April 22, 2022

Woke Disney Admits DEFEAT While A jew Calls For The End of Western Civilization - Russia & Japan - Salty Cracker - Multiplying Cryptocurrencies - Free Your Mind

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 A smartphone with a cryptocurrency wallet.

There are now more than 12,000 cryptocurrencies, and what's truly astonishing is the growth rate. The number of cryptocurrencies more than doubled from 2021 to 2022. At the end of 2021, the market was adding about 1,000 new cryptocurrencies every month.

This isn't entirely good news. Many new cryptocurrencies have little purpose other than making money for their developers, which means investors need to be selective. Only a small portion of cryptocurrencies are worth learning about and potentially buying.

Why has the number of cryptocurrencies been growing so rapidly?

We'll answer that and cover the most important and influential cryptocurrencies below.

How Many Cryptocurrencies Are There?

You may be surprised to learn just how many cryptocurrencies there are and how fast the number is growing.



AdolfRichtar@gmail.com said...

Yes rabi , but jews are Esau and we SAXON , Jacob sons will wipe you from face of the Earth. There will be no survivors this time from your shit satanic race on Earth. Watch those who say are the Judeans, but they lie they are the synagogue of satn, Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.
Jews your time on Earth will end soon, there is no place for you here.
God said to Isaac that his descendants will be more than sant in the sea and stars in heaven and they will have name after his SAK SONS-SAXON ISAAC sons.

Albert said...

THANKS AGAIN Voltman !!!

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

🌝 🌚 🌞

Albert said...

I Left a SHORT-Comment below the below Video ...

Saying that the 65,000,000 "Aborted"-WHITE-American-Babies was: BAD, Not "GOOD", as Jim-Fetzer Asserted ...

And Today ..... there are ZERO Comments !!! :-o
(ie "Disqus" DELETED it !!!)

The Sane Asylum #01 - 21 April 22 - Guests: Paul English + John Percent


(I found: John-Percents "FRUSTRATION" at the ANTI-Meritocracy of especially the Last-few-Years ... Quite-CATHARTIC !!! ;-) )

Voltman said...

Hey Albert, you're welcome.

Hey Unknown, Sean & Herman the Vermin: here's a quarter, call someone who cares...!!!

Hasta la pasta tuty-fruity...!!

So long Sokkoff...!

inthemix16 said...

@Albert. Im sure you know by now but in case you dont, you got some well deserved kudos from Paul From California on Perfect Triangle i believe. Its the one when you dont here Paul saying "Fuck you" . lol That was classic. I didnt know Paul took in the Grizzom Message board. I mean come on , @Albert and i are the only long winded posters here. Hard to believe if Paul does post ,it isnt a different version of "War and Peace" Speaking of Long Winded, Paul, if you really are out there, what ever happened to scardycat? Or better yet, Weinert? Youd think by the way it seems hes been blackballed ,he was one of those characters at Disney World, caught diddling . ..ya know. Shame. He was quite talented. IMHO

Erik Paul said...

Now that Albert has achieved celebrity status, he should be a guest on Operation Scorpio. What do you say, Scorp?

Albert said...

It is on Scorpio's last ("FREE-SPEECH"-Themed!) "Revolution-Radio" Show:




I have been TRYING to Successfully-DOWNLOAD: A "Twitch", or Brighteon Show (With Website-Downloaders! -- Maybe I will NEED to Download: An Apple-Mac on-computer Downloader?) ... so-far un-successfully !!! :-(

As you can Imagine: I WANTED to SAVE a Copy! ;-)

--> Apart from inthemix16, and Voltman (who would also sometimes do: "As Recommended by Albert"! :-) )

Zap-Poppa, .... and especially all of the (((sock-puppets))) would often Write: SHORT:

"You Write like a RETARD" ... or such "cryptic"-comments!

Albert said...

As for: Myself: EVER "Calling-IN" etc...

.... Sorry to "Disappoint" ... but, since very-young: I have been somewhat Health-wise Damaged (I believe by: a "vaccine"!) ...
... and, although, to: MY-EARS (We HEAR our-OWN-Voice: Somewhat-THROUGH: Our-OWN-Heads!)
--> I SOUND accent-wise etc. much LIKE everyone-else .....

When I have HEARD a Recording of ME Talking ... it sounds NASALLY* !!! :-(

--> NOTHING LIKE: Paul-English's or the Many Other: GREAT Podcasters Out-There !!!

Maybe 5-years ago Now: I was in a "Thrift" / "Charity" Store ... and Somehow the "CLOSED"-sign on the Door, had been Turned-OUTWARD!

The Shop was DOWN a sort-of-Long-Corridor ........... and for 30-minutes ... we hadn't GOT anyone coming-in !!! :-o


Of a Guy Going to Bars ...... Over-DECADES ........... and Never HAVING any-success really .........

--> NO-MATTER: WHAT "Pick-UP-Lines" he TRIED !!! :-o

The "Punch-Line was: --> He HAD: Terribly-BAD-Breath !!! ;-) :-o

AFTER telling my Analogy .... a number-of-Times ........ I stopped .....

Because people were TOO STUPID to "Get-it" ..... but, Rather: a-la ((("Freudian")))-BS .... Would retardedly-"IMAGINE":

That it was MY: Self-"Projection" !!! ...

a) I have NEVER Gone-into-a-BAR / Nightclub ....
(I have NEVER: Drunk, or Smoked etc... or tried to "pick-up": Women-who-HAVE: "Numerous-Partners"!)

b) I have been a (Home-Cooked, with ONLY: REAL (whole)-Fruits and Vegetables, and Butter etc.) Milk-Vegetarian, for 42 YEARS now, and Brush-My-Teeth: With Baking-Soda)

--> So Literally: NEVER-been-in-a-Bar, OR Had: Bad-Breath! :-)

But, anyway, what I was Leading-Upto: Is, although MY: "BRAIN" and Conversation: Topics, and Intellectual-Acuity, and Vocabulary "DELIVERY" ... are (Because there are NOW: Soooo Many: "sub-Par" "Thinkers" "Out-There" ...) Quite-"Top-Notch" ....

--> MY "Nasalliness" .......... For-MY-Entire-LIFE .......... May 'simply'-BE: "Too much" ... for MOST Folks to "enjoy" ......... ;-)

Albert said...

ORRRRRR ..... maybe ... there are 'just' sooooooo many "normies" ... "Out-there" that:

"PREFER" to 'just' REGURGITATE: MORONIC-(((TV))) ((("Thoughts"))) ......

And, of course, "Think" that "THEIR"-((("Opinions"))) ... somehow "Warrant": Equal, or GREATER Conversation-TIME! ;-)

-- Yes! --- "Modern"-Women, Especially, nowadays: SPEND sooo much: Time-and-Energy: Towards: "Dating" (WHORING!) "Logic" .....

--> That, a MAN, who doesn't even "CARE" for such at-ALL ..... is "sour-grapes" / "Feeling-good-About-YOURSELF"-"Wishful-Thinking" ....

DEEMED by-THEM ("WHORES" in a word [by Dictionary-Definition!]) ... to BE: "A Loser" !!! ;-)

WHEN, I .... NEVER-EVER was EVER even "Interested"-in: FRUITLESS, Disease-Ridden, INSANE: "Meaningless-Sex" ... anyway! :-)

I am NOT "Interested" in "SINFUL" ... Diametric-OPPOSITE: of FRUITFUL / Extremely-Worth-While 'Pursuits" !!! :-) :-) :-)

-- LIFE .... is 'simply' too-SHORT: For "Digging-Your-OWN-GRAVE!" :-o ;-) :-)

* I KNOW: That Hollywood "Actors" (Who are often "Trannies"!) ... Do MUCH: VOICE-Training, and can "PLAY" various Ethnicity-ACCENT-Characters: VERY-Con-vincingly! :-o

--> But, I could NEVER Be: "Bothered" .... / I was ALWAYS too "Lazy" ...... to even TRY: To somehow PRACTICE to CHANGE: MY "nasaliness" ....... maybe substantially: BECAUSE: THROUGH-MY-HEARING-Pathways: It Sounds-FINE ... to ME! :-o

Anyway, I have had already in MY 61 Years ... way More than "Enough": Encounters with: PRAISE, Being-Popular, etc... Con-cepts ....

--> To PREFER to Be "CON-SIDERED": To BE: The "Village-IDIOT" (Aka "Monty-Python": Skit !!!) .... by, people .... who would SEEM to Have NEVER even Themselves: "Looked-in-the-Mirror"! ;-)

Albert said...

"Handicapping" ;-)

jews, through-"printed-out-of-thin-Air"-"USURY" Rapidly: Gain-CONTROL: Of ALL: Key-Government and Corporate etc. Positions ...

(((they))) "Stimulate" WHITE-Nations: To Drastically: OVERPRODUCE: Industrial-FOOD, and numerous-Other Technological-Items ... to: SUIT-(((their)))-Vicious-"VENGEANCE"-(((Plans)))-for-ALL-of-US ...

With: "Taxes" and "Incentive-Systems" ... (((they))) "cleverly"-"HANDICAP"-WHITES: From: Having-CHILDREN, or even-TIME-Calmness-Sanity: To Even THINK ........ or ANY: WHITE-Human-(even-BASIC-Support-Systems)-Connections ...... While "cleverly" "SUBSIDIZING": ALL that will Lead-to-OUR-DESTRUCTION !!! :-o

--> And "cleverly" "REDISTRIBUTE" these DELIBERATE: Overproduction-"SURPLUSES": "Generously" Throughout-the-World: To "cleverly"-BREED: MASSIVE "Orc"-ARMIES:
Of Young-Deliberately-(((Media)))-Indoctrinated-"DISGRUNTLED"---and-then-DELIBERATELY-"Brought-IN"-"Immigrant"---Military-Age-MEN !!!

----> "Handicap" ... is an intriguing-Term: As JEWS are SUCH a (((PARASITIC-INSANE-Voracious-Venomous-POISONING-DESTRUCTIVE--BURDEN))) upon ALL of OUR: "High-Trust"-WHITE-Nations ...

-- That 'simply': "REMOVING" (((them))) Results, even after just a Year-or-Two !!! ... In such a Nation: RAPIDLY: Solving: ALL: Basic-Problems*, and BECOMING: The Wealthiest HAPPIEST-Nation, in the World ...
(* Even "Socialism" -- WITHOUT-jews ... is-NOT a "BAD" Term or Concept / Fairness-System: WITHIN Sovereign-WHITE-Nations, as in a "BIG-FAMILY", with a King the Kind-FATHER of such!)

--> Until (As SOON as (((they))) CAN!): ((("The-Rothschilds"))) ... BRUTALLY-Totally-DESTROY: such a FREE-Prosperous-Happy-Nation-EXAMPLE ... Lest: ALL of the OTHER: (((BLED-DRY)))-Nations: SEE such a FREE System: And thus Rapidly-SWITCH to: DO-the-SAME!

"Handicap" / "Handicapping" ... In a Horse-Race: The Best-Horses are LOADED-DOWN with More and More WEIGHTS ... In Golf, Lesser-players are "given" Extra-Points! etc.
--> To "be FAIR" and "Heal-the-World" .... jews "cleverly" SUCK-OUT: The Life-Forces of the Very-Most-Meritorious-WHITE-Nations ... such that: THEIR Populations CANNOT even REPRODUCE-Themselves ...
-- And, as "clever"-((("Middle-Men"))) "Scoop-OFF": MASSIVE-((("Commissions"))) ... as (((they))) "cleverly": "REDISTRIBUTE" ... to "CREATE": MASSIVE: UN-Sustainable: "Third-World-Populations" .....

To Literally-SWAMP ... and DESTROY / "REPLACE": The TRUE-WHITE-Nationals* ... in ALL: (Formerly)-HAPPY-WHITE-NATIONS !!! :-o
* Even the TERM: "WHITE-National" is "OFFENSIVE" and "HATEFUL" ... (((now))) ... as in: EBIL-"Racist"-"WHITE-Nationalists" etc. !!! :-o

"To LEARN 'who' RULES-OVER: YOU ... simply ASK / SEE: 'who' you are-NOT: 'allowed' to 'Criticize', or even 'NAME'!"
--> Everyone is FREE to Criticize as Much as they 'want': Catholics, Christians, WHITE-Men, Whites-in-General (WHITE-Women, also, are Now: NOT even "Minorities", ANYMORE!), "Straights"/"CIS" ...
--- EVEN: VAGUE Misdirecting: Royalty, Vatican, Jesuits, Freemasons, "Rothschilds" ........ But ABSOLUTELY-NEVER: (The 'NOT' in ANY WAY RESPONSIBLE / "ALWAYS-the-'Innocent'-VICTIMS" of: Ebil-WHITEY) ... jews !!! :-o

Albert said...

GOD is our FATHER:

We ourselves can SEE: That un-Truthfulness, and in-Gratitude: Can DESTROY:

ALL Good-Inheritance: That Our-Parents Dearly-WISH: To Bequeath unto: us !!! :-o

--> BECOME Truly-TRUTHFUL and LOVING (of even the most "unwelcome"!) of: TRUTH(S) !!!

-- And Become GRATEFUL as-well ..... -- It TAKES much: "Wilful"-"Ignorance" of TRUTHS ...

--> To Be: Sooo Un-Grateful ..... as sooo-many*: who SEEK to DESTROY: ALL that is GOOD:

----> NOW: so-Terribly: ARE !!! :-o

*Especially: Murderous: jews and ni88ers !!!

Albert said...

I am really-ENJOYING: Listening-to: This Talk on Spanish: "Feminism" !!! ;-)

--> ALL of the LEADING-((("Feminists"))) ARE / WERE: Jewesses (Or jew-men-Trannies!)

"El Feminismo Español - Spanish Feminism (w/ Pox Populi)":

(It's in English! the Irishman-in-Spain, and His Friend!)


I am so far 45 minutes in....

-- And, I must "confess" that, for some-Moments .....

I DID even Contemplate: That: The TOTAL-Annihilation of: Wonderful-WHITE-Folks .......

-- Would, at-Least: "Allow" WHITE-Men: To "Gloat-a-bit" ...... and FINALLY TELL: Foolish-WHITE-Women*: "SEE! -- I TOLD You SO !!!!!!!!!!" :-o


* Who do Seem to soooooo "LOVE" ALL of OUR: Deadliest of (((enemies))) !!! :-o
(While giving: Basically Hard-Working HONEST-WHITE-Men ...... hardly-ANY-"Slack" / "Benefit-of-the-Doubt" at-All !!!)

Albert said...

I Listened-to: The Above 2-HOUR Talk .... about "RABID": "Feminist" Spanish Women !!! :-o

It was very Cathartic ... and I Enjoyed-it !!! -- I went to Bed quite-Content ....

Then hours-Later: I Woke-Up: And DEEPLY-PONDERED for HOURS ....

And then this-Morning: I Wrote and Wrote and WROTE !!! :-o

I with POST this "Rant" .... of course: for ANYONE who "cares" to work-through: MY "Strange"-Formatting"! ;-) :-)

Albert said...

Men "LOVE" Women : Women "LOVE" Children : Children "LOVE" Hamsters : Hamsters "LOVE" No-One! -- There is NO 'Reciprocation' !!! :-o ;-)

MANY OTHER Words can be "substituted" for the Term "LOVE" ... to REVEAL an even DEEPER WISDOM! :-)

(There is NO: "Reciprocation" !!! --> IF a Wife TRIES to Boss-Around Her Husband, and Children TRY to Boss-Around their Mother/Parents ..... it is indeed: "A recipe for DISASTER!")

"Men: "BOSS" / "CARE-For" Women : Women "BOSS-Around" / "CARE-For" Children ..."

If You CANNOT: CARE-For Someone ... You Cannot DEEPLY Attached-ly-and-with-Great-"Investment" (Emotionally etc.) "LOVE" them!

"OWNERSHIP" Turns SAND into GOLD .... almost LITERALLY !!!

(Women Don't seem to WANT: A MAN, who is LIKE: A Child !!! [I wonder WHY!? ;-) ] -- Women NEED: A MAN !!! :-o )

The Ancestral WISDOM (Of which the Very VERY WISE and "FAIR" System of TRUE-Life-Long MARRIAGE was Developed!) Was:

"Boiled-Down" / Condensed / Summarised as: MAIDEN : MOTHER : KRONE

We are also Familiar with the alternate: (MAIDEN)-VIRGIN : WHORE

Men (and Most-Certainly MGTOW) Have Analysed the "Mechanics" of "Sex" ... the: "Rub Rub ... Squirt Squirt" Part as TAKING: Only 2-minutes, and Being Accomplished: When YOUNG with ONLY: A Picture and ones-hand .... or in more Elaborate-Scenarios, once much of the utility of THIS-method has greatly-"Worn-Off" ... and Onto: Very-Lifelike-Silicone-"Sweeties" ... or More and More: VILE "Explicit" Videoed: DEBASEMENT of Beautiful Young WHITE-"Women"-- of a very Young-Age!

There is Much "HYPE" Around "Sex" ... (Which in it's Base-Summary only Spans the TIME of TWO-Minutes!)


Thus in the Romantic-Language Nations: Much Romantic-Poetry and Novels were WRITTEN: For Women (And Children, Young-Men too?):

Around a Beautiful Young Lady / "Princess" ... Being "Madly" "Devotedly" WOOED (Her Every Whim Pursued!) To Finally "Win": HER-"Hand-in-Marriage" and HER Lifelong-LOYAL-"LOVE" ...

Of course "Biologically": A Man, of most ANY AGE: Is PROGRAMMED to be very very Strongly-ATTRACTED to: A Young-Woman, who has JUST had her Curvelessness MIRACULOUSLY-TRANSFORMED: Into a Curvy-VERY-Fecund Young-MAIDEN !!! -- PART of this GREAT Attraction is to HER "Innocence" !!!

For BOTH a Young-Man, and very much so for a Young-Woman: Her FIRST "LOVE" is Etched into-Her-Psyche Indelibly!
And For a Young-Woman to "Experience": That: a MAN, after 2-minutes of "Fun" can-indeed: "Get-Over" such INTENSE-ATTRACTION ...
And Especially REPEATEDLY, almost innumerable-TIMES ... to "Experience"-Such: a-la: "Trauma-Based-Mind-Control": SPLITS Her "MIND" into TWO "Cognitive-Dissonance" PARTS!
-- The DEEP DEEP NEED: To Be DEEPLY "Passionately" PURSUED .... with the More and More OBVIOUS: "REALITY" .... that indeed soooo MANY Previous Men, have indeed: so soon / easily ... Left-OFF such Pursuit -- Also! :-o

In GREAT-CONTRAST to a MAN's "Perspective" of "LOVE" ... "Mechanically" requiring: but 2-minutes to "Satisfy" ...
(When NOT yet BARREN) A Women Naturally SEES: that This "2-minutes" is FOLLOWED By: 10-Months of Pregnancy, and then 20 Years of CARING For: The FRUIT / CHILD: of THIS-UNION !!! :-o

Albert said...

As Touched-upon Above: "Biologically" A Woman is ONLY Very VERY ATTRACTIVE to MEN-of-ALL-Ages ... especially WHEN: She Has Only-Recently JUST: Blossomed-into-Womanhood!
-- The Curvaceousness of Her Womanly-"Hormonally"-Transformed (Fleshy)-Fattiness .. is Very-MUCH: Torn-Upon By: Gravity, and TIME !!!
(Along with Her Irresistible and GREATLY-Endearing "Innocence" and the Intensity of-such: "naïveté." !!!)

In GREAT CONTRAST to THIS: A Young-Man is almost LAUGHABLE in HIS: "Innocent"-INTENSE-DESIRES !!! (Hold-ON Guy! -- We are TALKING / LOOKING-AT: A 20-YEAR+ Investment in YOUR-Children HERE! :-o )
And, Like: Wines, Cheeses, Pickles, and Mustards etc... MAN: As He Becomes PROFICIENT and Sovereign in His Apprenticeship and Lifelong-Vocation, and Position: Both Financially and Respectably; and Also:
Acquired-Maturity-Wisdom Wise ... A MAN Conversely, unless he Goes-DOWN: A very very Foolish and Wretched Path, can Hardly "HELP": But to Become: Step-by-Step: Ever BETTER, More-Accomplished, and thus MORE "DESIRABLE ... as TIME-IRRESISTIBLY-MARCHES-EVERMORE-ON!

Thus Our: Long-TIME-Visioned and "REALITY"-WISE: GREAT: Ancestors ...
-- BOTH: Greatly-"Sacrificing"-Family-"PATRIARCHS", and WISE-and-Well-Experienced-in-"Hands-ON"-True-"LOVE"-KRONES-"GrandMothers" ...
-- Sooo WISELY, KINDLY, "FAIRLY", and FECUND-LY: COMBINED the "REALITIES" of: A Young-MAIDEN'S Attractiveness, WITH the Converse:
-- EVER-MORE-"Desirableness"-of-a-MAN-as-He-Over-TIME-Grows-OLDER!
--> LIKE a "Hot-STOCK-in-a-New-Burgeoning-Company" where it will over-Time BECOME sooo Compellingly "DESIRABLE" ...
----> That: You will WANT to: Get-IN on this "Hot-PROSPECT": "On the GROUND-Floor": of its GREAT-RISE / Run !!!

Women, if not since very very Young ... SOON Realise that the: "ROPE" Thin-THREAD: That "BINDS" a MAN TO Her ..... is Like TRYING to "Reel-in" a Very-HEAVY-and-GREATLY-STRUGGLING-Marlin ...
--> with a relatively-THIN-and-WEAK: Nylon-Fishing-Tackle!

Thus, in the GREAT BURNING (PAINFUL!!!) TEMPEST of YOUTHFUL-"PASSION" ("PASSION" Literally MEANS: PAIN!) ... A Young-Lady would Wield, like a GREAT Powerful-RAZOR-Sharp-SWORD:
--> Like FIRST "Hooking" a GREAT-Marlin, and Reeling Him IN, a BIT .... Then Letting Him Out ... only to THEN: Reel-Him-IN a-bit MORE, over and OVER again ....
Until in Desperate-EXHAUSTION ..... A Wretched Besought Besotted MAN: On Bent-Knee: Will "Concede" and Literally-BEG:
For Her to: Finally-MARRY Him, and Truly-BE-HIS-"Property": For-HIM: To "LOVE"-and-Cherish-and-PROTECT-Forever ... The Exclusive-MOTHER: Of His MANY Precious-Children !!!

Thus, after this Exquisitely-"PAINFUL"-Nuptial-Courting-"DANCE" by--BOUND-BY-GOD-Together-UNBREAKABLE-VOWS: A Young-Woman, AT Her PINNACLE of Marriage-Market- DESIRABILITY-and-Worth:
PLEDGES / EXCHANGES HER: GREAT-Fecund-WORTH, and Lifetime-INVESTMENT: in HIS Subsequent-Many-Children:
For a MAN'S LIFE-TIME COMMITMENT: To PROVIDE Lifetime: Sustenance and Protection: For ALL of Them!
(For She CHOSE: And Conquered: The Very-BEST Man She COULD for the Prospect!)
... over MORE than 20 Years (30+ For TEN Children!)
-- "Amortising" His Frequent 2-minute DEPOSITS, against HER 20-Years-to-Fruition-"Bonds" in RAISING-UP:
Each and Every Subsequent Wonderful-Adorable-Precious-Child !!!

Albert said...

Of course BUYING and OWNING a "New": USED-Car, along with ALL that a "crooked"-"sly"-"USED-CAR-SALESMAN" "cleverly"-"Prudently" DOES NOT: DISCLOSE, or REVEAL up-front, and only:
AFTER the Contract-is-Signed-and-the-Purchase-MADE ... THEN: Chastises such "Naïveté" As:
"It was SOLD: 'AS IS' !!!" -- You HAD: a "Test-Drive". You "Looked-Under-the-Hood" ... and, You GOT: Quite-a-"Bargain" at THAT!!!
-- It was Many Many $1,000s LOWER Cost: -- than the BRAND-NEW-Sticker-PRICE !!!

HOUSES ... LAST LIFETIMES, Requiring Relatively Little-Maintenance, ... MANY Household items: Both "Necessities", and the "Frills"/Perks/"Niceties" ... Due to their Greatly-REDUCED-Cost: Are indeed FINE: Bought SECOND or More "HAND" ...
--> But, Over the AGES: Truly-MARRYING a MAIDEN ... was ALWAYS GREATLY and at MUCH: "PAIN" ("Painstakingly!") and Expense: SOUGHT-OUT !!!

--> WHEN the Actual "Sex"-ACT, duration-wise, is but: 2-minutes ... and subsequently RESULTS in: 20-YEARS worth of COMMITMENT and DEAR-"Sacrifice" ....
WHO would EVER Voluntarily-CHOOSE: to "Wed" / "Marry": A "USED-Car"† with-MANY-Undisclosed-Prior-Owner-Abuses ... -- over the THRILL and JOY: of One's Own FIRST: BRAND-New (and still upto today ONLY) CAR!?

-- Yes! -- As EVERYONE Would HAVE: The Very Very BEST "CAR" ("Mercedes", BMW etc.) That THEY could Possibly-AFFORD .... and someone / anyone: can ONLY "DRIVE" but ONE Car at-a-TIME!
-- Such a NEW "Car" ... is, of course, At-a-PREMIUM !!!

(†And to BE forever-more: Subjected-to: More than "un-flattering": IMAGININGS-of-far-far-"BETTER"-"Performers": of a Sadly-Proud-and-Un-Repentant-"Active-Woman's"-"Romanticised"-PAST!
--> After-all: ALL of Such: Previous "BETTER"-("Alpha")-Men .... were quite Happy / Willing [Often under FALSE-Pretences!] to "Test-Drive": Such ..... but, of course: NONE of-THEM: were, in the END: Willing to: PAY-the-PRICE ... and BUY such !!! :-o
--> Such "BETTER"-"Choices" were sadly / Shamefully: ILLUSORY ... --at-BEST!)

-- And, as for "Buyers' Remorse!" -- Well, Only a FOOL, after PAYING Such an EXTREME PRICE, and PREMIUM: on-top-of-That: for Buying-NEW ...
Would So FOOLISHLY ABUSE: Such a PRICELESS Lifetime investment !!! :-o
--> Of course One, At-first, very Gently: Wears-the-New-Engine-in, Frequently Tops-Up, and Changes for Fresh: The Oil-Reservoirs, water, etc, and takes GREAT-CARE: To PREVENT the First-Dings on the chrome and paintwork ... from Ever (Hopefully!) even Occurring !!!

For a Young Man a Purchase: Like His FIRST-Car-(ESPECIALLY-IF-Brand-NEW) Holds-the-PROMISE: of a Developing-LIFETIME'S Utility and Enjoyment, as His Life, which is indeed ALL-BEFORE-Him: Day-by-Day: UN-FOLDS!
For an Old Man: Looking-Back / Reflecting: And REMEMBERING: --> The FOND-MEMORIES: of a Lifetime's Enjoyment and Development: MAKES: OLD-Possessions: Ever-MORE-Cherished-and-TREASURED!
And, though there are indeed NEW "Buses" Going-By: Each and Every 15-minutes ... He FAR Prefers: the OLD-Cherished-CAR-of-His-Own ... which HE Has Already POSSESSED and Grown-OLD with ... now, Over-a-Lifetime!

Albert said...

"Buyers'-Remorse" -- It is WELL Taken: That You would be VERY WISE Indeed: To at-LEAST ASK: Your Experienced-FATHER'S and Mother's Opinion, and THEIR: Checking-TESTING-Out: Of ANY Future-Lifetime-Spouse
--> Like in very-Carefully: CHOOSING and BUYING a CAR! (Only MORE so !!!)
-- As THEY: By Experience, Well-KNOW: What "non-negotiables"-"Essentials" Need / MUST: BE-there! --- While, Of course: Being Young, ... --> To a Young-"Thirsty"-Man .... ANY "Available"-"Affordable"-NEW-CAR ... SEEMS far Far BETTER: than "Walking" etc. .... But, indeed, "Unforeseen"/"Undisclosed" Ongoing-and-Forever-Getting-WORSE: EXPENSES and Difficulties (Even DEADLY!) can SHOW:
The Long-Term-TRUTH: --> That Maybe Even "Walking" ... would, in-the-long-Run ... have Been: Far FAR more "Preferable" !!! ("Modern": "Legal DIVORCES" for-Example!)

As for "Nagging" ....... You MAKE-your-BED ... and THEN You MUST Lie in-it! :-o ;-)

ALL Beautiful Young-Ladies ... APPEAR to Be, and indeed make MANY adjustments to: PRESENT-Themselves as BEING: Tremendous SOURCES of (Unending)-"JOY" ...
(But, of course: There is Much PAIN in a Lady's Life, and THIS is indeed WHAT: SHE SEEKS to REDUCE: By "enlisting": a MAN'S Devoted Tireless LIFETIME'S: "SHARING" of such!)
(PAINS "Shared" ... are Pains HALVED ........ JOYS SHARED ... are Joys DOUBLED!)

When Presenting Ones-Self ... WHY would One EMPHASISE even: aspects that, especially at-first ... might put-someone-Off / and even DRIVE-Away: Future-Prospects !!!? :-o
You Put-on-Your BEST "FACE", Put on Your BEST Clothes (Dress in this case!), Put on Your Best BEHAVIOUR and Smiles, and seek to Engage in the BEST-Conversations!

On a FIRST MEETING, a Girl WELL-KNOWS: "LET HIM Talk !!!" ..... thus he can PROJECT: ALL Of HIS-Happy-DREAMS upon-YOU ... Let HIM Talk-His-Way ... --> into Becoming: IN-"LOVE" with YOU !!!
-- THAT is the "HOOK", and FIRST "REWARD" ... THEN comes the (Marlin Fishing-Line) "Letting-OUT": "PUNISH": -- "I have to 'Wash-MY-Hair' that Day!" ;-)

MGTOW Call these Womanly-Wiles: "Shit-TESTS" ... WHEN He Calms-Down, and is AWAY from YOUR Presence ... Does His DESIRE For-YOU: BURN-ever-DEEPER!? ... Or, Quickly: WANE AWAY!?
(We Pursue ... That which RETREATS!) For a Woman to Pursue a Man is Wretched indeed! (As, Almost ALL Men: Are "up-for": a 2-minute-RELEASE!) -- HOW can a Woman: Thus even KNOW: If a Pursued-Man ...
--> Has ANY: True Care for-HER at-ALL !!!?

As for "Nagging" ....... an unfolding-LIFETIME of ("Honey DO...") "Nagging" ....

Well, one "Catches MORE 'Flies' with-HONEY,... than 'Vinegar'!" -- ALLOWING: a MAN to "THINK" that Something is HIS: DESIRE ... ("Allows") Enables HIM: To Literally: PUT His-HEART-into-His-"WORK" ... For a LIFETIME, with GREAT Step-by-Step: Ever-Unfolding: Happiness, Joy, feelings-of-Accomplishment / Purpose, Satisfaction, and Contentment !!!
("Second Guessing oneself" and "Gnawing-Regrets" are no-"fun" indeed!)

Men "LOVE" Women : Women "LOVE" Children : Children "LOVE" Hamsters : Hamsters "LOVE" No-One! -- There is NO 'Reciprocation' !!! :-o ;-)

Substitute: "OWN" / "Care-For" / "BOSS" etc... --> to Reveal: Even-DEEPER: Great-Wisdom: in such a 'Simple'-TRUTH!

Albert said...

To elucidate one tiny (OBVIOUS) TRUTH Further ... In America there are the: Amish Communities, and nearby the Similar but-somewhat Differing Mennonites,... but there are Also the "Hutterites! ;-)

BECAUSE the "Hutterites" Traditionally MARRIED their Cherished-Wives: In Their Early-Teens,... by the Time: She was 20 ... Such a Young-Fecund-Wife: would very often: Already HAVE 5 Adorable-Children ... and Then Afterwards as the Years Rolled-By: Manage to HAVE still 5+ More !!! :-o
Of course: The FIRST Few Children are TAUGHT: To HELP RAISE-Up: Their Many Younger Siblings ... Thus, They-too Become: Quickly-READY: to Themselves MARRY: Both the: Young-Girls, and also the Boys/Young-MEN!

But, of course, with Giving-Birth-to and RAISING-Up: TEN or More Wonderful-Children, who are nonetheless quite-Different: each-in-their-own-ways ...
--> A Young, and then Becoming: an Older and Far-More Experienced WIFE: "Has HER Hands FULL": with Taking-CARE of them-ALL .... and "BOSSING Around" them-ALL ...
--> And Thus, ... indeed, She Does-NOT even HAVE: so much Time or Imaginative-ENERGY ... LEFT: For "Nagging"-Around: a Husband, at-all even, .... besides:
----> All Effective-"Nagging" ... entails: Both REWARD and [with-holding 'Approval']-"Punish" ...
-- And THIS, of course ... is HOW She Has ALREADY HAD: 10+ Children !!!!!!! :-o ;-)

We Recall the Time-Proven Old-Summary ... of KEEPING††-a-Wife HAPPY: "Bare-Foot, and PREGNANT!" (††Thus with 5+ Children ... She simply: CAN'T Run-AWAY ... anymore!)

And the OLD Italian (Musical) Movie of the Young-Man ... now: Hopelessly: "PAINFULLY" in"LOVE" ... with a Beautiful-Young-Lady ...
-- He Desperately seeks the WISE-Advise: of a KIND: Grand-Motherly Old-Lady: "WHAT is the 'cure' for 'LOVE' !!!!!?"
HER clever-and-WISE Reply: "Fait accompli"††† -- "Finish it Properly!" ----> "MARRIAGE" !!! ;-)
(†††I MAY have GOT the Exact-foreign-language-quote Wrong! -- I was just a Child, watching a Sunday Matinee Romantic-Movie! -- I didn't Know: That at 60 I would still be Fondly-Reminiscing on such! ;-) )

Albert said...

In a NOW ever-More: DISGUSTINGLY-PERVERTED-World ... Now even/ever MORE Obsessed with-"Sex" ... the Below TRUTHFUL-Summary .... Cannot Truthfully: be considered too FRANK: (MEN-are-Visually-Aroused)

Although there IS Much to SEE: In a Woman's Smiling Face, as She Expresses: Her many and various Emotions. And,

Although there IS Also Much to SEE: In a Woman's Curvaceous-FORM as She "Hypnotisingly" Dances, ... part of which: is certainly "boobies" (Of which ATTRACTION to such: Is From our very-BIRTH! ;-) )

-- But, "Porno-Graphically" ... although the "Crux of the matter" ... there is NOT visually: Much to SEE: In a Vagina, which is also neighboured: just 1" Away: from an anus...

--> Thus, MANY: Perverted / Twisted: (((men))) / (((POISONED)))-men ... Especially ("Sour-Grapes" Style) "Considering": A WOMAN to BE (ONLY):

The "nagging"-"Superfluous"-"Vestigial"-Surroundings--of-a-still-sought-after-Vagina ...

--> Have "cleverly": "Switched-OVER" to: Anuses ... which "Circumvents" --> Having-to-TALK-(or Listen)-to-a-Woman ... at-ALL !!! :-o

---> There is thus almost-UNLIMITED 'simple'-WISDOM: In the Terse-EMPHATIC-Statement:
"Sex is ("ONLY") FOR: MAKING / HAVING: Beautiful-Wonderful-WHITE-Babies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :-o :-) :-) :-)
(And that: Outside of: LOYAL-Marriage .... -- Anything-ELSE ...... becomes a Sad / Terrible: PERVERSION of such!)

--> Going DOWN the "easy" PATH of "Utility" .... well, on such a DARK DARK PATH (Leading to DEATH!) ....

Every-Thing, ... and EVERY-ONE ... is simply-"DISPOSABLE" ....

.... Especially: Once they are No-Longer-"USEFUL" .... or a Newer "BETTER" one / "substitute" ... is "FOUND" (To "REPLACE" them) !!! :-o

Albert said...

I CONCEDE with THEIR: Points:
That in the ((("Modern"))) World ...
((("Legally"))) and Otherwise:
"Marriage" / "Dating", as in most All Other Aspects of ((("Modern")))-"Life" .... is a ((("mine-field"))) ... :-o

OUR Great Ancestral-System of TRUE-Lifelong-LOYAL-MARRIAGE:

Based upon: MAIDEN : (Marriage)-MOTHER : KRONE ...

Was indeed a VERY Wonderful and FAIR: Mutually-BENEFICIAL System:

Where the Youthful-FECUN-Desirability of OUR: Beautiful-Young-Maidens ...

Was Wonderfully-"Married": With the: Tremendous: Step-by-Step Building-UP: Awesome True-CARING: Of OUR: Even BETTER-Over-Time: Great-Heroic-MEN !!!

In our ((("MODERN"))) World of Perpetual-"Dating" ... and then, sometimes: "Marriage"-as-a-Fraudulent-Preliminary to: A Very "Lucrative"-"DIVORCE-Settlement" ...

"Modern"-"Feminists" and "Neo-Virgins" ..... Seem to BE: Effectively very much LIKE: slimy weaselly LYING MURDEROUS: jews† !!! :-o

(†Yes! --> (((they))) very-"Vengefully": "cleverly"-deploy: POISONING: "strategies" most-'liberally': too!)

Albert said...
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Albert said...

It is CLEAR now to Everyone* (Compos Mentis) ...
--> That it is Now: "Do or DIE!" --> (((them))) or US !!! :-o
* Even WHITE-Women (who were once: 'Special'-"minorities") ... NOW that jews have "lumped-THEM-in": as "ebil-WHITEY" ... have Begun to Realize: That the jews' "PLAN":
--> For This: to NOT-work-out-WELL: for Them** either!

** It is "funny" that in Sweden etc: "Feminists" Screeched: That: Husbands were 'Raping'-Their-Wives!
... But NOW: That "Immigrant"-RAPEFUGEES in-gangs-of-10-20+: MORE-than-'just': "RAPE" WHITE-Women ...
"Rape" ... the "EUPHEMISM" that it IS for-such ... is NOT ((("Allowed"))) to even be: Mentioned !!! :-o
--> A "Double-Standard" ... is the sign: of a ((("MASTER")))-'Slave' "clever"-System !!! :-o