February 10, 2023

Vax Murderers Fauci, Gates, The CDC, The WHO, The FDA Trying To Apologize - Never Forget; Never Forgive - Jimmy Dore, Chris Sky, John Kaminsky, Michael Senger, Henry Makow, Five Times August With Gates Behind the Bars


A Warning from Chris Sky
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John Kaminsky

Cry Baby Volodomor Jooloonsky Discovers Russia is No Pussy


COVID is a hoax designed to frighten people into getting a toxic “vaccine.” A pandemic with a death rate of less than .5% is not a pandemic. It is a pretext for a globalist (Communist) coup d’état. Your government did this to you with the complicity of the medical profession, the mass media, education, churches and law enforcement. The whole exercise proves that most people will shoot their grandmothers if there is a monetary incentive. Ultimately the blame lies with the satanist (Masonic) Jewish central banking cartel (Rothschilds) which seeks to cull the herd and enslave the survivors. Our corrupt ancestors gave these miscreants our national credit cards. Henry Makow

The Political Became Very Personal

By Michael Senger – (henrymakow.com) Feb 7, 2023

Covidscam – The Personal Toll – Never Forget; Never Forgive


The suffering inflicted by the COVID psy op has been under reported by the MSM (understandably.) This article by Michael Senger is the beginning of a reaction to the psychological rape we all have suffered at the hands of the globalists.

Michael Senger--"I recently sent out a query on Twitter as to how people had been affected by the response to COVID at an individual level. The conversation that emerged is an illuminating and haunting reflection of what each of us experienced over the past three years. Below is a tiny selection of the responses that I found especially powerful."

In a world built upon lies—-enforced by death of innocence—-the greatest of all lies (the covid scam) was an opportunity for people to finally become REAL, identify with truth as it applies to them, and CHANGE THEIR LIVES…

In this respect, it was the best thing to happen to the world in history…
It was a stroke of IRONIC TRANSPARENCY…

People EXACTLY became what they are at their motivational core!
What is the downside to your parents and kids and relatives and friends rejecting you because you simply used your God-given rational mind to behave faithfully to who you were created to be???

How quickly we deem Christ to be a historical “blip”…

Covidscam – The Personal Toll – Never Forget; Never Forgive

“Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Admits Company Produced 100,000 COVID-19 Vaccine Doses In 2019 Before The ‘Pandemic’ Started.


He recalls a conversation and said, that in 2019 he stated ‘We need to make a billion doses next year, there’s going to be a ‘pandemic.’…. ”

rec. earlier https://www.bitchute.com/video/Csigl9CKAiM1/

WEF livestream 30 December 2020 “We took 2 days to design the vaccine on the computer”



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I, for one, enjoyed the Lockdown. Did as I pleased, worked every day, carried bolt-cutters, played tennis every day with another non-sheep, surfed, free-dived, got lobster (forgot to check them for covid!!), and drove like hell. No cops, no one else on the roads, so I did as I pleased.

Parked anywhere I pleased, got yelled at in my store, only problem was medical and dental, really. Too much money in the hoax so medicine went out the window.

lewis jones:

COV harvested quite a few people who were already depressed or feeble or enslaved; they might not have lasted long anyway. At one level, life is a battle, and you are looking for victory.


Jim: (Part 2):

 “Of these dogmas, I believe the practice known as vaccination to be the most
absurd and most pernicious. I do not believe that a single person has ever been
protected from smallpox by it; while I know that many serious bodily evils and
even deaths, have resulted from its employment. The whole theory is founded
upon assumption, contrary to common sense and entirely opposed to all known
principles of physiology. Every physician of experience, has met with numerous
cases of cutaneous eruptions, erysipelas and syphilis, which were directly
traceable to vaccination, and if these cases could be collected and presented in
one report, they would form a more terrible picture than the worst that has ever
been drawn of the horrors of smallpox.” —Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, Dean of the
United States Medical College of New York

“Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring."

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS VIRUS, IT IS EUGENICS but far more insidious than almost anyone understands.

Gabreal Jones:

Dalai Lama (also) pushing the injection


Very SAD indeed

Gates behind the Bars


By Five Times August ( Mind You : on youtube )




John Kaminski American Writer and Critic
John Kaminsky
"Doctors, politicians, editors deserve the death penalty for conspiring to commit premeditated genocide."

Do I still need to tell you that it is way past time to rise up and destroy the maniacs who are destroying our country and the world, before we are no longer able to attempt such a vitally necessary maneuver?

Among other reasons, it would be the only way to convince the world that we have regained our sanity, which would forestall the necessity of the rest of the world to rise up and destroy the mad dog the United States of America has clearly become, which as we speak, China and Russia are certainly contemplating.

Because if we don’t do it ourselves, eventually someone else surely will.

- John Kaminsky
Vax Murderers


The last couple of years have been great for me:

1/ I was forced to study the idea of terrain theory.
2/ I passed the vaxtermination intelligence test.
3/ I realized more than ever the reason why I’m a virtual hermit considering the stupidity of most.
4/ The mass culling has completed my comprehension of political economy.


Critiquing the 2020s is the easy part. What about the 2010s?…

From what I recall, the majority became transcendentally obsessed with Facebook (unable to work or look after their family, very often) and other social media; preening self-presentation / cult of posey-wosey via “selfies”; the ice bucket challenge and myriad other time-well-spent pursuits. Millions of women proudly sharing snaps of their body parts with the world.

The millennial / narcissistic generation lost all sense of what is or isn’t real. Refusing to say as much as “Hi” to anyone outside their virtual bubble. Unable to boil an egg. Quitting jobs at 25 and traveling to 190 countries in manic succession. Someone has a different view? They must be destroyed, immediately. Making mantras and tarot cards and occultic affirmations completely mainstream. In extreme cases, killing a homeless person just to “see what it’s like.” Because in their estimation, any intense experience is a good experience. Etc. etc. etc.

So there. Let’s not forget how we got here.

This woman’s rage is justified. She screams how her father was murdered, strapped to a bed without food and water and pumped with killer drug Remdesivir; and then while murdering him the hospital blamed her for his death for being unvaxxed. When this rage around the world comes together it will bring change.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/q3XFiLuZbxK9/ (1m 45s)


@ praetorian gourd

The video says it all – what we all ought to be FIGHTING AGAINST.

Henry is right about the communist scourge where people really mean nothing and all that matters are the elites and their plans to remake the world according to their own designs and essentially without anyone who does not fit into their plans and who does not comply. This is war!

We cannot rely on the brainwashed mainstream-media sheeple dutifully waiting to be injected with the next bioweapon jab and carted away in a body bag. Even in their compliant stupidity they are a majority, they are too programed, dissociated and weak either to support the State or to resist in a real fight. In Brazil the communist government with Rothschild money and US CIA support they stole the election. The corrupt army did nothing just like in the totally corrupt USA and Canada. Their government goons are now clamping down on the people everywhere. They are presently raiding homes and seizing children from homeschooling parents.

Wake up anyone who is still a real person! They are now taking your children and brainwashing and corrupting them through government programs, the MSM, and the public schools. If you resist, they call it child abuse. Get it? This is war!




Swiss President and the Minister of Health are under investigation, indictment, and prosecution by the Attorney General for Covid Crimes involving lying about the vaccine effectiveness and safety. Thailand convening war crime tribunals to nullify Pfizer Contracts.


The ‘lockdowns’ suited my hermit-like nature. I read a lot and practiced my music…A LOT. There were seeming ‘months of Sundays’ which I found conducive to harnessing psychic energy. Practice came to a peaceful and unforeseen end in the summer of 2021 and I didn’t touch my guitars or keyboard for a solid year. I took up deep breathing regimens and cold showers instead. Doing everything within my power to not be reactive and endlessly condemnatory of the robot-like behavior around me. This was far more productive than conspiring to murder ‘elites’. I don’t really wish to be a murderer; and what would it accomplish anyway? Nothing. Knowing that a God-given insight was at work within me I did my best to nurture that. And here we are…Stop…Look…and Listen.



The whole scenario took me back to my childhood. The gaslighting, the arbitrary senseless rules, the scapegoating, etc., which is why it was so easy for me to spot what was going on with “Covid”.

Have distrusted the government for a very long time, ditto medical doctors, i was somewhat astounded to see them OPENLY DISPLAY THE FACT that we live in an oligarchy of foreigners, and rub the faces of the proletariat in the fact that we are mostly free range serfs.

My brother’s little doctor friends probably murdered my father during this time because i am told his death was labeled, “Covid complications”..the government he worked for and loved so much murdered him… don’t know exactly what occurred because my brother is dangerous and i refuse to let him back into my life.

For 2 years i felt burning incandescent rage..then i realized that i was NOT going to waste my energy on these bastards. In some ways i am grateful because it woke my husband the hell up fast.

I have always LONGED to drop OUT of society and become self sufficient…go off grid. Now my husband is considering partially off grid to be a must..and the potential to be self sufficient a great idea.

Friends = enemies waiting to happen..

Family = insufferable unavoidable imbeciles..

Wives = Expensive mistakes…

So one shouldn’t feel disappointment with the jabbers that wanted you incarcerated…

it’s their values and who they are..

@ Dayne..

l agree… most millennials are whining little simps (but not all).. therefore they should most definitely be executed..en mass..

l would suggest fuel air bombing football stadiums when packed to capacity with them… (dual benefits)..

we could actually employ some of the more intelligent ones to sweep up the cinders afterwards.. and resurface the roads..which of course would be the only time in their lives that they’ve been of any fucking use..


Jim: (Part 3):

“Every intelligent person who takes the time to investigate vaccination, will find
abundant evidence in the published writings and public records of the advocates
of vaccination, to prove its utter worthlessness, without reading a line of anti-vaccination literature. And if we could add to this all the suppressed facts, we
would have a mass of evidence before which no vaccinator would dare to hold
up his head.”—Dr. Robert A. Gunn, MD, “Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils”,

“I have no faith in vaccination, nay, I look upon it with greatest disgust, and
firmly believe that it is often the medium of conveying many filthy and
loathsome diseases from one child to another, and it is no protection from
smallpox.” —Dr. William Collins, MD, London, 1882

“Vaccination has made murder legal. Vaccination does not protect against
smallpox, but is followed by blindness and scrofula. Jennerism is the most
colossal humbug which the human race has been burdened with by FRAUD and
DECEIT.” —Mr. Mitchell, member of the British House of Commons


I wish a long line of lone wolf assassins for all european political traitors following
them in their retirement !

and what is with the whites in south africa under siege of genocide by racist black
criminals ? while african parasites here get refugee/asylum status & welfare but not SA whites. NO ONE WANTS SA WHITES BUT BLACKS !

The only inconvenient I suffered during the past three years was to wear a mask while shopping. I still went to work as usual. I never signed in or was ever asked to prove I was vaccinated and I have never had so many visitors, (my place for coffee instead of the shops). In general I barely noticed.

I didn’t comply with lockdowns or mask mandates. I went about my business as usual. Although I was asked to put a mask on several times, while out, attending to day-to-day affairs, I politely said no each time. I was only once refused service – at a local newsagent’s. It didn’t bother me.

What struck me most acutely, at the time, was the surrealistic tenor of Covid-19 and its weird regulations. I was deeply troubled by the sight of little children, in pushchairs, wearing face masks. Social distancing was just a ludicrous take on barrier nursing. The very notion of benevolent house-arrest had an absurdist quality to it that utterly beguiled me. The enthusiasm for vaccine intervention was most peculiar, indeed. It all had the air of a cobbled-together fantasy fiction, from the outset. I’m less inclined toward this perception now. In the aftermath of the danse macabre, I mostly feel pity and anger.

At the end of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai, the last two honorable survivors, look at each other and one of the Samurai says, “Well, we survived again.” The other noble warrior replies, “Yes.”

Jim: (Part 4):

The knowledge and proven fact on papers from the very best of medicine from the late 1700s to 1900 KNOW THERE IS NO VIRUS. If you are with Pasteur and Koch, you should quit. Princeton University “The Private Science of Louis Pasteur” 100 years after his experiments in 1993, shows without any doubt whatsoever there are no virus and that the their was no science in his finding, just a fabrication of inferences with absolutely no scientific proofs of any of his theories. Pasteur is a liar and a fraud that cheated science, following no scientific method that still today cannot be proven as Virology is 100% a LIE. Koch’s postulates are even more insidious.

Medicine is nothing more than fabricated inferences of lies that are well known in by Necroscopy. With advances in microscopy it was easy to disprove the entire fraud but the money lovers could not afford their mistake as even without the new findings, the people were dying and getting very sick when vaccinated. Of every vaccine, they all increased disease at a time when diseases were going down due to cleaner working conditions.

The greatest researchers that you never heard of because money and power are more important than life itself”


I have been able to understand this 4 years ago but this video is outstanding. This is only the beginning of this rabbit hole.


John Olooney
One of millions sadly; I get calls every day from the same people saying the same exact thing as this rightfully bloody angry lady. This is your World Economic Forum futures guys.


Fat-Fred on February 8, 2023 at 2:30 pm

my 3 favorite authors Nik Kollerstrom Chris Spivey and David Irving
have all proved there was no jewish holocaust.

Prime Minister Harold Macmillan said on record that the holocaust myth was designed
to cover for allied atrocities in ww 2.

Umbra Bellator:

This was a really good piece. Thanks to Henry and Rixon for posting it. Some excellent commentary as well by some above.

@ O … I always enjoy O’s commentary; it’s typically witty, entertaining, and his parody lyrics are usually quite good. I do take exception with O’s opposition to some of us wanting to kill the scum in the predator class that have targeted We the People for abject slavery and extinction, as O asked, “what would it [killing them] accomplish anyway?” What snivelry.

They are wickedly evil and have been making a concerted effort to destroy humanity. Allowing them to live is practically condoning their actions. The predators need to not only be killed, “murdered” as you say, they need to be slaughtered in the streets, both to rid the world of such evil and to send a clear message to anyone thinking about pulling the same type of shit. This is f*cking war, man, and it’s them or us at this point. The only other acceptable option for some of them would be to strip them of everything, shove them in small, dank cells, and let them rot.

Covidscam – The Personal Toll – Never Forget; Never Forgive

Make Them & The Rot-Childs Rot in a COVID Camp!
* Suggested by Gabreal Jones *


See Sir Umbra Bellator for more tips on how to punish common evildoers.


Dr. OriGinal Larry said...

You were missed Noor! You are back with a vengeance I see, It is going to take me some time to get to it all, but I will, Keep fighting the good fight!

ruxpert said...

That's the most Majestic guillotine pic I've seen.

ruxpert said...

07.02.23 - McGregor: - END OF NATO IS NEAR

ruxpert said...

The Stranger - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis