Exposing the Darkness
Lioness of Judah – Substack.com Aug 15, 2023
Guest Post by Diana West August 14, 2023
Exposing the Darkness
Lioness of Judah – Substack.com Aug 15, 2023
Guest Post by Diana West August 14, 2023
MSN, a corporate news outlet operated by Microsoft, believes it’s an “outlandish conspiracy theory” to question how a 44-page book about the Maui “wildfire” managed to get written, edited, printed and published two days after the fires started.
If you think that’s just a little bit too speedy for a book on a tragedy to be exploited and blamed on “climate change,” then you are a conspiracy theorist, according to MSN.
Here’s what the news outlet says about the book:
Since the onset of wildfires in Hawaii earlier this month, outlandish conspiracy theories involving ‘space lasers’ have proliferated across social media platforms. Now, the internet is questioning the veracity of a book published soon after the fires began.
‘Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change’, authored by Dr Miles Stones, has recently garnered significant attention. The curiosity is largely attributed to the fact that the book was published a mere two days after the fires started on August 8.
MSN apparently also doesn’t think it strange that nobody knows anything about the author of the book, Fire and Fury.
This reminds me of how the Georgia Guidestones appeared out of nowhere in a cow pasture in rural north Georgia in 1979 and nobody knew how it got there. One day it was a vacant field, the next day there was a giant granite monument testifying to the goals of the climate freaks, including their desire to dispense with 90 percent of the people living on planet earth.
The aerial photo of the completely circular ring of fire tells it all. It takes no genius to tell us this was a deliberate attack on Lahaina. Ditto Biden’s refusal to prioritize the fire rather than his sunning vacation on the Delaware beach. Lahaina’s future is the big question. Will there be rebuilding or will the land be taken from rightful owners and used for some other nefarious purpose?
On the Great Hawaii shoreline
To burn houses down and now he
Wants us to believe his lyin'
Rank Pappa with the monsters
Was at the best place around
And that stupid with a DEW gun
Burned the place to the ground
Stoke on The Water...Fire from the sky
Stoke on The water...
They burned down the scrambling house
It died with an awful sound
Clunky Claude was running in and out
Pulling kids from the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
So this time we're running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Stoke on the water...Fire from the sky
Stoke on the water...
We hurried out through the Gates of Hell
We were empty, scarred and scared
But with controlling cuck cop thugs just outside
We couldn't get out of there
With a few head lights and a few old sheds
We made a place for beds
No matter what we get out of this
I know, I know we'll never forget
Stoke on the water...Fire from the sky
Stoke on the water...
We never got any such first hand testimony from even one Canadian back in June.
Joe Biden may not have a comment about the devastating fire in Lahaina, Maui….but I do.
Tina and I visited Maui many years ago and to me the island really was paradise. Lahaina was a quaint town on the Northwest coast of the island and it was charming. It disturbed me to see how it was suddenly annihilated by a fire fanned by a hurricane that was 700 miles away. I extend my condolences to all the families who lost loved ones.
Nearly 100 have died due to the conflagration, and that death toll keeps rising. The fire reminded me of the one that took place a few years ago in another paradise of sorts—Paradise, California.
That fire was very unusual. It melted engine blocks in some cases while sparing trees nearby. Was that a directed energy experiment? Were some sort of directed energy beams, lasers or microwaves used? Yes, I know I come across as a ‘conspiracy theorist,’ but I have good reason to be suspicious. After seeing Building 7 fall during 9-11 and after the planned-demic foisted upon the world by Gates, Fauci, and Big Pharma, I have every right to my suspicions.
Maui wildfires burn historic town of Lahaina, kill over 90 Hawaiians with hundreds still missing !
Terrifying images show the magnitude of the damage in Lahaina, the Maui town that was completely torched by wildfires on August 8. The death toll from the Hawaiian wildfires has reached 93 people with dozens injured and hundreds still missing.
Local officials still do not know the exact origin of the fire, which was spread rapidly by strong winds from Hurricane Dora. Those winds, along with dry conditions and low humidity, spelled disaster for residents – many of whom only had minutes to escape certain death
Miles Mathis has added “interesting” information about the Maui fired, including photographs.
Maui Wowie!
in my eyes the jew governor Green + jews Bezo, Zuckerbait
and rest of jew billionare mafia are involved in it.
historical places of king Kamena are destroyed show they
don't care about history, identity, culture of other tribes.
Bboth USA + israhell have this floating DEW laser gun
from space like their TR3B .
While people were melting, Jews were watching and laughing, making observations about the success of their little experiment, giggling while making comments like “Just vait till ve unleash dis all over da vorld.” Remember what they want ; YOU AS SLAVES SERVING THEM. If you resist and decide to stay behind the locked doors of your home, they won’t even bother calling in their thug police ; they’ll just microwave your home and cook it from the inside out with you in it. They want 15m cities with 10 cameras on every street corner, microphones planted everywhere. They intend on setting up the world’s greatest most efficient thieving mechanism history has ever known, called the Great Reset. Your life will be reduced to that of a starving supplicating zombie, just like the zombies in their Hollywood movies where the Jews always telecast their intent. This juggernaut is being erected right NOW, and WE, we stupid gutless dumbass goy, are ALLOWING IT. We don’t realize that these little flat-chested weaklings known as JEWS are easily defeated in a physical sense, so easy. Instead, we grant them power over us and let them toy with us, poison our food, air, and water till everyone is sick and dying. Their mischievous deeds are infinite, but it is us, we little people who have ALL the power, and THEY KNOW IT AND ARE SCARED TO DEATH OF US, and this is why they need to corral us into smaller spaces and starve us into submission.
Now that this little test has proven itself successful, EXPECT MORE !! Because neurotics, psychotics, and natural-born sadists are never satiated until there is no more subjects to prey upon, and then they will stand there empty and dead in the world they created for themselves. Think they’ll have any withdrawal symptoms or will they start doing what they’ve always done, except to EACH OTHER ?