August 26, 2022

The Perfect Triangle with Giuseppe Episode #109 2022.08.26

Giuseppe and Scorpio welcome Ayo Kimathi

80k CF Download


Albert said...

I don't want to come across as a libtard or anything ...

I mean, I like Mike Sledge, as much as the next guy ...

and his Bill Clinton, is pretty good ... (Bill was quite a ol'-"dawg" in His Time! ;-) )

And his Alex Jones is great!

(Retarded-"Conspiracy-Theorist" "Anti-Vaxxxer" and "Anti-Voter": Alex deserves to be Ridiculed and Disgraced!:

And DRIVEN-off-the-Air/Internet-with-Crippling-(((Lawsuits))) !!! -- the anti-jew scumbag!
[And BOTH of his (((wives"))) should be Ashamed-of-(((themselves)))! for even F$%&king him! ... was all those $-Millions really-"worth" Your-((("Dignity"))) (((Ladies))) ?!!!]

But, the "White-Face" !!!? and Out-Landishly: Playing a: "Straight Black-Man Nationalist Pride" guy?!!!

-- After all we have Been-Through, and "Learnt" since the Tragic-Death of "Pink"-Floyd !!!

...... And what's-Even-WORSE: all of the Despicable "Ignorant": "Gay" Bashing ?!!!

Such VILE-HATRED most-certainly Deserves to be "Taken-Down" by Twitch ... to "Protect" Everyone who is Decent and Truly-Loving !!! ...

Come-on .... "2.5% of folks are "Gay"!" .... ridiculous !!!

--> EVERYONE "Knows" how wonderfully-Yummy and Absolutely-Fabulous: Smearing-POOP all-over-oneself and also: ones "Lovers" is !!!

I mean ... such "Gay"-Ecstasy: its Absolutely Irresistible !!! -- As indeed ARE: Poopy-Butt-Holes* !!!

--> There is NO such "thing" as STRAIGHT !!! ..... Just some-hold-out: "Knuckle-Dragging" "incel"-LIARS !!!

(*Especially if: ones "Lovers" EAT all-sorts of various SUPER-extravagantial-Enhancers !!! -- Ooooh! is that: Cabbage/Garlic/Pears/Sushi/Raw-Fish/Pigs-Brains etc, that-YOU-just-ATE?!!! ... -- Goody !!! Yumm Yumm YUMMY !!! -- Smear-"it" ALL over-ME ... Baby!)

Me-Thinks THOU Doth "Protest" too-Much !!!

-- Obviously You GUYS ... or "Should" I "Out-YOU" ... and Say: "You GAYS!" (Get it!?)

Are just "self-Hating" in-the-closet: ... and OBVIOUSLY (Soo OBVIOUSLY Guys!): Secretly-Gay !!!!!!!!!

Anyway, the "Black-Face" "Prank" was completely-UN-ACCEPTABLE !!!

-- I mean, it's the Present-Year for criss... sakes!

------> I will NEVER* Listen-to You Disgusting-RACIST Anti-Semitic Homophobes AGAIN !!!

-- AND I'm Burning ALL of the "T"-Shirts that I already-Bought from You "GAYS" too !!!

*Until, YOU finally "come-Out" ... and "Honestly"-ADMIT:

-- That: Poopy, and smearing-poopy ALL Around everywhere: is indeed "Absolutely-Fabulous" ... and the Very-HIGHEST Of:

Moral, Religious, Lifestyles, and the very Pinnacle: of Ethical Wholesome Identities ... and the very-most "Progressive"-IDEA of ALL Ideas* !!!

(*Except "Pedo" of-course !!! -- "Pedo" is the Very-BEST of-course ... EVERYONE "Knows" THAT !!! Come-ON! -- Am (((I))) Right?!)

Albert said...
