Titans of Truth Alfred Schaefer in Germany and Professor Anthony Hall
in Canada boldly stand against the tidal wave of lies from the synagogue
of satan! Do not miss this show!"
CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup – Ed Dowd
By Greg Hunter – The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World July 30, 2023
By Greg Hunter – The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World July 30, 2023

The Coutts Four | Day 533 | Good Morning with Jason | July 31

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, author of the book called “Cause Unknown” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022 for 7.29.23.
CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup – Ed Dowd
By Greg Hunter – The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World July 30, 2023
Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with money manager and investment expert Ed Dowd, author of the book called “Cause Unknown” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022 for 7.29.23.
CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup – Ed Dowd
By Greg Hunter – The 2nd Smartest Guy in the World July 30, 2023
Maybe START the GREAT Alfred Talk at 19-minutes ;-)
Professor Anthony Hall is quite-sincere .... but, nonetheless is still like a Professor in his Speech! ;-)
But, this talk turned out Very Well, as Prof is almost the "straight-man", or the "spock" to Captain-kirk! ;-)
Prof DID manage to come-back: defending his "measured-speech" position ... by saying that: "hurting-someone's-feelings" (after the jews have VICIOUSLY-MURDERED: 200,000,000 of OUR Precious-WHITE-Folks!) .... was a MISS-characterization of HIS-stance! ;-)
Prof's points were quite BEARABLE ... and Alfred's + Giuseppe's Points were GREAT !!! :-) :-) :-)
The German-"police"-DUPES MAY be coming for: 65-year-Old Alfred in a Day or two's Time! :-o :-o :-o
To Torture Him with 6-months MORE (((shite))) !!!
Alfred's NEW computer-analogy took ME a bit to get-my-mind-around .....
--> but indeed it is Very VERY APT !!! -- the jews have an Anti-LIFE "Programming" (An International: World-"Mafia"-crime-syndicate Rule-book + Kehilla!)..... which is DEATH for everyone Else !!!
-- And, over Time DEATH-for-the-vicious-"vengeful"-INSANE-Parasitic-EVIL-jews (((themselves))) as well !!! :-o
Believe-it-or-not .... I took some computers + laser-printer with Indian-Alphabet-Fonts which I had MADE: to India 35 Years ago ..... and the TORMENT the Indian-"bureaucracy"-SHITE they Put Me THROUGH .....
--> Had ME ultimately-CONCLUDE .... that I would have SAVED a LOT of $$$, and stress ....
----> IF I had "simply" SMASHED-to-tiny-Pieces: ALL of my computer-stuff, in the airport ... rather than "going-through" the Frustration: of the "taxes" etc! :-o
The so-called "Nature vs Nurture" "programming" of creatures ... especially Humans .... is a CRUCIAL Aspect of OUR present-((("predicament"))) ... which WE simply-MUST: Thoroughly-UNDERSTAND, and Manage ..... or SEE the complete-DESTRUCTION: Of the Wonderful-WHITE-Race ... and ALL of the GENEROUS-Creation ... that OUR Civilization has Brought to/Generously-GIVEN to the World!
Contrary to the ((("mainstream")))-LIES ......
--> for WHITE-Folks: "Nurture" is pretty-well 95% resulting in: PERMANENT DISABILITY to-US !!!
ie: IF Beautiful WHITE-Children were "simply" allowed: Sufficient PURE-Nourishing-Food, and calm-Protected-Childhoods with the "freedom of association"-JOYS of simple Friends + Family ..... Naturally-UPLIFTED by OUR Happy-FOLKS: WE would Each very Easily REACH OUR FULL Potentials !!! :-) :-) :-)
Nevertheless EVIL-jews' "clever"-"Programming": Is to viciously IMPLANT: "ideas" .... which will-by-(((DESIGN))) DESTROY US ALL !!! :-o
Thus, YES! ..... the only WAY: at this DIRE-Point: to STOP: the jews from "Installing" VERY-DESTRUCTIVE-((("Programming"))) into OUR Precious-WHITE-Children, and Grown-Folks too ....
Is to effectively-RE-Program (((them))) ........
and, yes, IF this "simple" remedy ... proves-to-be-impossible ......
Then, as the "small"-number-of-VICIOUS-jews "programmed"-as-they-ARE for "vengeance" ..... have ALREADY: Brutally-MURDERED: 200,000,000 of OUR: Precious-WHITE-Folks ......
"Smashing-into-tiny-Pieces" (((their)))-"hardware" ... to prevent (((their))) "software-programs" from: Total World Annihilation ...... would indeed be a very VERY Cheap "cost" indeed ......
Compared to: LOSING EVERYTHING GOOD in the Entire World !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-o :-o :-o
Too much bullshit at the beginning of the show. Spare me the entertainment. Tony Hall was waffling and was still on the defensive. I didn't really get to hear Alfred talk too much. You need warriors like Alfred who are going to stand up to the Jews. Also nobody is framing their arguments against the Jew properly. Everything the jew says about the Germans IS blood libel. They are breaking their own commandments "of bearing false witness" It's a flat-out lie and there's supposed to be legal repercussions for libel. First of all there were only 500,000 Jews in all of Germany. Hitler let them all leave. I'm sure there were more than that that stayed back. There are also Germans who have mixed Jewish blood and I think that's a lot of Germans to be honest. England was definitely injected with the Jewish DNA and became Britain. British means "the covenant of the foreskin cut". England ended circumcision by 1945.
Jews are satanists. Jews are anti Christ. Judaism is satanism. Anyone who defends the jew is anti Christ. Anyone who serves the jew is anti Christ; a satanist. The day the jews killed the Christ was a declaration of war against Yahweh/God
I'm really feeling the joy. lol
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