December 12, 2021

Addicted To Our Own Destruction With Mike 'The Rebel Madman' Gaddy 2021.12.12

Mike, Daryl Wayne, Giuseppe and clint richardson.(GovernTheMental)
64k CF Download


Albert said...

I started Listening to this "Blackpilled" Science-Edition ...

and was at-First: "Peeved" because He WASN'T: "Naming the jew" .....

But, then I started Getting-INTO: His POINT about: "Scientists" ... not even EVER: Apologizing !!! :-o

-- I am upto: 1:22:00 and He is SHOWING us: "Baby Restraints" .... ie: "Hospital"-Devices to Facilitate: BABY-TORTURE: "Medicine" !!! :-o

--> WITHOUT "Blackpill's": "Humorous"-Presentation ....... this (((shit))) would be UN-BEARABLE to Listen-to-it-Being-DESCRIBED even !!! :-o

GRUESOME indeed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o ;-(

Especially how, un-Like: Sooo many Others who: Eat-"MEAT" ..................

-- I DON'T "Relish": ANY Type of Gory-"Treats" !!!

... Don't "Get-ME-Wrong" .....

I am Definitely VERY PRO:

Black-"Abortion", jew-"ish"-"Abortion" etc.

STOPPING: jews' HATE-Speech etc.

STOPPING: ((("Capitalism"))) etc.

STOPPING: ((("WHITES"))) From Being-OVER-REPRESENTED in ANY: Institutions of Government etc.
(Except, of Course PRISONS etc. )

So, in THAT "Sense": I am indeed VERY-"WOKE"* !!! ;-)

*Hmmmm, most-likely NOT the (((wiki)))-Definition, though! ;-)

Kossoff said...

Fucking bullshit artist asshole who likes to hear himself talk

Albert said...


IF you mean: "Blackpilled" ...

I would pretty-much AGREE !!!

Some of his Talks Gave-ME-Quite a BAD-"FEELING" ....

So I REDUCED my Listening-to-HIM: amount massively !!!

Like I even mentioned above, about when I began Listening to-THAT Stream even!

(Sometimes I "run-short" of Listening-Content .... as I Can't-"STAND": Rense etc!)

-- Apart from "just" his Self-Deceptions About-HIMSELF ......

And BPs many wrong-takes: On many Topics .......

It is certainly the Case: That BP very Deliberately: "LEAVES-OUT": A LOT of TRUTHS !!!

(And certainly: "Contexts about-Himself ..... which would GREATLY-REDUCE: His Listenership, and ABILITY-to-Hypnotize/Maintain-a-Large-Cult-Following!)

But, in terms of: "Science" and "Academics" ...

It IS VERY VERY "STRIKING" ... to-say-the-Least ......

That MOST-ALL Folks: Who 'GO-THROUGH' the University / "Higher-Learning" Process ...
Are NOT "just": "Filtered" at EVERY "Test" Stage .......

--> But, that the-"Subtle"-"Ego"-STROKING-((("Process"))) .... "Molds": such "Geniuses" ....

Into "Smarties" (People soo "Dumb"!) CAPABLE of: "beLIEving" / "Teaching" / DOING: Most-ANYTHING (Actually Quite-to-Very-DESTRUCTIVE: GREAT-CRIMES!) ....
-- To: "Earn" and MAINTAIN: Their "Academic"-PAY-CHECKS !!! :-o

"Scientific"-"Curiosity"* is also very "Perverse" indeed! :-o

*And, of course: the (((DIRECTION))) in-which the "RESEARCH"-(((FUNDING))) is ((("DIRECTED"))) is now Plainly:

--> WHITE-GENOCIDAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o

Albert said...

Of course:

"Fucking bullshit artist asshole who likes to hear himself talk"

COULD be "Referring" to:

Someone on the Mike-Gaddy Show ...

MYSELF .......... ;-)

Or even (especially IF "Kossoff" is a jew!) to-(((himself))) ...

As Most-EVERYTHING that jews SAY: In "criticizm" of WHITES .... is OBVIOUSLY: "Just themselves 'Looking-in-the-MIRROR'!!!" ;-)
