November 06, 2021

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2021.11.06

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events
Hour 2 - News And Current Events
Hour 3 - News And Current Events

64k CF Download

518-906-1039 Studio A Listen Number
Revolution.Radio Studio A



Albert said...

Narius (Bitchute "RamBetter") Asked a Mysterious ... Intriguing QUESTION ... many weeks ago:

WHO "wouldn't" WANT to IMPROVE-Themselves?!
I have AN Answer: Someone who is "Demon-Possessed"!
-- Someone Whose "EGO" will NOT-Permit them to COME Closer-to-the-TRUTH!
-- To Become FREE ....... The TRUTH will Set us FREE !!! :-)

In an Apprenticeship: The Apprentice SEES and ACCEPTS that the Master KNOWS: More and Better ...
We HEAR how "Education" is SUPPOSED to TEACH One: HOW to Think-(For-Themselves) !!!

-- Sadly Modern-"Ed-]ew-cation": Transforms the Most-"Intelligent" into Those Soo-Ignorantly-"PROUD" ...
That they Not-only Cannot SEE and Learn the TRUTH ... but they WILL-Not ... as They Effectively (Actually-INTOLERANTLY) HATE-the-TRUTH !!! :-o

THIS "EGO" ... is a type of "Demon-Possession" ...
Who wouldn't WANT to IMPROVE-Themselves !!!? ...

"Addictions" (Especially-DESTRUCTIVE ones) are very-Difficult to "Kick" ...
-- When Even "just" STOPPING-such would be an Instant-IMPROVEMENT / Solution / Alternative to / RELIEF-from: such! ;-)

"Addicted" ... to Our-OWN ... DESTRUCTION !!! :-o

Albert said...

Americans are "Addicted" to the "Happy"-(((DELUSION))):

That: "WWII" was the "GOOD"-"War" .... and that THEY were indeed the "BEST" ... of the "GOOD-Guys" !!! :-o

Yes! ..... ONLY ((("Real-Saints"))) could Conceive-Plan-and-EXECUTE: MASS-Fire-"BOMBINGS" of:

Innocent: Women, Children, Old-Folks, Invalids, Refugees, even POWs !!! :-o

MURDERING and Horrifically-MAIMING: Millions upon Millions of INNOCENT: WHITE-Folks ...

At the COST / EXPENSE of: US$ BILLIONS upon Billions !!! :-o


Albert said...

I am a bit TIRED of "Blackpilled" ....

But, This Talk He AMAZINGLY Contrasted and Disected:

"HOPE" (Which is sooo amorphous as to be Possible to Perpetuate .... against ALL-Real-Life-Actualities!)


"Expectations"-for-a-Better-Future (Which CAN be SEEN to have Become "Frustrated" / BETRAYED!)

Albert said...

Narius (Bitchute "RamBetter") Recently described how:

WHITES ... WITH-an-Inner-Voice: Telling-Them-the-Truth ...

Do-NOT even "need" "LAWS" ... They reason-for-themselves situations: and Ask, for Example:

What would HAPPEN ... if a LOT of people Started DOING such-and-such ...

"LAWS" are FOR the Lesser-Folks who indeed NEED these Laws to be Brought into Being-Able to Fit-INTO: Civilized ("Christian": "Do unto-Others ...") Societies ...

--> OBVIOUSLY: "LAWS" Do-NOT even "Work" At-All: Upon "Non-Whites" within-OUR-Societies ...

-- As all of the rigmarole and Time and EXPENSE to GIVE a ("Benefit of the 'Doubt'") FAIR-Trial to a Feral-"non-White" ...

DOES NOTHING to SHOW: Other "non-Whites": "The 'ERRORS' of THEIR 'ways'..." (Or even to the "Tried" Perpetrators even!)

--> OR to in ANY useful-Way: to even Slightly-"DIS-COURAGE": the "non-Whites" from Perpetrating Such HORRENDOUS:

DONE without even 'Thinking' un-mediated-by-ANY: Higher-Thought, Reflection-on-Possible-consequences, Self-control, or EVEN: Human-EMPATHY for those: whom they are so BRUTALLY Doing-such TO !!! :-o


We easily-UNDERSTAND that CHILDREN: NEED: "Limits" and Guidance ... and Encouragement to Behave-Well, and Discouragement to behave Poorly!

--> "non-Whites" ... are "Like" "Children" (Rapey-MURDEROUS "Children"!) ... With Fully-Grown-"Gorilla"-Bodies !!!

Just LIKE: LIONS or Pit-bulls Should-NOT: Be "Released" into a Kindergarden .........

So too: "non-Whites" ... Should-NOT be even "allowed" ANYWHERE-Near Civilized-"Christian"-Societies ...

Except maybe with a FEW: Exceptions in Behind-STRONG-IRON-Bars: Zoo-Like "Teaching"-(and-Recreation?!)-Environments! :-o

Albert said...

To even "just" CALL someone who is so-Self-Controlled as to NEVER LIE ... a LIAR .... is completely-UNBEARABLE to THEM !!! :-o

To NOT-even "CALL-out": someone who FREQUENTLY-LIES ... a Despicable-LIAR ............. is to also Be: very very UNFAIR indeed! :-o

Women are Treated DIFFERENTLY to MEN...

Children are also Treated Quite-DIFFERENTLY to: "Grown-Ups" .......

"TREATING" EVERYONE the-"SAME" ... is not Only: VERY VERY UNFAIR ....... and in-FACT: is IMPOSSIBLE indeed in ANY REAL-sense!

...... but infact to even beLIEve that such "SHOULD" even ever BE-the-Case: is indeed to BE: DANGEROUSLY-INSANE !!! :-o

Albert said...

Mark-Windows Describes:

STATED-"Goals" .... as Covers for: the ACTUAL-Goals !!! :-o

inthemix16 said...

@Albert. Your your old self. Good to see. And here i felt guilty for taking up 4 slots the other day. Can you tell me who Black Pill is ? Wait. You put an odysee link . Is this worth the time?
I havent gotten thru the entire show but i did want to point out something Fetch did, that i had i think a few days ago.
He replayed a Sean from SGT Report. I think ive checked in with Sean once in a while for maybe 10 years. Some times some of his guests i thought he was either clueless or bought and paid for opposition like i think Jew Peters is. They have their purpose but they will never go that extra mile.
I dont follow every single SGT post. Maybe this is nothing new, but it sure was the first time i heard him. Sean?! From SGT Report, calling out the chicken swingers ? Putting clips of Brother Nathaniel in his vid ? No way. Color me shocked. I thought only La Plalma was causing tremors in the earth ! I bet even Brother Nathaniel shit in his pants to hear that to ! Is this the point were some people wanted to tip toe to stick around and now understand , you are at kill or be killed moment. Whatever you are trying to protect by being polite, keeping advertising money, wont be worth a shit when you and your kids are dead? I dont know.
Fetch im still curious why you havent scoped out apartments in Minsk but you know much more than me thats for sure

Albert said...



Devon-Stack aka "Blackpilled" is a "recovering"-Mormon

For Years he did well-enjoyed Movie-Critiques Dissecting -them, and Deprogramming Folks from-the-Propaganda ...

For one or two years now ... he has been doing 2-3 Hour "Pillstreams" ...

IF / Since you have NOT Listened to HIM before ... there is MUCH Content by-Him that is certainly not-only-Worth-a-Listen ... but quite entertaining too! :-)

He often TRIES to Piss-folks-Off a bit: Somewhat in such a way as to: EXPAND their VIEWS: OUTSIDE of the ((("Left-Right"-Paradigm))) ...

Blackpilled had a Fascinating-QUESTION-Topic-Theme for THAT Talk ...

WHAT is this CRAZY: "HOPE" / "Optimism" ADDICTION?! ...

--> WHEN to Even BEGIN to: FIGHT and to Actually FIX-Problems ... One FIRST NEEDS to FACE the TRUTH of "Circumstances" !!! :-o

----> By the Way: WHENEVER I have Listened-THROUGH a WHOLE-Talk, and LINK-to-it ... I do indeed THINK that it IS Worth Listening to! :-)

The more "Popular" REGULARS who I often Post-LINKS-to: AS SOON as I SEE them become-Available ...
-- I Usually SAY that: "I am just beginning to Listen etc.

I IMAGINE that OTHERS ... LIKE Myself ..... OFTEN Find it Difficult to FILL a Day with FUN and Worthwhile Listening-Content ...

----> As there are MANY Talkers (Like Rense etc!) Who I "REFUSE" to Listen-to! -- As there ARE indeed a LOT of Talkers OUT-THERE ... SOMEWHERE, Some-TIME who ARE indeed Very VERY: WORTH Listening-to !!! :-)

Albert said...

Ref: Dare To Think Out Loud With Mike Gaddy CALLER at: 1:20:00

("God" "Judges" EACH individual, individually ..... so WE "should" ...)

Judging EACH "individual" ... individually ...

When Buying Avocados etc. they are Often: Per-Sorted into SAY: THREE size Categories, and PRICED as such ...

WHY NOT: Pre-SORT: our WHITE-Societies into:

Self-Controlled: RESPONSIBLE: LISTENING to Their inner-voice of TRUTH: Fully-Grown-Sovereign-"Christian"-MEN

Women, Children*, and "Men" who are more-LIKE-Women/Children

"non-Whites" who are to various-Degrees LIKE: Children, ... Rapey Murderous VERY-DANGEROUS "Children" !!!

*Already a "Child" BELOW a certain Arbitrary-AGE: Is NOT "Tried" as an Adult, or "Allowed" to Make-BEAUTIFUL WHITE-Babies ...

(THIS Arbitrary-AGE .... SHOULD / MUST NOT be "Applied": To Genetically-VERY-DIFFERENT: "Non-Whites"! [Who "mature" FAR Sooner!] Dhuh!!!)

inthemix16 said...

Legend @Albert ! Hey guys this is serious here. Any of you all listen to Weinert's show on sat? Who ever has the ability to contact him , please do. Scorpio, you sometimes get here, im aware you are on your own hiatus but anyone that can contact him please do. He seems very troubled. I had to shut it off and circle the wagons. I have no way of contacting Chris but anyone that can , do so. Fetzer, Scorp,,I know there are 2 sides to every story eh..2 weeks ago i had a friend i know was reaching out and all i asked for was 5 minutes to walk in my door from work and get my head on right and blow shit to people on grizzom.LOL Less than 24 hours i heard the police banging on the door endlessly .I should have know someone needed immediate attention, but we all get caught up in our world. Reach out to everyone these days no matter what your grudge or differences in the past . Every man has a breaking point

inthemix16 said...

Yea guys.I listened more... Please. Id rather over shoot than under shoot on this one. He seems really troubled, maybe just down. Scorpio you know i know how to find you but id rather not bother someone chillin in the mountains but maybe by nite ill reach out and make sure your aware. Im confident in your character youll know what to do. Maybe someone can find DW to reach out to him. Hes the perfect voice it seems Chris needs. Anyone got the contact ill find him but im sure hed be like, whoooos this ? Anyone have Mariams contact reach out to her. Chris you see this .. ill post something here you can laugh at,, Youd LOL about Game 5 2009 story, you obnoxious Wing fans!!!Hockey=
Read the book One Game at a Time: My Journey from Small-Town Alberta to Hockey's Biggest Stage by HARNARAYAN SINGH What an inspiration this guy is ..He accomplished the exact same en-devour,, i gave up , against odds that were 100x mine. if you see this ill gladly donate 10 copies. to others , i just dont read email but once every other month

inthemix16 said...

Ok Chris if you see this this should get a better mood.

Steve Yzerman Game 7 Double Overtime Goal

What a moment in sports. Thats why hockey is THE best sport. Its so random.

Now on the flip side ,if anyone could drop this to a Dutchsinse the Blues fan ,so he can look at the face of Craig McTavish and feel a dagger in his heart, do so. Just fooling around keepin it light.

History Will Be Made - Steve Yzerman

though i do think the real title should be "What if. Gretzky didnt muff that pass?

History Will Be Made Opposite version - Steve Yzerman

Nothing in life is random these days like a hockey game. Its pretty easy to see the direction . Who owns all these Sports Teams ? I always chuckle of the commish of NHL being a chicken swinger , ruling over mostly white christian males. When you give a team to ultra liberal Seattle ,when Quebec City had the "if you build it they will come(back)" approach and all the Chicken Swinger did was give an awesome city the middle finger . Your just too damn white Quebec City to get your just do ! Its how sports reflects our reality we dont think of

It was nice back in the days when sports could be a metaphor of life, the ups the downs but it always seemed most dogs always had their day..Now its just so political and worse. You have Aaron Rodgers come up positive before a big game right? And you cant tell me not one person in the NFL understands the test is total bullshit thus effecting huge gambling money.? What a total crock . What Moron would put money on this shit. Kinda odd gambling was made legal just before we can effect the future results of a game by making players be on CONvid watch list

Albert said...

Ref: "Judging" or SORTING !!!

"Birds of a Feather ... FLOCK together..."

Let us Consider "Sorting" in the Work-Place Environment:

a) You CUT with a Saw: Some Steel ..... -- THEN: You USE a Powerful-Magnet to Pick-UP: ALL of the Iron-Filings (which will RUST when you want to Sweep-Up and Hose-Down!)

--> ALL of the Iron-Filings a-la "Needle in a Haystack" ... are SORTED-OUT / Extracted ........ Was THAT: SORTING / "Judging" done: "Individually" !!!!!!!!!!? ;-)

b) A whole Assortment of Advertising-Material is Printing-Press PRINTED* and then: Paper-Guillotine CUT and CAREFULLY-Stacked on a Pallet, .... and Cling-Wrapped-TOGETHER!
(*The Metal Printing-Plate is DESIGNED to HAVE many many DIFFERENT-items on-the-ONE Plate !!! EVEN IF: 5,000 of one-type and 10,000 of another-type are WANTED! (Maybe, IF there IS plenty of ROOM: TWO of the 2x item could be There! ;-) )
--> IF During this CAREFUL Guillotine-CUTTING and Stacking-CAREFULLY-on-the-Pallet, and Cling-Wrapping (Or in the OTHER Work-Place in the: Collating / Kitting and Shipping STAGE!) ...
-- The ENTIRE Pallet is KNOCKED-OVER ..... and Hundreds-of-Thousands of "Individual"-Items GO SPILLING-OUT: ALL Mixed-Up-Over-the-Floor !!!
---> Or Boss "simply" SAYS: THROW it ALL AWAY !!! :-o ---- We'll HAVE to "just" RE-PRINT it ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

(Yes! -- I have SEEN this many a Time! ;-) )

Anyway .... "Judging" can BE a VERY: TIME-Consuming and "Imprecise"-WAY of SORTING indeed! :-o

"Religiously" is has been GENERALLY DESCRIBED as to BE: THREE main AREAS for: "Etherial" / NOT-of-THIS-"Mortal"-World: EXISTENCE: OUTSIDE of Temporal-Embodiment!

a) "HEAVEN" (Where, of course, there CAN easily-BE: Many: Sub-Categories .... ALL of Which are VERY-NICE indeed! :-)

b) "Purgatory" (Where maybe one can become-WORTHY, eventually, of Going to "Heaven"?)

c) "Hell" (Where ALL THOSE: Who "simply" MUST: NEVER be Ever Allowed in Any-Way, for ANY "Reason" to EVER ENTER or Even Approach "Heaven"! -- As "Heaven" WOULDN'T even BE: "Heaven" Anymore, IF such Ever HAPPENED!)

"Give 'em ENOUGH 'ROPE' ... to "HANG"-(((themselves))) !!!"

After DEATH ... a-la: "Birds of a Feather..." WE sort-of: SELF-SORT ("Judge") OUR-Selves !!! .... We Become ATTRACTED to: The REGION to Which WE: TRULY-BELONG! :-)

In the Iron-Filings and Powerful-Magnet Example: "God" is the Powerful-MAGNET! .... IF the "Iron-Filings" are Considered to Represent the SAINTLY!

OR, as it is "simply" soooo-IMPERATIVE: That the "un-Saintly" ... NEVER be Allowed into "Heaven" ....

Then the "Iron-Filings" Would REPRESENT: The "Heaven"-"UN-DESIRABLE"!!!
-- And, Thus: the "Devil" / "Adversary" / HELL ... would be Represented-by: The MAGNET!

WHY has this Present (Post-Reset) been Sooo Rapidly-DETERIORATING BAD-and-Torturous-PAINFUL for the LAST: 200+ Years?!

-- There ARE indeed, obviously, MANY Types of "people" HERE, at the SAME-Time! :-o

--> It could Be: That KIND and Quite-Patient ANGELS ...... WHEN the ENTIRE: "Spilt-Pallet" was "CONDEMNED" as a WHOLE: By "God" (the Boss) ...
SAID: PLEASE !!! SOME of those items are NOT sooo irrevocably-DAMAGED and Mixed-up YET! --- PLEASE GIVE us a LITTLE TIME toTRY to SAVE those that can EASILY BE SAVED !!! :-o
-- It is almost-Lunch-Time, anyway, .... GIVE us till AFTER that, .... and AFTER you COME-BACK ........ Well, YOU are indeed the BOSS! -- So YOU can THEN: DO with WHAT we have Yet-LEFT ... What YOU WILL !!! :-)

Albert said...

Ref: "Intelligence-Agent" / "GateKeeping" ... at its "Finest"! ;-)

Ref: The LOWER-Level "Normie"-DUPES .... are somehow ("cleverly") MORE "Responsible" that the: Master-Mind-jews !!! ;-)

FIRST: "9/11" ...

("Yes! (((we))) DID 9/11 !!! -- WHAT are YOU gonna DO about it, ... Goy!")

"9/11-TRUTH ... is, (you guessed it!) 'Anti-Semitic'!!!"

ie: "Yes! (((we))) DID 9/11 !!! -- WHAT are YOU gonna DO about it, ... Goy!"

(((dr. jew-dy-woods))) "Explains" (With sooo many "Facts" and "Details"!) that in ANY-CRIME:
--> The very-MOST-Important thing ..... is to Fathom: EVERY-tiny-DETAIL: of HOW the CRIME was DONE! ;-)
-- You MUST NOT even Begin to NAME: Any Perperators .... UNTIL You HAVE: EXHAUSTIVELY already-DONE-so! ;-)

(Actually MOST MURDERS are "Solved" within the First Day or So: By a-la-"Good-Cop-Bad-Cop" EXTRACTING a CONFESSION !!! :-o )

Mike-Gaddy, and "Cal"(?) "Explain" ........

That America has ALWAYS BEEN: "Socialist" ... (Again an "abstract"-"clever"-idea" .... NOT: The WHO: "Christians" Preyed-Upon-by-Infiltrating-"clever"-Parasite-jews!)

And it is "NOT" So-Much the (((Plotters-and-INSTIGATORS)))-of-EVIL .... so-much as the NOT-very-Knowing-even-"normie"-DUPES ... who are "RESPONSIBLE" ... for These GREAT-and-TERRIBLE-CRIMES! :-o ;-)

Take for-example: "WWI" and "WWII" ... It WAS the CONSCRIPTED-Goyim of England and America (And, of course the White-"Christian"-Russian-Men in "WWII"!) ...
--> Who were MOST-"RESPONSIBLE: For the Terrible "Fire-bombings" of German etc Women and Children etc!

NOT so-much the Rothschilds, or (((their))) soooo-RAPIDLY: Put-in-Place, and "PROMOTED"-to-FIVE-Star-General: Dwight-Eisenhower !!! ;-)

--> Hence, for example, it "WAS" Patton ... (Being DUPED!) who was "RESPONSIBLE" for "WWII" Attrocities ........ and WHEN He REALIZED-HIS-Being-(((DUPED))) and Rapidly-SOUGHT-to-REVERSE-Such ...

HE was "simply" ASSASSINATED .......... and "Erased" / "Silenced" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-----> WE have ALWAYS Understood: THAT: The person who-PAYS someone to Commit-a-Murder/Assassination ....
-------> Is the ONE: MAINLY and PRIMARILY Actually-RESPONSIBLE FOR-such !!! :-o

"RamBetter" Formulated a QUESTION for a Cop, or Person ADVOCATING the: I'm 'just' Doing my-JOB, WHAT-my-BOSS-PAYS me to DO!"
--> Being PAID to DO something ..... DOESN'T REMOVE Your RESPONSIBILITY for DOING something! :-o

He would ASK a very "ANNOYING"-and-POINTED-Question:
"IF I PAID someone $5 to Murder ALL of Your-Family: Wife and Children ...
WOULD THAT somehow "MAKE" such somehow "OK" then?!"

Anyway: I have HEARD this sort of "clever" Assertion BEFORE:

A con-man Talker "OPINED" that: In-Order to be "SAVED" ...
(OR, of course, "JUST" DO .... WHAT HE Says !!! ;-) :-o )

NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BECOME: "jew-WISE" and a "Race-Realist"
ie: SEE How: jews and "non-Whites": "Profit-From" and WANT/SEEK: OUR White-Genocide-DESTRUCTION ...
--> And TRULY LOVE: YOUR Wonderful-WHITE-Ancestry-and-Peoples !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

And START to TRULY-LISTEN to The TRUE-"Still-VOICE" ... WITHIN-OUR-"Hearts" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Albert said...

"NAME"-the-jew ...

EXPOSE-to-the-"Light-of-TRUTH the-jew ...

"FIGHT"-the-jew ...

"REMOVE"-the-jew ...

(((their))) Parasitic-"POWER" is from:

FAKE-Puppet-(Variously-PRE-CHOSEN/"Vetted")-"Candidates"-"Elections"-"Politicians"-"Leaders"-"Authorities"-"Lawmakers"-"Judges" ........
(FAKE "Medicine", FAKE "History", FAKE "Philosophy", FAKE "TRUTH" ....... FAKE "MORALS" [NOT being a: "Racist", "Homophobe", "Hater" etc!)

Yes! OBVIOUSLY: We can EACH BE: POISONED and Confused, (and "distracted", and "diverted", and "cleverly"-FLATTERED-into-DANGEROUS-DEADLY-VANITY!) and Contaminated/Polluted/Corrupted ..... and eventually: IRREDEEMABLY-LOST !!!
(Hence (((they))) "cleverly"-SEEK to CORRUPT: WHITE-Children from a VERY EARLY-AGE! -- Even INJECTING-(and-"Owning")-Them the DAY-that-They-are-BORN!)

--> BUT, We (WHITES especially-MEN!) are MADE to CRAVE the FLOW-of-TRUTH-(From-ABOVE! -- Hence BEING: TRUTHFUL ourselves and GRATEFUL: LIKE a GOOD-Child, or Apprentice!) ....
and to be "LED" / PULLED-UP ... by TRUE-LEADERS !!!

EXACTLY as a THREAD (Of TRUTH) simply-CANNOT-PUSH !!!!!!!!!!! -- But can CERTAINLY-PULL !!!
-- So, a GOOD-STRONG-LEADER can indeed LEAD-From-the-FRONT and BY: His GOOD-Example and STRENGTH: RAISE-UP MOTIVATE COORDINATE and LEAD Them !!! :-)

--> This Entire "INDIVIDUAL"-"Thing" .......... is SUCH a TERRIBLE "clever"-(((LIE))) !!!

The TRUTH "Fears" NO-Examination !!! -- It STANDS for itself !!!
-- ESPECIALLY WHEN: We COMPARE it To: "clever"-LIES !!!

We MUST "DEFY" the "Ego"-VOICE which HATES: The TRUTH which WILL indeed: Step-by-Step: RAPIDLY-IMPROVE us !!!

We MUST Learn to Welcome in, and to LOVE the TRUTH, and be Truly-GRATEFUL to: Our Wonderful GREAT-Ancestry !!!

--> The TRUTH, will indeed SET us FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is NOT something soooo Rare and "IMPOSSIBLE" .......

It is HOW, and WHAT: WE-"WHITES" were MADE-to-BE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hence (((LIES))) "simply"-MUST be CON-STANTLY-PUSHED ... and the TRUTH: "Censored" DELETED" and Assassinated-"Removed"/"Silenced" ...
-- And yet the TRUTH STILL-GROWS ....... and GROWS ....... Like a Snow-Ball ......... Like the ONE-Innocent-CHILD EXCLAIMING: "The EMPEROR has-NO-Clothes !!!" :-o

jews and ni88ers ....

It's NOT soooo ((("complicated"))) ... REALLY! :-)

Albert said...

Someone Recently EXPLAINED ...

That IF: JFK had been MURDERED by:



etc. etc. etc.....

Such TRUTH .... would have BEEN Released-WITH-GUSTO by the "STATE" .... Looong ago

--> But, SINCE it WAS: the-jews .......................

-- To EVER actually-RELEASE the TRUTH ..... well, THAT would Greatly-Endanger/HARM: "The-STATE/GOVERNMENT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

Albert said...

WHY the ((("Lockdowns"))) ...

WHY the ((("censorship"))) ...

it is "simply" BECAUSE:

Folks "simply" getting-Together, and "channeling-their-Angels", ...

ie: "Just" "Getting-Off-Their-HEARTS": the TRUTH ......

Would indeed RAPIDLY-REVEAL the TRUTH !!!

ESPECIALLY that of: jews and "non-Whites" !!!

Exactly-LIKE: The Innocent-Little-Boy Exclaiming:

"The Emperor has NO Clothes!"


Or in the "covid" case ...

----> ALL of the "people" MAKING and PUSHING: The POISON-DEATH-Injection ... ARE: jews !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

(And Less-than 2% of Africans have Been-"INJECTED"! -- Few in China, or India too! :-o )

Albert said...

We're Lined-UP-against-the-WALL !!!

THIS is "it" Folks !!! :-o


There IS NO TIIME any-longer ....

To anymore "just": "Beat-about-the-Bush" !!! :-o