20 years ago in Baghdad
"Lawmakers" introduced a new bill in Israel that would punish believers for sharing the gospel of Jesus with prison time.
Lawmakers introduced a new bill in Israel that would punish believers for sharing the gospel of Jesus with prison time.

Massive Protests All Over Europe! Paris, London, Berlin.. all over Europe: Massive protests calling for peace!
Long live the oil expropriation!" - Mexico

Good & interesting stuff:
Here is my response to Jimstone.is being taken away, and I am sure Singapore won't mind it a bit!
When I was in the NSA, it was done practically only one way: by hiding in plain sight. Here is what was done:
NSA would load up container freight boxes with their hardware, disguise
the contents as being for a company, preferably a telecommunications
firm, and then simply drive them to where they wanted them placed. If
they got pulled over and inspected they'd pass, no one knows what
telecommunications hardware looks like especially since the NSA
literally is that. They, almost unilaterally, wanted them placed on top
of mountains that were within eyeshot of important military
installations and important civilian areas, where communications could
be intercepted.
percent of the time, the equipment would be placed where other antennas
already existed. In other words, when you look at the tops of mountains
anywhere in the world, you'll see antennas up in the mountains. These
are expected, and provide perfect cover for the NSA's own antennas. In
most countries, no one knows who's stuff is who's, so once the NSA is in
place, an endless stream of people could go up to the mountain tops to
do maintenance, look right at the NSA's antennas and never bat an eye,
expecting them to belong to "some other company".
the NSA's case however, there will be someone manning the equipment
24/7 which is why container freight boxes get placed - they provide
concealment and are left on top of the mountains often enough so
suspicions are not raised. Usually the containers will have something
under them that has been dug out for more space.
who keeps the containers stocked? Not the marines, the occupants stock
the containers themselves or receive shipments to them when it is
determined to be safe. They don't like to be penned up as much as they
are, and often get out and go into the surrounding areas as tourists who
"are just hiking back in the mountains". So obviously, if you want to
bust the NSA, you have to keep a keen eye open looking for super fit
tourists who go hiking in the mountains a lot. When I was in the NSA I
communicated with these people occasionally just to keep them from dying
of boredom, sometimes it's only one guy and the post is similar to
solitary confinement. Other times there will be groups and they'll fare
better mentally. One time one of the people came back from Iran and he
was pissed at me for not communicating more. But I had a large number of
responsibilities and talking to him was not one of them, it was only
done when there was time.
locate the assets on your turf: Pay close attention to any tourist
hikers. Pay close attention to ALL ANTENNA FIELDS, EVERYWHERE and keep
an inventory of who is actually registered with the government to be
there while keeping in mind that sometimes the NSA accomplishes that,
the big key is whether or not people are there.. Inspect ALL antenna
fields, including opening all containers or structures and getting down
to the nitty gritty of what is actually in them. Pay attention to secret
hatches, and around all antenna fields do a close inspection for
alternative entrances that may have been dug down the slope a ways, as a
way to get to the container without being noticed.
lot of the NSA's technology mission has changed since I was there, but
methods such as placing people the way I have described will not have
changed. now, instead of giant magnetic media and satellite uplinks
they'll be far more likely to be smuggling data on multiple terabyte SD
devices. Those will now absolutely stomp magnetic media, what used to
weigh a thousand pounds could now be stuffed in a shirt pocket with
ease. If they are not busted where they work, the data theft simply
cannot be stopped anymore, it is far too easy to hide.
are used. The NSA listens. That's their job, the NSA totally avoids
transmitting where possible. And to conceal transmissions, many many
times lasers are used, in wavelengths that are not visible. As soon as
you transmit in the EM spectrum, you subject yourself to the possibility
of intercept no matter how good and directional your antennas are, and
an intercept means your cover is blown. So high quality lasers that
don't spread much over distance are a key item in the tool box, and were
used when I was there. Even back then, a laser connection could do a
hell of a lot, far more than any wired connection.
connections will allow a small installation to intercept massive
amounts of data in the EM spectrum, which will then be beamed out via
laser to a receiver up to 10 miles away, from which the data is
subsequently re-transmitted without giving up the location of where it
was intercepted. This is quite hard to deal with, however, receiver
stations can be embedded in hillsides that have thick vegetation. A
small opening in the vegetation measuring only a couple feet across will
be made, after which there will be a "natural" opening that looks like
an animal burrow or cave entrance that houses the laser receiver.
Jim Stone
1 comment:
I got sooooo much More out of this ...... than the latest 2+ hours of sludge-score! ;-)
This 28 minute Scott Roberts is very-Interesting: jews are "aliens"-bent-on-DESTROYING: US !!!!!!!!! :-o
The Origin of Your Enemy
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