August 02, 2023

RageCast 360: BULLSHIT OLYMPICS '23 - Trudeau Gets DIVORCED!



"The worst kept secret in Ottawa is the coming election this fall so buckle up for another whirlwind extravaganza of lies on top of lies as professional liars compete in lying in a great lie-off to determine who is the best liar." - Jeremy MacKenzie










ruxpert said...


ruxpert said...

Trudeau belittling his questioner (and doesn't answer question).

Adanac said...

I still think Sophie is Michel Charles-Émile Trudeau.

Adanac said...

Try and find more than just 4-5 photos of him. He has never been found. Drowned in a small lake and the PM, Pierre could not get the resources to find his son? Bullshit!