for it.
These evil creatures, these 'Nazis', were occupied so to speak full time, in order to torture and kill jews in the most sadistic ways they were able to think of.
Now... HOW did they get rid of that huge pile of 6 MILLION dead jews??
Thanks for infos
I hope the administrator foon1e gets well fast, we here at Mami's Shit need good administrators.
Who does?
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